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Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

*snicker* you would be surprised on where we do search Earl, not all are pleasant places, I will leave it at that. ;)
Ha ha ... we searched a 78' yacht once near Saltspring for dope ... after searching the top drawer of a dresser in aft cabin,  guess what we left lying on the king size bed???  Took a picture of it too ... strictly for evidence purposes.
Ex-Dragoon said:
*snicker* you would be surprised on where we do search Earl, not all are pleasant places, I will leave it at that. ;)
Hey I know my rights I'm entitled to a cavity search. ;D
In all seriousness there are so many places on aMerchant Ship to hide things do you Ex think yuo cought every thing.?
??? The golden rivet?  Is this one of those things that us non-military types will never understand?
The golden rivet?  Is this one of those things that us non-military types will never understand?

When you find it...you will know.
Mwahaha...bloody old salts
Sheerin said:
??? The golden rivet?   Is this one of those things that us non-military types will never understand?
Ever been to sea Billy?
Look out here comes the monkies fist!! ;) ;D
O.K. what's a monkies fist?
I saw that Spr. Earl I saw you call it the paw before you corrected yourself.....I was just about to post my correction.

Monkey's fist is Tied at the end of a line so it can be heaved farther, also if you make one large enough its funny to hit other sailors in the crotch as they come around corners.....as for monkey's paw.....I saw it in legend of kung fu once.....
Aaron put my last down to CRS   as you stated.
The knot with a weight placed in the middle and the whole fist is dipped in red lead (old days) and dried and dipped again for added weight for a heaving line as it's known as.

I was pretty good heaving it in my youth. ;)
They're still painted most of the time. What was the Merch like?
In all seriousness there are so many places on aMerchant Ship to hide things do you Ex think yuo cought every thing.?
I personally have not thought of everywhere contraband could be hidden but thats why we have a cross section of personnel from every department onboard. They know their spaces and they would know or at least have a general idea of spaces onboard another ship. We use the expertise that everyone has to enhance the team. It does no good to send a couple of Ops guys to search the engine room nor does it do any good for some engineers to search the bridge of a bulk carrier. I am sure we do miss some items but in the limited time we have we are very thorough and very good at what we do.
Searching in the Gulf:

Outside of the possibility of malicious conduct on the part of the crew of the detained vessel, there must be special dangers associated with boardings in the Gulf itself, such exposure to disease, or exposure to fire hazard etc. How are the boarding parties dealing with this, i.e. formalized training, or learn as you go. For example, when we boarded the Lin Mai in 87, unbeknown-st to us, there was a drug lab on board the ship, full of materiel's which were potentially explosive. The RCMP had us inventory the stuff and take it off as seized evidence. [keep in mind the crew attempted scuttle the vessel, so we had to move fast in case the hull techs couldn't repair the damage.] We had no training, and no proper equipment for this type of Op., but managed by improvising right then and there.    I assume things have improved somewhat?
Things have improved dramatically, a lot of the times we were regarded as the SME for boarding ops in the Gulf. Like any hazardous duty there are never any guarantees just ways to minimize and to be aware of any complications we might find.

Perhaps these photo's are all well known, but it's the first time I've seen any pics of this kind.  I have no experience or knowledge to base this judgement on, however I was impressed with these guys.  I would not want them boarding my ship if I was smuggling/transporting anything clandestine!

To all you guys pulling multiple deplyoments, and doing an awesome job of representing Canada with limited funds and equipment(numbers not quality) - you guys are doing an AWESOME job, and it is appreciated.  That goes for any sailor - not just the boarding teams!

PS  - I've learned quite a few interesting things from this site and appreciate the free education and info from everyone.
Go to the Combat Camera site and choose navy from the Select Category and then type "Boarding" in the second field.

The search should bring up a lot of pics
Hey look where his Loc is

"Joined: 09 Mar 2004
Posts: 735
Location: Republika Srpksa Krajina"

He's making a joke as Ex.Army who served there with the C.F. with UNPRFOR or ??
