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Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

MPG = CDA + CFRG. For those of a certain age, think CFRETS and you won't be far off.

But the bystander intervention training isn't from MPG.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Then perhaps it is implemented by tranches, one command at a time and the Army got first use.

It's being delivered as "cascade training".  Senior commanders get it from higher commanders who then "cascade" (deliver) it to the next level of subordinates.  Repeat the process until it gets down to the soldier/sailor/aviator level.

It's not bad and, if properly delivered, can result in some stimulating discussions, particularly amongst audiences with wide spreads in experience and age.
PuckChaser said:
As soon as we make that culture change (that was alluded to) that the CAF will seriously look into any complaint and charge the accused should there be grounds, we'll be far better off.

"Zero tolerance" does not equal "zero occurrences" and anybody who believes that it does, is seriously fooling themselves.. Much like the CAF Drug Policy (which also touts zero tolerance) there will still be those who think they can get away with it.
IIRC, the qual code for the trg is 1818242; it should be added to the MPRRs of those who have completed.
George Wallace said:
Zero Tolerance is one thing.  To Eradicate the problem is a completely different thing.

The only thing the CAF has been truly successful at eradicating is Somalia documents :-)
Haggis said:
The only thing the CAF has been truly successful at eradicating is Somalia documents :-)
So it's wrong to call the shredder at work the "Somalia Photocopier"?
Haggis said:
"Zero tolerance" does not equal "zero occurrences" ....
I think most of our discussion was on:
a) the expression "zero tolerance,"
b) potential repercussions (official and otherwise) for reporting, perpetrator, and victim, and
c) whether the 'scenarios' were created by a committee in NDHQ or some grad-student's bot that had no concept of context.

This situation blew up last night on the Cornwallis Alumni FB site.  The Admin posted the link to the Class Action Suit and folks started talking about their experiences, then a couple of self identified retired members came in and started calling the stories BS and accusing others on the thread of trying to get free money.  Anyway it all got shut down rather belately.
Lightguns said:
This situation blew up last night on the Cornwallis Alumni FB site.  The Admin posted the link to the Class Action Suit and folks started talking about their experiences, then a couple of self identified retired members came in and started calling the stories BS and accusing others on the thread of trying to get free money.  Anyway it all got shut down rather belately.

So typical Veteran Facebook behavior then.
Meanwhile, the lawyers' version of the class action in play, for the record ...
Koskie Minsky LLP in Toronto, Ontario has commenced a class action against the Attorney General of Canada on behalf of current and former female members of the Canadian Armed Forces.

The claim alleges that the Canadian Armed Forces is poisoned by a discriminatory and sexualized culture that condones sexual assault, sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination towards women.

The sexualized and discriminatory culture in the Canadian Armed Forces is characterized by highly degrading expressions that reference women's bodies, sexual jokes, innuendos, discriminatory comments with respect to the abilities of women, as well as sexual harassment and assault.  The policies in place are ineffective and the Canadian Armed Forces has failed to take the necessary steps to prevent this conduct.  Furthermore, the claim alleges that the Canadian Armed Forces has failed to ensure the advancement and promotion of women in all roles.

The claim seeks $300 million in damages for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of the class members' rights under section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which states that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.

"For too long, women in the Canadian Armed Forces have been denigrated and abused," says Jonathan Ptak, lead counsel at Koskie Minsky LLP, "and this case can start to right these wrongs of the past."

If you are a current or former female member of the Canadian Armed Forces, please call 1(888) 502-7455, visit www.kmlaw.ca/militaryassaultclassaction or email militaryassaultclassaction@kmlaw.ca.

Koskie Minsky LLP, based in Toronto, is one of Canada's foremost class action, pension, trade union, and litigation firms. Its class actions group has been a leader in class actions since 1992 and has prosecuted many of the leading cases in the area. Koskie Minsky LLP was counsel to the survivors of former residents of Huronia Regional Centre and 14 other residential facilities for people with disabilities against the Province of Ontario, wherein the Province agreed to pay survivors over $103.6 million and to provide an apology to former residents for the harm they sustained. Koskie Minsky LLP was also counsel in Cloud v. Canada, the first Indian residential schools class action certified in Canada, which resulted in a $4 billion pan-Canadian settlement.
Interesting how legal firms' news releases don't typically include the "these claims haven't been proven in court yet" -- although they do say "alleges" at one point -- that even some MSM include  >:D
Lightguns said:
This situation blew up last night on the Cornwallis Alumni FB site.  The Admin posted the link to the Class Action Suit and folks started talking about their experiences, then a couple of self identified retired members came in and started calling the stories BS and accusing others on the thread of trying to get free money.  Anyway it all got shut down rather belately.
Because (I add sarcastically based on the bit in yellow), after all ...


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"The claim seeks $300 million..."

That got my attention.
mariomike said:
"The claim seeks $300 million..."

That got my attention.

Wait until you find out what the lawyers' contingency fee is.

FJAG said:
Wait until you find out what the lawyers' contingency fee is.


Are they the ones who go on TV and say, "It's NOT about money. It's about JUSTICE!"?  :)
mariomike said:
Are they the ones who go on TV and say, "It's NOT about money. It's about JUSTICE!"?  :)

Justice for who? According to the lead lawyer's soundbites, its only about women in the CAF. Yes, they're the majority of victims, but there are unfortunately plenty of male plantiffs who could come forward and lend credibility. As soon as you start lumping sexual misconduct in with "lack of promotions and career advancement for women" it screams to me as a feminism pushing an agenda, instead of sorting out deplorable behavior towards other CAF members.
mariomike said:
Are they the ones who go on TV and say, "It's NOT about money. It's about JUSTICE!"  :)

That cuts both ways. Let me tell you what I said every time a client came to me wanting to sue someone and told me 'it's not about the money; it's the principle." - "It's always about the money. If not now it will be before this is over."

That said, while there is a role for contingency fees in many cases, these type of class action suits can be a huge revenue stream. Few law firms can afford to carry the costs and expenses associated with running these types of claims (essentially the firm doesn't get paid until it's all over - frequently years and even decades and there is a risk that there may be no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow0. But those that can usually have a fairly large pay day at the end. Standard rates run 30-40% of the settlement/judgment.


FJAG said:
- "It's always about the money. If not now it will be before this is over."


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