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*Server Is Under High Stress*

Some from Seoul, but could still be both.

If you want to get paranoid, research what the Chinese are doing to gather Intelligence through the Internet.

Could that be applied to North Korea, Iran, India, Al Quada, ..........................................  Yes, of course. 

How paranoid do you want to get?
George Wallace said:
Some from Seoul, but could still be both.

If you want to get paranoid, research what the Chinese are doing to gather Intelligence through the Internet.

Could that be applied to North Korea, Iran, India, Al Quada, ..........................................  Yes, of course. 

How paranoid do you want to get?
George, I am already paranoid, your just making me worse ;)
I am not at all impressed with Bell Canada if what I heard on the radio yesterday is true.  There was a brief news bite stating that Bell Canada was going to purposely slow down Internet Speeds in the Quebec/Ontario Regions during peak user times during "work hours".  If this is true, they should expect a drastic increase in unsatisfied customers dropping them as Service Providers.......Off to Cable companies and such.  I really wonder what genius has come up with a plan like this.
George Wallace said:
I am not at all impressed with Bell Canada if what I heard on the radio yesterday is true.  There was a brief news bite stating that Bell Canada was going to purposely slow down Internet Speeds in the Quebec/Ontario Regions during peak user times during "work hours".  If this is true, they should expect a drastic increase in unsatisfied customers dropping them as Service Providers.......Off to Cable companies and such.  I really wonder what genius has come up with a plan like this.

Well don't think the cable is better, rogers has quietly made monthly limits too. Just found mine online I get 60GB a month and so far there seems to be no way I would use that much.
It's slow for me at the moment (loading of pages) ...

System Load is High: 45.37

Holy moley --- is this why it's so slow here now?? (I had just posted in the other thread and it was only 20. something or other. Egads!!

Fixed, for the moment.  :mad: Been one of those days.
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Our web server security module was overwhelmed by yahoo, crawling the site... I've temporarily disabled it. :(
They won't care, but we'll be cut out of all Yahoo! search results.
Mike Bobbitt said:
They won't care, but we'll be cut out of all Yahoo! search results.

Well, send them an email a lot of HESH (thanks MCG!!) and tell them to quit spamming us with their bots!!  >:D

Fraggle Google rocks!!
Yrys said:
Didn't Google need to crawl the site, once ? Or are they working differently ?

There's constantly googlebots crawling through the pages, they don't seem to have such a slowdown effect on us as Yahoo does though.

Less Yahoobots (I think I'll start calling them idiotbots)... but much slower than your average googlebot in the village.