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Server Upgrade

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

Tonight I performed a fairly reaching server upgrade (Fedora Core 7 to 8 for the geeks out there). If you notice any problems with the site, please let me know.

Very nice, Thats the best one to use for websites :).Ill be sure to report any problems
<Troll Bait>
Why not switch to debian and follow the continues upgrade approach?
<!Troll Bait>

I hope the sysadmin here can take a joke / poke.

So far I don't see any problems. I do see a very slight improvement in responsiveness.
I am assume you are using Nagios monitoring. As a system admin myself I am always a little curious what tools you are using under the hood to keep the engine running. Perhaps I may be able to help with with tools in your toolbox. At a recent past job I worked with/lead a team of admins. We remote administrated over 400+ servers and used net boot/installs as much as possible. Ya we use redhat, but the upgrades always were a task. We did try Fedora for a while, but found it to be redhat's beta ware for redhat enterprise. I find debian upgrades a little smoother and better tested. I am not happy at all with ubuntu's testing of server upgrades and upgrade strategy. On the other hand they do a great job configuring desktop environments.

Congratulates no major failurers yet. Upgrading from Fedora 7 to 8, is not something you can fall back.

Hi tdwebste,

I haven't used Nagios before, but I'll sure check it out now. :) The honest answer about debian is: It's already working under Fedora. I've been a RedHat user from way back (I have RH3 disks here somewhere). I'm sure debian isn't hard to use and I hear a lot of good things about it... maybe next time I rebuild the server from the ground up I'll try it.

Anyway, thanks for the input, I often feel like I'm working on this stuff in isolation which is a recipie for making the wrong sysadmin decisions.
Nothing weird here on my end Mike. Are there any other things your going to play around with for the site?
I was working on another (different) upgrade this morning. Didn't get it finished, so I'll retry again at another time. Once this one's done it should be the last for a while.
Mike - did email notifications get turned off during the upgrade?  I haven't received any since yesterday - I checked my profile and all is fine there.  (Email notifications are a valuable tool to me- they are how I keep up to date and know when to check in, however briefly, when I'm not on the site).

Just tested, notifications work fine for me... anyone else having problems?
Mike Bobbitt said:
Just tested, notifications work fine for me... anyone else having problems?

I have been trying to solve this.  I had a look at my profile, which had MANY boards listed for notification, and yet - the information window at the bottom said I didn't have any boards/threads marked for notification.  When I "delisted" a thread, I was asked if I was sure I wanted to turn off notifications.

In an attempt to clear things up, I delisted ALL threads that had been marked for notification (there were over 36 pages - I have notifications turned on for threads I've posted/replied too - and have never cleaned these up before.)  Then, I marked a few boards and threads for notifications.  There have been postings on a couple of those threads since, and no emails received.  I also haven't received notification of PMs since Saturday (and I've received at least one since then) - BEFORE the server upgrade.

I'm at a loss - it's not my email program or ISP - all emails from OTHER sources are arriving correctly.  Related to the issue, the last "Report to Moderator" email I received was date/time stamped 02 Feb, 18:56 (PST), about the C9 rail mount thread - have there been no "Report to Mods" since then?


You're right, there's a problem, but it's neuther you nor me. Our server is sending the messages, but your ISP is rejecting them on your behalf with a "Service unavailable" message.

I suspect your ISP believes it to be spam. I couldn't find an e-mail address on their website, but if you know of one I can ask if they have our IPs blocked. Maybe they recently installed new filtering software and are still adjusting it.

Mike Bobbitt said:

You're right, there's a problem, but it's neuther you nor me. Our server is sending the messages, but your ISP is rejecting them on your behalf with a "Service unavailable" message.

I suspect your ISP believes it to be spam. I couldn't find an e-mail address on their website, but if you know of one I can ask if they have our IPs blocked. Maybe they recently installed new filtering software and are still adjusting it.


Thanks, Mike.

I'll handle it from this end.
Ok, let me know if you want me to talk to their tech folks. My guess is they have black/greylisted our IPs:

They should know what to do that that info.