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Service Couple and Deployment???

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SupersonicMax said:
  But I still think that the military could make a little more effort than say "take LWOP" and leave someone (a dedicated member) without a salary for 6 months because her husband is serving overseas.

.....and someday when you are mature enough for a family you will discover they are not just little inconveniences to your earning potential.
I took a 12 year "hit" [and would do it all again]because those young un's, that were our choice to bring into this world, were waaay more important than a second salary.

Knowing she will still have a job to come back too is just a bonus, IMO.
CSA 105

CSA, did I ever talk about my experience at RMC and the times I've been leading at RMC?  I don't think so, I was referring to how our officers and NCMs/NCOs were taking care of us and working for us. 

I don't see where I talked about how RMC was the best thing in the world.  If you knew me, you would know that my opinion of RMC isn't that great.  Yet, 2 of your "arguments" are based on the fact that I put RMC as the best thing in the world and the fact that RMC grads are special, which is completely wrong.

I will judge people when I know them well enough to judge them. 

I still stand behind the fact that the military could be more grateful to service couple and could try more to accomodate them in situation like the original poster described.

SupersonicMax said:
I still stand behind the fact that the military could be more grateful to service couple and could try more to accomodate them in situation like the original poster described.

Yup, until, maybe, someday its you being in charge of something/someone and getting told to make it work.

Until then...............................
SupersonicMax said:
CSA, did I ever talk about my experience at RMC and the times I've been leading at RMC?   I don't think so, I was referring to how our officers and NCMs/NCOs were taking care of us and working for us. 

I don't see where I talked about how RMC was the best thing in the world.  If you knew me, you would know that my opinion of RMC isn't that great.  Yet, 2 of your "arguments" are based on the fact that I put RMC as the best thing in the world and the fact that RMC grads are special, which is completely wrong.

I will judge people when I know them well enough to judge them. 

I still stand behind the fact that the military could be more grateful to service couple and could try more to accomodate them in situation like the original poster described.


I think it was this remark by you:

SupersonicMax said:
During the first 5 years of my CF career, I've been "lead" by army officer/NCOs.   They didn't treat me nearly as good as the Air Force is doing now.  I think I'm in a position to make that statement.

I never, at any point, judge the WO.


First 4 years of your career was at RMC was it not?? Just checking. BTW ... RMC is not Army. Glad to hear your year and a bit with the Air Force undergoing training is going better for you than your time in Uni taking courses and your time in any other Schools undergoing training.

BTW -- it's "led" by Army officer/NCOs vice "lead."

I don't want to join the dog pile that you have invited; however, I suggest that you step back for a minute and realize that the very solid advice that you are being provided is coming from officers and Sr NCO's that have 3 or 4 times the experience of you and I added together as junior officers.

There is nothing wrong with admitting a mistake.  That being said, there is something terribly wrong with not learning from a mistake or failing to acknowledge one.  Continuing to argue 'how right' you were only makes you look foolish and sets a very poor example as a junior leader.

For what it is worth....
Vern:  Thanks for the correction (led vs lead).  I stopped for a few seconds to think about the right way to spell it.  My first 4 were indeed at RMC.  I know it's not the army, but it was led (;)) by (mostly) army officers and NCOs/NCMs.  It just left a very bad aftertaste

Madeleine:  can you tell me what's wrong with having a different opinion?  I didn't know that having different opinions is wrong...

If I may add:

SupersonicMax said:
I don't see where I talked about how RMC was the best thing in the world.  If you knew me, you would know that my opinion of .........

I will judge people when I know them well enough to judge them.  



With the number of and posting style exhibited in your posts, we do have a fairly good knowledge of who you are.  We don't have to necessarily have to have a formal face to face and physical shaking of hands, hugs and kisses, etc. to develop a fairly knowledgeable inkling as to who you are.  Your discourse on this site is quite enough for that.

I don't think there is a problem with having a differing opinion; however, there is something wrong when you continue to maintain the 'rightness' of your differing opinion in the face of years of experience telling you to the contrary.

At the end of the day, just because it is your opinion doesn't mean it is right.  And, as a junior officer, I would spend some time thinking of the counsel provided by senior serving members to see if I need to reconsider the validity of my own opinion in light of the advice provided by others.  If I can honestly say at the end of my reflection that my opinion remains the same, then so be it.  But to stubbornly cling to an opinion simply because it was mine seems foolhardy for a young leader.  I cringe to think of the potential for disaster should junior officers operate like this in an operational environment.

Maybe I am wrong -- I don't pretend to have all the answers.  That being said, I would rather admit that I made a mistake and learn from the experience of others than to march stubbornly down my own path, perhaps leading people to a similar demise simply because I didn't have the stones to say I was wrong.

Anyway, I think the original question has been answered, and is also being addressed via PM. If anyone has any further advice for Max or anyone else, PM sounds good for that too.

Locked. If someone has something substantive to contribute, PM a Mod. Thanks.

Army.ca Staff
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