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Senior promotions, appointments and retirements (merged)

What do we get from having both a Chief Reserves and Cadets and a Director General Reserves and Cadets?  The titles seem to suggest a linear chain of command.
MCG said:
What do we get from having both a Chief Reserves and Cadets and a Director General Reserves and Cadets?

Another 6 figure a year General.
MCG said:
What do we get from having both a Chief Reserves and Cadets and a Director General Reserves and Cadets?  The titles seem to suggest a linear chain of command.

Traditionally, C Res & Cdts is a 2* on class A (part-time) service, with a Reg F DGRC to run things on a full-time basis.  Essentially DGRC is a COS type job, but named in accordance with NDHQ conventions (hence a DG).  Beneath them is a D Res and a D Cdts, both Colonels.

Strike said:
G2G -- I assume there are only so many Dabros' in the CF.  Is this the Dabros I am thinking of?  If so, gotta love Tac Hel.  ;D

Indeed, Strike!  Now the Air Force and Navy just need to catch up to the Army in cross-pollinating the general ranks to enhance joint understanding and interoperability.  At the very least, one would think that the Navy might consider bringing a Naval Aviator general officer into the flag officer structure.

PuckChaser said:
Another 6 figure a year General.

Actually much cheaper since she is a Reserve and the position is class A.

Her "real" job (as we say in the reserves) is Priincipal of a private school for girls in Ontario, so watch out if you don't want your fingers slapped!

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Actually much cheaper since she is a Reserve and the position is class A.

Her "real" job (as we say in the reserves) is Priincipal of a private school for girls in Ontario, so watch out if you don't want your fingers slapped!

She hasn't been class A / working outside the military for at least a decade.  It will be interesting to see whether she returns to class A as CRes & Cdts, or whether she becomes a full-time C Res & Cdts.
dapaterson said:
She hasn't been class A / working outside the military for at least a decade.  It will be interesting to see whether she returns to class A as CRes & Cdts, or whether she becomes a full-time C Res & Cdts.

dapaterson said:
Traditionally, C Res & Cdts is a 2* on class A (part-time) service, with a Reg F DGRC to run things on a full-time basis.  Essentially DGRC is a COS type job, but named in accordance with NDHQ conventions (hence a DG).

C Res & Cdts is a Class A establishment position (as is the C Res & Cdts CWO) and funded as such.  DGRC is usually a Reg F position but has been temporarily established as Class B.  D Res is a Class B position.  D Cdts/JCR is a Reg F position.  Both Colonels.
Anyone catch the brutally inaccurate news reporting going on about Brig.-Gen. M.D. Day's promotion.

The MSN seem to think he is the CO of JTF2 and not the Commander of CANSOFCOM.

Of course all news articles have to mention the ongoing investigations.

This crap from the Ottawa Citizen (which of any newspaper, I would thought would get it right):

"JTF 2 gets new commander"

Former boss will now lead training of Afghan soldiers

A new commander for JTF 2 heads a long list of military appointments released by Defence Minister Peter MacKay on Monday.

Brig.-Gen. Mike Day, who as commander of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command was responsible for the elite counterterrorist unit Joint Task Force 2, was promoted to major general to lead the training of Afghan soldiers in Kabul.

Day is to be replaced by Brig.-Gen. Denis Thompson, who served as the Canadian Forces' commander in Kandahar from 2008-2009. Day's promotion comes as Canada's combat mission inAfghanistan switches to a training mission this year.

Meanwhile, the Department of Defence is currently investigating allegations of misconduct perpetrated by JTF 2 members in Afghanistan.

Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/gets+commander/4240349/story.html#ixzz1DQUSoH1m

from: http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/news-nouvelles/news-nouvelles-eng.asp?cat=00&id=3756 - ink was still wet when the Government fell, I suspect...

OTTAWA – The Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence, is pleased to announce additional senior Canadian Forces (CF) promotions and appointments for 2011. These officers lead the CF in defending Canada’s values, interests, and sovereignty at home and abroad.

“In order to ensure the CF’s continued success, it is imperative that all of its members benefit from strong leadership,” said Minister MacKay. “With the extensive knowledge, experience, and skills that these General and Flag Officers possess, they excel in leading the men and women under their command.”

“These officers have earned the privilege to lead Canada's finest in armed conflict and in peace,” said General Walter Natyncyzk, Chief of the Defence Staff. “I am honoured to work alongside them and am humbled by the dedication they have shown to the service of our country.”

