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September 2009 BMOQ !!!

Which gods did you upset enough to land you in Farnham for 3 out of 4 seasons?
The gods of starting IAP & BOTC in January were what landed me there for Winter and Spring. The gods of getting recoursed for BOTC are what landed me there for Summer.
VodkaBoy said:
- I am not loaded yet, but hoping to get loaded
- I am still MARS, and likely will not be offered pilot until April 2010 if at all.(depending on how my file fares at the boards)

- Mind you I've been told so many different things in the past 6 months that I don't even know if even Ottawa knows anything.

So you've applied for MARS reservist, have you done your CFAT/medical/interview? Not to rain on your parade, but getting into pilot as reg force is highly unlikely even beyond 2010 April, because there are too many (1) people waiting for ACS and (2) too many (from what I hear) 2nd Lt's waiting for training in Moose Jaw/Winnipeg.

You have a much better chance as MARS for Sept 7th BMOQ as MARS reservists do not go through the NOAB (as is the norm for MARS reg force), but a grilling interview.

About Ottawa not knowing anything.....I highly doubt that too. Ottawa knows, and it knows well. It is the CFRCs that are the problem. Many of them have personnel who have not the slightest idea of what the actual trades entail. Also, the CFRCs are stretched at the moment, so you need to give them time, and a lot of patience. Speaking with an officer might also help as they will entertain you more than the NCMs at the CFRCs, given the fact that the NCMs have a ton of work to do.
romeokilo said:
Speaking with an officer might also help as they will entertain you more than the NCMs at the CFRCs, given the fact that the NCMs have a ton of work to do.

yeah because the officers are only there to hang around  ::)
Hey everybody I'm loaded onto the Sept 7th BMOQ as well. I'm going Armor, is anyone else out there going to be working toward Armor as well? Been training hard and can't wait to see you all out there.

rlee_1001 said:
Hey everybody I'm loaded onto the Sept 7th BMOQ as well. I'm going Armor, is anyone else out there going to be working toward Armor as well? Been training hard and can't wait to see you all out there.


Hmmmm...am sure you meant Armour? Being that we are in Canada and all
romeokilo said:
So you've applied for MARS reservist, have you done your CFAT/medical/interview? Not to rain on your parade, but getting into pilot as reg force is highly unlikely even beyond 2010 April, because there are too many (1) people waiting for ACS and (2) too many (from what I hear) 2nd Lt's waiting for training in Moose Jaw/Winnipeg.

You have a much better chance as MARS for Sept 7th BMOQ as MARS reservists do not go through the NOAB (as is the norm for MARS reg force), but a grilling interview.

About Ottawa not knowing anything.....I highly doubt that too. Ottawa knows, and it knows well. It is the CFRCs that are the problem. Many of them have personnel who have not the slightest idea of what the actual trades entail. Also, the CFRCs are stretched at the moment, so you need to give them time, and a lot of patience. Speaking with an officer might also help as they will entertain you more than the NCMs at the CFRCs, given the fact that the NCMs have a ton of work to do.
- I have been a naval reservist since March 2008, joined as a student. Could not do BMOQ that summer because of a work contract and obviously could not do winter because of school. This summer I could not go away because my ACS was in May.
- So I have already completed ACS and AC medical successfully. Next step is the board.
- Don't worry about my parade - It has not happened yet. It's scheduled for the day I get my wings, which might be in 5 years or 10 years or 15 years. I don't care how long I have to wait - I want to fly.

