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Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF

Halifax Tar said:
I'm not sure I would call that minor.  This also made headlines.
Concur, I am not sure legally where minor ends and rape begins.  I want to call it rape but that can if worms thing.....

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Drew Grey said:
Is this common place in the CF as it is in the American military?

Sexual Assault & Sexual Misconduct in the CF 
20 pages.

Rape/ sexual harassment in reserves??
"So I recently dropped off my applications, but my parents and a person of great influence have been "warning" me of how I might get raped by other men whilst in the military,..."

How to get family on board
lzrlightshow said:
But every time i bring it up to my parents (i need their consent because i'm not 18 yet) they tell me that they will never approve of it, because they think that the army is full of violent angry people, and that if i were to join i would get beaten (at one point they even said i would be gang raped by 4 other gay men). 

Difference between reserve's part-time BMQ and summer full-time BMQ?
"My parents are getting super scared of me buttraped by other men so I'd seriously appreciate people's experience on the matter"


27 years in, worked at lost of various units - field units, operational sqn, HQs, double digit # of different training establishments.  I've never heard of or personally known of a rape case in the CAF between members.  The only one that comes to my mind was the one recently (last 2 years?) at Shearwater but that was Royal Navy members accused by a Canadian civilian, on a CAF base.
Drew Grey said:
Is this common place in the CF as it is in the American military? This article is enough to make one NOT want to join the CF.

If that's enough to make you not want to join the CF it may be a good thing considering what can happen to you if you hit an IED or get shot.

You should google some graphic pictures and videos of that stuff; it too may make you change your mind.
ModlrMike said:
. . . in almost 40 years of service I've yet to come across a case.

SeaKingTacco said:
. . . 31 years of service and have never personally run across a case. I'm sure that others' experiences may vary.

Eye In The Sky said:
27 years in, worked at lost of various units - . . . never heard of or personally known of a rape case in the CAF between members.  . . .

Huh?  Maybe I've just been unlucky but, during my service (and I've been long retired from the mob), I was aware of three cases of male on male rape - two of those were in the 1970s (one overseas on UN ops) and other in the 1980s.  I suppose that being in the medical world some of the nastier things that happen to people become part of your work.  Of those, two of the incidents ended in court, the other not.  As a note, I've only had similar involvement/knowledge of two incidents with female victims.
The latest report ...
The Chief of the Defence Staff, General Jonathan Vance, released online today the Canadian Armed Forces’ (CAF) second progress report on addressing inappropriate sexual behaviour.

The report outlines the progress achieved by the CAF in the first six months of 2016 across the four major pillars of Operation HONOUR – understanding the issue of harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour, responding more decisively to incidents, supporting victims more effectively, and preventing the occurrence of such behaviours in the first place. The report also addresses progress in relation to the 10 recommendations of the External Review Authority, former Supreme Court Justice Mme. Marie Deschamps.

The Canadian Armed Forces is only beginning to implement the change identified in Operation HONOUR, which though now well underway, will take years to instill and consolidate. Most of the initiatives generating this change are in their early stages. So too is the organization’s ability to measure the outcomes that are beginning to emerge. There are initial indications however, that change is occurring across the organization and individual members are being influenced.

Quick Facts

Improving support to victims was a key priority for the first year of Operation HONOUR. Incidents of harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour and sexual offences are still occurring in the Canadian Armed Forces, making it critical that victims have the care, support and response options they need. Victim support has been enhanced through several key initiatives including expanded hours of the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre; increased training for military health care professionals, military police and prosecutors; decisive action to ensure that victims are kept better informed throughout the investigative and judicial process; and improved victim support services from military police.

Another area of focus has been on gaining a much more complete understanding of the precise nature of the problem, in order to develop a model for a deliberate, long-term, sustainable change of culture. The Canadian Armed Forces contracted Statistics Canada to conduct a survey between April and June 2016 to collect information regarding: the prevalence of sexual misconduct within the military; the reporting of harmful and inappropriate sexual behaviour; as well as awareness of both Operation HONOUR and associated support mechanisms. This is the first time the Canadian Armed Forces has conducted a pan-organizational survey specifically on this subject. More than 40,000 Regular Force and Primary Reserve Canadian Armed Forces members participated in the Statistics Canada survey, sharing their experiences and perspectives. The survey results, which will be published in the late Fall, will provide the institution with a comprehensive baseline that will shape ongoing and future action, including policy development, program review and training modernization and a level of insight that the Canadian Armed Forces has not previously possessed.

Other Highlights of the progress report include:

The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service has established dedicated teams of sexual offence investigators within each regional office to investigate all such complaints. These Sexual Offence Response Teams have been established with the addition of 18 new investigator positions distributed nationally.

The Director of Military Prosecutions has directed that offences of a sexual nature be given scheduling priority and that every effort will be made to ensure that the same prosecutor handles the case from beginning to end to ensure that these cases to move through the military justice system as expeditiously as possible and to avoid the victim having to recount their version of events on multiple occasions to different individuals

To ensure consistent investigations across the organization, the Canadian Forces Provost Marshal recently directed that all criminal offences of a sexual nature be investigated by the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service and policy changes are underway to ensure that victims are provided immediate support by frontline military police.

