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Series, The Walking Dead

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I ran across this series panned as one of the bright entertainment spots of 2010.  Right now I am half way through the run and am loving it.  Well worth the effort if you like Zombie fare.

edit to reinsert title
I can't wait for season 2! Anyone know when it is coming out?
I watched the whole thing recently. Great stuff.
jeffb said:
I can't wait for season 2! Anyone know when it is coming out?

You may very well wind up waiting until next September.
A co-worker turned me onto this series back when it was just the comic books -even before anyone decided to turn into a TV series. The books only come out every three months or so and, needless to say, don't take very long to read. Then you're stuck waiting three months to find out what the heck happens next.

Walking Dead fans are no strangers to the concept of "hurry up and wait". 
Any suggestions on series to watch while waiting?  Not necessarily zombies, but something with an ongoing storyline would be nice.
I've accepted it as a suitable replacement for my "LOST" addiction.
lacqui said:
Any suggestions on series to watch while waiting?  Not necessarily zombies, but something with an ongoing storyline would be nice.

The Unit
Breaking Bad
Call Me Fitz
Peep Show
Modern Family
East Bound and Down

All are good but the last 2 on the list are the best so far.
lacqui said:
Any suggestions on series to watch while waiting?  Not necessarily zombies, but something with an ongoing storyline would be nice.

Mad Men
BSG (and Caprica just for kicks)
Rafterman1 said:
The Unit
Breaking Bad
Call Me Fitz
Peep Show
Modern Family
East Bound and Down

All are good but the last 2 on the list are the best so far.
Good list, add.

Sons of Anarchy
Generation Kill
The Wire
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Retired AF Guy said:
7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly) and why movies/TV shows about them don't make sense.

Why this list is bunk
1.  Everyone knows that zombie flesh is diseased.  Why the heck would any animal or insect want to eat diseased flesh?

2.  The bloating issue becomes moot if the zombie has had their stomach gorged by other zombies prior to their reanimation.  There would be no sealed organ to allow a full bloating to occur.  Pretty sure they would be able to expel such gas through their mouths while moaning anyway.  As for the zombies in the arid region, has no one ever seen how mummies don't seem to have a problem moving around?

3.  Although I agree with the freezing aspect, regarding the thaw in the spring, see my reference above regarding mummies.

4.  There is no cure for a zombie bite and anyone who is bitten may try to hide this from others.  Suddenly Dad wakes up all infected and starts gnawing on the family.  They all get infected and try to hide it.  A week later the neighbours come by to see what's wrong, open the door and they get bitten.  Etc., etc.

5.  Okay, gotta agree with this.

6.  Somewhat agree, but who says a zombie has to see in order to get around?  They are undead and therefore don't work of the same rules as us, so who says that we would rule the night?  Also, since they give off no body heat, any IR gear would be completely useless.

7.  Most people, when learning to shoot, are taught to aim for the centre of mass.  In the event of an attack where do you think most people will shoot?  Given also that zombies can only be eliminated through a blow to the head that is strong enough to destroy the brain (which is no longer filled with water by the way since that evaporated long ago), IEDs, fires, mines, tasers (no fluid again, remember so they don't conduct electricity), etc, are completely useless.

Anyway, forgive the modification of the post.  I hit post prior to finishing.  Also, just finished reading WWZ so I'm a tad zombie focused.

If you're looking for some other shows to watch, try Lost Girl (season 1 just finished but available online) and Being Human, which is just about to start on Space.
I would think fire would work great, just not right away.  It would take a bit of time for the head to burn off, but in a controlled setting, pretty handy.  Like in an airstrike.  As for mines and IEDs, I would use them for support.  Zombies can't infect people if they can't catch them, so a zombie with no legs would be much easier to deal with.

On a side note, Rick Grimes is a crazy good shot!  While running, injured, and with a gun he just picked up, he's getting one-handed head shots at moving targets at 10-20 yards!!!  I wish I was that good!
Strike said:
Why this list is bunk
1.  Everyone knows that zombie flesh is diseased.  Why the heck would any animal or insect want to eat diseased flesh?

There is certain bacterium that actually feed on dead flesh. Plus, higher forms of life like maggots. The fact that's its diseased is unlikely to stop them; after all it hasn't in the past. And speaking of maggots and flesh eating bacteria; I would think that zombies in a hot, humid climate (jungle) would be especially vulnerable. Lots of bacteria/maggots thrive in a jungle environment and in a couple of days would turn the zombies into a stinking pile of biomass. And if the maggots/bacteria didn't get them, there's army ants, vultures, piranha, crocodiles/alligators, etc that would gobble them up tout suite.

2.  The bloating issue becomes moot if the zombie has had their stomach gorged by other zombies prior to their reanimation.  There would be no sealed organ to allow a full bloating to occur.  Pretty sure they would be able to expel such gas through their mouths while moaning anyway.  As for the zombies in the arid region, has no one ever seen how mummies don't seem to have a problem moving around?

You may have a point about the bloating. As for mummies, and a mummy is nothing more than a very old zombie, you might be right. But mummies, because of their age are dry and brittle and move very slowly.  And dry mummies burn very easily.  The same goes for a dry zombie. Something to keep the survivors warm at night.

3.  Although I agree with the freezing aspect, regarding the thaw in the spring, see my reference above regarding mummies.

Frozen zombies are an easy kill - just whack'em in the head with your hockey stick and the head just shatters into a thousand pieces.

4.  There is no cure for a zombie bite and anyone who is bitten may try to hide this from others.  Suddenly Dad wakes up all infected and starts gnawing on the family.  They all get infected and try to hide it.  A week later the neighbours come by to see what's wrong, open the door and they get bitten.  Etc., etc.

Unless you get a tourniquet on the limb right away you might stop the spread of infection. However, amputation would have to follow. Otherwise I agree with you on this one.

5.  Okay, gotta agree with this.

6.  Somewhat agree, but who says a zombie has to see in order to get around?  They are undead and therefore don't work of the same rules as us, so who says that we would rule the night?  Also, since they give off no body heat, any IR gear would be completely useless.

Ahhh, but if they can't see, we don't need IR/thermal, we can just use flashlights and/or torches. Torches also come in handy to lite'em up!

7.  Most people, when learning to shoot, are taught to aim for the centre of mass.  In the event of an attack where do you think most people will shoot? 

True. At this point I would like to bring up a little bug-bear of mine. Special Forces/SWAT members are taught to double tap or a short burst to the centre of visible mass. If the target is still standing, then its a head shot. And to conserve ammo. However, in zombie movies (plus other horror movies) they just blast away into the chest, which, as you point out, is useless. and wastes ammo. The first Resident Evil movie was really bad for this.

Given also that zombies can only be eliminated through a blow to the head that is strong enough to destroy the brain (which is no longer filled with water by the way since that evaporated long ago), IEDs, fires, mines, tasers (no fluid again, remember so they don't conduct electricity), etc, are completely useless.

Mines, IEDS, useless? See #5. Plus, if you can get a mobility kill that will slow them down and increases their vulnerability. As for fires, see #2. 

If you're looking for some other shows to watch, try Lost Girl (season 1 just finished but available online) and Being Human, which is just about to start on Space.

Enjoying Lost Girl. Haven't seen Being Human yet.
The entire first season is being shown again on AMC on Friday March 4th starting at 8 Eastern. The new season should follow shortly after that, maybe.