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Should men be allowed to join women-only gyms?

GreyMatter said:
Biggoals, although some, and only some, of your points are valid, you are stereotyping all women into one collective "bitching-moaning-wanting-both-pieces-of-cake-and-eating-it-too" stereotypes.  Just because a small group of women aree in your opinion hypocrites for closing down all-male clubs doesnt mean all women are hypocrites.

Now let me give you some input from the fairer sex based on comments from my wife and her friends on this issue.

1) Most women like going to the gym to get fit, not to be ogled and assessed by every male in the joint. 
2) Women are already self-conscious about their personal image and body size.  They dont want male comments.
3) Dressing in a tight gym bodysuit does not equal 'loose' or 'open to offers', nor does it mean we are looking for dates. 
4) Catcalls and other sexually rude comments have been made illegal by law and most company policies, but men still do it, and expect women to accept it.  Wrong.
5) Part of going to a gym is to be with other women with similiar interests (and problems).  Male mockery of women's discussions are not appreciated.
6) Men are nowhere near as amusing as they think they are (i.e. saying things they think are amusing followed up by an infantile laugh at their own humour).
7) Telling women they are wusses for not doing more or heavier reps is not appreciated.
8) Some women are highly concerned over being sexually assaulted or worse.  An all-female gym severely limits this possibility.
9) Some women eat a 'treat' after training in the gym.  So what?  Men drink beer after playing a ball game.   
10) Both men and women sweat and not all members clean up afterwar themselves.  In the end, male sweat is grosser than female sweat.  Eww.

As a final point, they have no objection to men's fitness or sports clubs, what they object to are mens clubs that are used as tools for business deals, hiring people, and deciding promotions.

Sort of like Women's Business Associations?  Is their specific objective not to advance promotion of women and network with one another at the expense of male-owned businesses and colleagues?

Matthew.  :)
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Sort of like Women's Business Associations?  Is their specific objective not to advance promotion of women and network with one another at the expense of male-owned businesses and colleagues?

Hmmm.  From knowing a few who belong to such org's, their point of view is that they are a more of a 'protective group' acting in mutual support against a business world that is still male-orientated and still prejudiced towards keeping women out of business.  I agree though, its the same as having a male-only club isnt it?

If you want to argue more about this you'll have to find a current member and seek their detailed opinion.  I can only comment on what they have said to me on the subject based on my own queries and discussions. 
I provide consulting services to a number of women who belong to groups and I was speaking from knowledge.  There's a definite "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" philosophy that exists to the point where some women will not subcontract male-owned suppliers....I admit they're on the radical fringe, but I would contend that based on my business dealings the anti-women outlook (glass ceilings) exist in very few places anymore, and those dinosaurs that still behave that way are both very near to retirement, and are smart enough due to legal considerations to keep their archaic opinions to themselves.

Of note, I'm 33 and just about all my friends are consultants and or independent business owners and candidly none of care if a candidate is male, female, gay, black, white, green, purple or blue.  All we're looking for is low-emotional maintenance, competency in their area of expertise and a character that makes them ill to miss a deadline.

In that context, the anti-white male PC mafia out there that have established quotas and double-standard rules just pisses us off....which candidly is why more and more white males are going the entrepreneurial route, because we're not treated fairly in large corporations at this point (which is to say selection processes are neither gender nor racially neutral - I have two friends who are independent head-hunters who can attest to this).

Matthew.  :salute:
Biggoals2bdone said:
I am FOR women's only gyms...because then that means less waiting around while lil suzie Q does her umpteenth set of lil pink dumbbell exercises on the bench that 10 other ppl are wanting to use, whom she won't let work in...

And some guys don't do that, too?

Biggoals2bdone said:
when i train its chalk, straps, more chalk, grunting, psyching up, heavy breathing and even OOH NO some swearing and a few hundred pounds of slag iron

Some news for you, lots of women swear and lots of men don't.

Biggoals2bdone said:
So you know what in the end if it gets them out of my gym sure what the hell let them have their women only gym...they could take the guys that train like em too, was up to me...