In cases of allegations of sexual assault where an investigator is considering not laying a charge, National Investigation Service investigators must consult a military prosecutor in order to ensure concurrence with the assessment of the investigator not to lay charges. This is a change, as in the past the decision not to lay a charge could be made unilaterally by investigators without seeking legal advice.

A comprehensive training needs analysis has been completed to identify gaps in current programs and curricula with respect to Operation HONOUR related topics and to recommend solutions that will improve the content and delivery of training across the Canadian Armed Forces

In the period of April to July 2016, a total of 148 incidents of harmful sexual behaviour were reported to the chain of command.  Of these, 97 remain ongoing and 51 investigations have now been completed. A total of thirty individuals received career-impacting disciplinary and/or administrative action. Those convicted of disciplinary action faced consequences including fines and reduction in rank. Administrative consequences ranged from warnings and probation to removal from command positions and dismissal from the Canadian Armed Forces. Ten cases were ruled unfounded by authorities and three cases were referred to civilian authorities. In four incidents, the alleged offender was not identified and no further action was possible. In one case, the members involved successfully participated in alternate dispute resolution. The remaining 3 cases were disciplinary matters that did not fall within the parameters of Operation HONOUR ...
You can download the report (51 page PDF) here.

A bit of media coverage:

* - Although the Toronto Star may not be in the best position to pontificate on this issue these days ...
Nothing unexpected here.

I am fairly sure that the CDS knew that, no matter what news he would bear, the medias would spin it in a negative way. That's how you sell paper (or electrons these days), not by having fluffy positive news (unless about Trudeau Jr.).

If the news had been about an improvement, it would have either been ignored by the media (best scenario) or spun as the CAF reverting to its "old habit" of hiding the truth and "not confronting the (alleged by the media without proof)facts".

I can't wait to see the results of the Statistics Canada study. First of all, they are pretty professional types and would know how to prepare a proper survey with the cross checking questions required to ensure neutral approach. Second with more than 40,000 participants (about half the CAF population or more), the statistical validity of the results should have a very high level of certainty and be very closely representative of reality - unlike some other "investigation" by commissioners with pre-conceived ideas that pick and chose the witnesses they wanted to hear.
Blackadder1916 said:
Huh?  Maybe I've just been unlucky but, during my service (and I've been long retired from the mob), I was aware of three cases of male on male rape - two of those were in the 1970s (one overseas on UN ops) and other in the 1980s.  I suppose that being in the medical world some of the nastier things that happen to people become part of your work.  Of those, two of the incidents ended in court, the other not.  As a note, I've only had similar involvement/knowledge of two incidents with female victims.

A former regiment of mine made the national papers several times for various sexual assault related transgressions. The ones I can recall resulted in jail time and 'dismissed the service' for the guilty parties. The events I recall personally were mainly identified through first class work by the SNCO net, who were fully supported by the chain of command. Most of these crimes resulted on jail time for the guilty parties and 'dismissed the service'.

Not to say we may be lacking in this regard but, IMHO, where the CoC second guesses or 'disempowers' their SNCOs, the wheels can come off pretty fast.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
I am fairly sure that the CDS knew that, no matter what news he would bear, the medias would spin it in a negative way.
Did we read the same articles because I did not see the negative spin. Aside from one quoted complaint in the CBC article, everything seems to be selling DND's message: we are making good (but not yet irreversible) progress.
That's because, MCG, and this is a personal opinion here, these type of news articles are in the category where people read the headline, but not the details of the article, and develop their views based on their personal preconceived biases and prejudices as it accords with the titles.

The news papers could have titled the articles with thing like: "first update on sexual harassment in the military delivered by CDS" or "military reports on progress in changing sexual culture", etc.

Titles like that force the reader to read through to actually get the "facts" instead of imagining them from the title through personal inferences: You tell me if, knowing where we came from in past news story (from the Deschamps report), people will take "22% increase in sexual complaints in the military: report" as anything other than a confirmation in their minds that things are getting worse instead of being a title that causes people to want to read the details instead of just feeling "I know the facts without reading, cause the facts are all in the title".

That's all I am saying. 
Today's reporting may even be positive spin.

MCG said:
Today's reporting may even be positive spin.

I wonder if the Star's just keeping their rocks tucked away while they go through a phase of being a glass house as the paper appears to be coming to grips with its own sexual/labour/gender relations issues:whistle:
If we get medals for operations maybe we should get a medal for Operation Honour. Set it up like the CD.
Jarnhamar said:
If we get medals for operations maybe we should get a medal for Operation Honour.

aka Positive Reinforcement?
I think (hope) he was joking...if he wasn't joking, I hope he sobered up and/or someone tasered him.  ;D
Eye In The Sky said:
I think (hope) he was joking...if he wasn't joking, I hope he sobered up and/or someone tasered him.  ;D

I hope so too! But, you never know.  :)

Speaking of Tazers aka the Medicine from ConEdison, maybe they will unlock that thread one day. Saw one from this Labour Day Weekend that I would love to share.
Jarnhamar said:
If we get medals for operations maybe we should get a medal for Operation Honour. Set it up like the CD.

There was 3 pages discussing an imaginary 150 medal.

What would a medal for Operation Honour look like?
Maybe a fuzzy bunny rabbit on the front.  [:D
kratz said:
What would a medal for Operation Honour look like?

Whatever it's design, it would look a bit awkward if you are the only guy / gal without one. 

"You got some 'splaining to do!"



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