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*Server Is Under High Stress*

Glad to hear it. A large part of the problem (but not the only part) was a suspicious German IP:

It doesn't belong to any registered member here, yet it had sucked down 250Gb of data so far in January. The logs show it was just probing - continuously probing - and never obtained any useful (non-public) info. I've shut down that IP and hopefully that will help.
To compare it from yesterday......It's like night and day now.

Glad to hear it... let's wait before we pop the champagne though, just in case this is simply a lull. ;)
Can the system be set to flag/warn about massive amounts of data being downloaded like the dataminers/keystrokers like to do?
It's complicated. We're constantly being probed from many, many locations. There is no way to automatically detect what constitutes a probe vs. a very active user without getting it wrong a fair amount of the time. Furthermore, there's no way to automatically block an IP without causing problems down the road. Just because an IP from Videotron in Quebec is probing us today doesn't mean that a valid user won't be trying to log in from it tomorrow.

Still, there are some things that can be done, and I'm already in the proess of checking into those.
Mike Bobbitt said:
Glad to hear it. A large part of the problem (but not the only part) was a suspicious German IP:

It doesn't belong to any registered member here, yet it had sucked down 250Gb of data so far in January. The logs show it was just probing - continuously probing - and never obtained any useful (non-public) info. I've shut down that IP and hopefully that will help.

Wow, that's alot of downloads.

Site is much better now Mike.
Yeah, that's a massive amount. To put it into perspective, all user traffic for all things Milnet/Army/Navy/Air-Force.ca in December totalled 104 Gb.
Mr. Bobbit, could it be just a crawler for a search engine or is someone trying to choke the site?
It's not a search crawler, I can tell from the logs that it's probing for vulnerable software. It's clearly an automated script trying to spread into our neck of the woods.
Mike Bobbitt said:
It's not a search crawler, I can tell from the logs that it's probing for vulnerable software. It's clearly an automated script trying to spread into our neck of the woods.

So should we deploy the protected minefield?  ;D
Already deployed and well covered by MG fire. I just have to pay attention next time a trip flare goes up.