Guys that train like them too? Like what?  Everybody trains differently, depending on what they are training for.  Not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder.

Someday, when you are a little more sure of your masculinity, you will read the type of crap you wrote above and you will want to throat punch yourself......
I don't care who trains at my gym as long as they aren't using the squat stands for wrist curls! (or any curls for that matter...)
Bruce Monkhouse said:

Someday, when you are a little more sure of your masculinity, you will read the type of crap you wrote above and you will want to throat punch yourself......

hehehehe... 'myself only, will throat punch by squads. Squad 1! *rasp rasp*'
You know bruce...i didnt insult you, i merely stated my opinion like these msg boards are there for...you don't have to be an a$$ clown with these stupid lil quippy comments about my masculinity...

im sorry you are homophobic and think bodybuilders are all insecure with there masculinity...thats your narrow-minded problem...would you say the same thing to NHL players, or NBA players for wanting to be the best at what they do...no i don't think so.

I don't know how my masculinity has anything to do with me not liking certain things about women in gyms (in general i already stated there were exceptions) and i also don't know how masculinity relates to this so called notion of equality feminists are preaching...

so do the world a favour and throat punch yourself for all of us...

P.S i know you are going to probably edit this comment because you are a mod or something...and you know what if you do thats your perogative...but not letting someone defend themselves when someone trash talks them for no good reason is pretty low.

Biggoals2bdone said:
You know bruce...i didnt insult you, i merely stated my opinion like these msg boards are there for...you don't have to be an a$$ clown with these stupid lil quippy comments about my masculinity...

im sorry you are homophobic and think bodybuilders are all insecure with there masculinity...

That is really NOT my perception of what he said !!!
Biggoals2bdone said:
You know bruce...i didnt insult you, i merely stated my opinion like these msg boards are there for...you don't have to be an a$$ clown with these stupid lil quippy comments about my masculinity...

im sorry you are homophobic and think bodybuilders are all insecure with there masculinity...thats your narrow-minded problem...would you say the same thing to NHL players, or NBA players for wanting to be the best at what they do...no i don't think so.

I don't know how my masculinity has anything to do with me not liking certain things about women in gyms (in general i already stated there were exceptions) and i also don't know how masculinity relates to this so called notion of equality feminists are preaching...

so do the world a favour and throat punch yourself for all of us...

P.S i know you are going to probably edit this comment because you are a mod or something...and you know what if you do thats your perogative...but not letting someone defend themselves when someone trash talks them for no good reason is pretty low.

Capitals.  Punctuation.  Use them.  They are your friends.
Biggoals, rein in the attitude or the only thing that will be moving on is you.

Army.ca Staff
Michael O'Leary, i would like to send you a PM...but can't seem to please indicate how I may contact you without posting in the forums, thank you.

George: what would like to prune? I'm guessing you mean edit/censor, correct?
No im not trying to pick a fight, im actually very curious what you would like to cut out of this debate.
I think this topic may have been inadvertently revived because of this recent story in the news:


which occurred as a result of this:


Edit:  add second link


And lets not let common sence and himan decency fall to the wayside in thinking all peoples are created equal and are looked at with the same thought in mind. Self serving news makers need not apply.

Now that I think about it... men should not be allowed to join women-only gyms and vice versa. If the gym is a specific gender, leave it and find one that is suitable for you. Women may be uncomfortable with guys scoping them out and just want to work out in a comfortable environment.
Fry said:
Now that I think about it... men should not be allowed to join women-only gyms and vice versa. If the gym is a specific gender, leave it and find one that is suitable for you. Women may be uncomfortable with guys scoping them out and just want to work out in a comfortable environment.

Oh! Come on!  Men would never do anything like that.        ;)
Oh please,

What do you think keeps me occupied as I ride the stationary bike or run the treadmill??

It isn't gawking at the posters on the wall.

We girls check out the human scenery too; that's not a male-dominated domain!!  ;)