Let's see if I understand this correctly:  You have managed to become a candidate for MARS officer in the Naval Reserves.  You have absolutely no training as a Reservist, nor have you paraded with the Naval Reserve, and you are doing a Component Transfer to MARS officer, with the plan on becoming a Pilot? 
George Wallace said:
Let's see if I understand this correctly.  You have managed to become a candidate for MARS officer in the Naval Reserves.  You have absolu:ely no training as a Reservist, nor have you paraded with the Naval Reserve, and you are doing a Component Transfer to MARS officer, with the plan on becoming a Pilot?
Yes it does get somewhat complicated.
3 years ago, when I finally decided to pursue the military pilot career, I went to the CFRC Vancouver and asked some questions. Knowing that pilot is an extremely competitive trade I was particularly interested in the things I can do to improve my portfolio. A recruiter told me that any reserve experience is an asset. Now, there are no air force reserves within Greater Vancouver. So I went the navy route - I still had 3 years of schooling to complete, so I figured I had time to build up some kind of file with the NavRes.
Of course at that time I did not know how long the CF Recruiting machine can take to process a file. In March 2008, when I was finally sworn in to HMCS DISCOVERY, I already had a contract signed for employment with a civi firm for the summer, so BMOQ got put off another year. That September I filed for component transfer STRAIGHT into Reg Force pilot. Even though I am currently not occupation transferable I will be once BMOQ is complete.
It was not a complete waste of resources to have joined DISCOVERY. Our unit has a unique recruit program, the only one of its kind in NavRes. All pre BMQ and BMOQ recruits are required to attend WEEKLY for physical training and general duties. We are also required at all training Saturdays on top of that - mainly for galley duty and other chores. Divisional notes are taken and progress reports are kept. So I really feel that I am already part of the unit, although I haven't been to BMOQ. 
I know it looks a little weak to transfer like this but I'd rather get the ball rolling now anyways. Worst thing that will happen is I will do my NEOTP, subsequent MARS courses and continue to improve my resume until a spot opens up.
In hindsight I should have just picked the military route before school and gone ROTP, but I was 17 and I just went where people around me were pushing me. Now I know what I want, and I'm prepared to wait.
Hope that clarifies the situation
ok sweet, i dont have all the acronyms down yet, i thought bmoq was a typo, but thanks with the info
the_girlfirend said:
yeah because the officers are only there to hang around  ::)

Umm..no. That is not what I meant. Read my post again, please. I said NCMs have a ton of work to do, which is true not only at the CFRCs but all across the military. I got hold of an officer at my CFRC about eight times over the past 6 months, but the Cpl handling my file was very busy.
Don't forget you are not the only one the officer has to deal with, there are many just like you, and in between all that, he is conducting interviews, going over applications and conducting swearing-in ceremonies.

Recruitment office is considered a "key assignment" worth 4 points on the employment matrix, you will soon find this out with your career manager once you get in and become a captain
rlee_1001 said:
Hey everybody I'm loaded onto the Sept 7th BMOQ as well. I'm going Armor, is anyone else out there going to be working toward Armor as well? Been training hard and can't wait to see you all out there.


Armor?  Sweet!  When do you go to Fort Knox?? :)


Or are you actually staying in the Canadian Army?



Oh, and on the 'army lingo' side, it is usually said "training to become an Armour Officer" instead of "working towards...".

Hello everyone. I am going to be on the September 7th BMOQ course.

I am going in as a construction engineer. I am anxious and nervous but these are just normal feelings so I am just waiting for this to take off and start going at full speed.
Im going to NOAB this coming sunday for DEO MSE. Will people who attend NOAB will be place in the september BMOQ?

muskie said:
Im going to NOAB this coming sunday for DEO MSE. Will people who attend NOAB will be place in the september BMOQ?

It's certainly possible, but I don't think it's likely. Whether or not your paperwork is processed before all the slots fill up in the Sept BMOQ will likely be the determining factor. I myself did my NOAB the last week of October, and started basic training the middle of January, 2.5 months time lapsed versus slightly more than one for you if you want to get on this course.

Yadda yadda yadda, in the end, you'll find out when you're given the call. Anything else is speculation.
Hey everyone, just to let you know.  Whoever is going on the Sept.7/09 BMOQ, there is a facebook group you can join.  Just type "september 2009 BMOQ" in the search menu when searching groups on facebook