In addition to what was announced earlier this month, the following promotions and appointments for Canadian Forces senior officers will take place in 2011:

Maj.-Gen. T.J. Lawson will be promoted to Lt.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander NORAD in Colorado Springs, Colorado, replacing Lt.-Gen. J.M. Duval, who will be retiring;
Rear Admiral P.A. Maddison will be promoted to Vice-Admiral and appointed Chief of the Maritime Staff at National Defence Headquarters (NDHQ), in Ottawa, replacing Vice-Admiral P.D. McFadden, who will be retiring;
Maj.-Gen. G.R. Thibault will be promoted to Lt.-Gen. and appointed Chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board, in Washington D.C.;
Maj.-Gen. J.A.J.Y. Blondin will be appointed Assistant Chief of the Air Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen T.J. Lawson;
Rear Admiral R.A. Davidson will be appointed Director Policy and Plans at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium;
Maj.-Gen. P.J. Forgues will be appointed Commander Canadian Defence Academy, in Kingston, replacing Maj.-Gen. J.P.Y.D. Gosselin, who will be retiring;
Maj.-Gen. J.A.J. Parent will be appointed Commander 1 Canadian Air Division, in Winnipeg, replacing Maj.-Gen. J.A.J.Y. Blondin;
Maj.-Gen. I.C. Poulter will be appointed Chief of Programme at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. J.M.M. Hainse, whose next appointment will be announced at a later date;
Brig.-Gen. J.G.J.C Collin will be promoted Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Canada Command, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.A.G. Champagne, who will be retiring;
Brig.-Gen. J.R. Ferron will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Commander 1 Canadian Division, in Kingston;
Brig.-Gen. E.N. Matern will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Canadian Expeditionary Force Command, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. J.A.J. Parent;
Commodore M.A.G. Norman will be promoted to Rear Admiral and appointed Assistant Chief of the Maritime Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Rear Admiral P.A. Maddison;
Brig.-Gen. J.H. Vance will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Director of Staff -Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Rear Admiral R.A. Davidson;
Brig.-Gen. J.Y.R.A. Viens will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed NORAD J3, in Colorado Springs, replacing Maj.-Gen P.J. Forgues;
Brig.-Gen. C.T. Whitecross will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Chief of Staff Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment) at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. D.J.R.S. Benjamin, who will be retiring;
Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson will be appointed Chief of Staff – Vice Chief of Defence Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.G.J.C. Barabé, who will be retiring;
Brig.-Gen. R.D. Foster will be appointed Chief of Staff Canada Command, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.G.J.C. Collin;
Brig.-Gen. M.J. Hood will be appointed Deputy Director General International Security Policy at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. D.W. Thompson;
Brig.-Gen. S.J. Kummel will be appointed Director General Air Force Development at NDHQ, in Qttawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. M.J. Hood;
Brig.-Gen. C.A. Lamarre will be appointed Commander Joint Task Force Afghanistan, replacing Acting Brig.-Gen. D.J. Milner;
Brig.-Gen. P.R. Matte will be appointed J5 Director Strategic Plans in Shape HQ, in Mons Casteau, Belgium, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.P.J. St-Amand;
Brig.-Gen. D.G. Neasmith will be appointed Chief of Staff Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management) at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. G.R. Thibault;
Brig.-Gen. R.R. Pitre will be appointed Director General Integrated Force Development – Space at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.R. Matte;
Brig.-Gen. J.P.J. St-Amand will be appointed Deputy Commander Force Generation 1 Canadian Air Division, in Winnipeg, replacing Brig.-Gen. R.D. Foster;
Brig.-Gen. J.G.E. Tremblay will be appointed Commandant Royal Military College of Canada, in Kingston, replacing Commodore W.S. Truelove;
Commodore W.S. Truelove will be appointed Chief of Staff (Operations) Canadian Expeditionary Force Command, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. E.N. Matern;
Acting Brig.-Gen. F.G. Bigelow will be appointed Director General Personnel and Family Support Services at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Col. J.C. Chapman will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Land Force Central Area, in Toronto, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.G. Milne;
Capt. (Navy) J.P.G. Couturier will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Deputy Combined and Joint 5 Central Command HQ, in Tampa Bay, Florida, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.R. Ferron;
Col. M.P. Galvin will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Commander 2 Canadian Air Division, in Winnipeg, replacing Brig.-Gen. R.R. Pitre;
Brig.-Gen. P.E.R.S. Hebert will be temporarily appointed Commander Land Force Quebec Area, in Montreal, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.R.A. Tremblay, who will be retiring. Upon his return from Afghanistan, Col. J.R. Giguère will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Commander Land Force Quebec Area, in Montreal;
Acting Brig.-Gen. J.M. Lanthier will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and his future appointment to 1 U.S. Corps, in Fort Lewis, Washington, remains unchanged;
Col. G.D. Loos will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Director General Cyber at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Col. M.A. Matheson will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Director General Plans – Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. S.J. Kummel;
Acting Brig.-Gen, D.J. Milner will be appointed Deputy Commanding General III Corps, in Fort Hood, Texas, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson;
Col. N. Naaman will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Project Leader Military Personnel Management Capability Transformation at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Acting Commodore J.F. Newton will be promoted to Commodore and remains as Director General Naval Personnel at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Col. M.K. Overton will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Director General Military Careers at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.Y.R.A. Viens;
Acting Brig.-Gen. A.C. Patch will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains as Director General Land Equipment Program Management at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Col. G.M. Reid will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Air Reserve Advisor and Deputy Commander Support 1 Canadian Air Division, in Winnipeg, replacing Brig.-Gen. E.B. Thuen, who will be retiring;
Col. J.B. Simms will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Director General Land Capability Development at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.H. Vance;
Acting Commodore D.L. Sing will be promoted to Commodore and remains as Director General Maritime Force Development at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
Capt. (Navy) E.M. Steele will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. I.C. Poulter;
After distinguished service to the CF and Canada, the following senior officers will complete their careers and retire from the CF in 2011:

Lt.-Gen. J.M. Duval;
Vice-Admiral P.D. McFadden;
Maj.-Gen. D.J.R.S. Benjamin;
Maj.-Gen. J.P.Y.D. Gosselin;
Maj.-Gen. A.G. Hines;
Maj.-Gen. D.C. Tabbernor (as previously announced on February 7, 2011);
Brig.-Gen. J.G.J.C. Barabé;
Brig.-Gen. J.A.G. Champagne;
Brig.-Gen. E.B. Thuen; and
Brig.-Gen. J.R.A. Tremblay.
- 30 -

For more information on senior appointments at the Department of National Defence, please visit: www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dsa-dns/index-eng.asp.

is this an normal annual turnaround, or is it tied into getting it done before the government falls.?
GAP said:
is this an normal annual turnaround, or is it tied into getting it done before the government falls.?

I think the answer is "Yes" to both.
Acting Brig.-Gen, D.J. Milner will be appointed Deputy Commanding General III Corps, in Fort Hood, Texas, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson;

What is with Fort Hood and RCDs?  Frackin near every CO I have had has now been Deputy Comd of III Corps.  Hillier, Natynczyk, MacDonald, Atkinson, and now Milner.
George Wallace said:
Acting Brig.-Gen, D.J. Milner will be appointed Deputy Commanding General III Corps, in Fort Hood, Texas, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson;

What is with Fort Hood and RCDs?  Frackin near every CO I have had has now been Deputy Comd of III Corps.  Hillier, Natynczyk, MacDonald, Atkinson, and now Milner.

Milner is gonna be a perfect "fit" in Texas.  They may want to keep him there...
My recollection of Fort Hood in 1969 was miles of tank parks, ugly heat and humidity and a two dimensional rattlesnake after it had been run over by a M109. I also chased and tackled an armadillo, but it got away.
.... according to this from the CF Info-machine:
.... The following promotions and appointments for CF senior officers will take place in 2012:

    Rear-Admiral R.A. Davidson will be promoted Vice-Admiral and appointed Canadian Military Representative to NATO, in Brussels, Belgium, replacing Vice-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau, who will be retiring;
    Maj.-Gen. J.R. Ferron will be appointed Deputy Commander, NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, replacing Maj.-Gen. M.D. Day;
    Maj.-Gen. E.N. Matern will be appointed Commander Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington), in Washington, D.C., replacing Rear-Admiral R.W. Greenwood, who will be retiring;
    Acting Maj.-Gen. M.D. Day will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Director General International Security Policy – Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Brig.-Gen. M.R. Dabros will be appointed Commander Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (London) in London, England, replacing Commodore K.E. Williams, who will be retiring;
    Commodore J.E.T.P. Ellis will be promoted to Rear-Admiral and appointed Deputy Commander Canadian Expeditionary Force Command, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. E.N. Matern;
    Brig.-Gen. J.C.G. Juneau will be appointed Commander Land Forces Western Command, in Edmonton, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.F. Wynnyk;
    Brig.-Gen. C.R. King will be appointed Chief of Staff – Vice Chief of Defence Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. C.A. Lamarre will be appointed Director General Operations – Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. C.R. King;
    Commodore D.M. MacKeigan will be appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Operations – NATO Maritime Command Centre in Northwood, England, replacing Commodore B.W. Belliveau, who will be retiring;   
    Brig.-Gen. J.C. Madower will be appointed ISAF Deputy to the Deputy Chief of Staff Communications in Kabul, Afghanistan, replacing Commodore W.S. Truelove;
    Brig.-Gen. D.B. Millar will be appointed Assistant Chief of Military Personnel at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.C. Madower;
    Brig.-Gen. S.P. Noonan will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Commander Canadian Operational Support Command, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. M.E. McQuillan, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. T.E. Putt will be appointed Deputy Commander V (U.S.) Corps in Heidelberg, Germany, for an operational deployment with that Headquarters to the ISAF Joint Command in Kabul, Afghanistan;
    Brig.-Gen. A.T. Stack will be appointed Deputy Commander Land Forces Doctrine and Training System, in Kingston, replacing Brig.-Gen. T.E. Putt;
    Commodore W.S. Truelove will be promoted to Rear-Admiral and appointed Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, in Esquimalt, replacing Rear-Admiral N.S. Greenwood, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. K.L. Woiden will be appointed Director General Land Reserves, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. G.J.P. O’Brien, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. P.F. Wynnyk will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Canadian Army, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. A.J. Howard, whose next appointment will be announced at a later date;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.G.S. Bédard will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Public Affairs at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.R. Giguère will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Commander Land Forces Quebec Area, in Montreal;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. M.A. Matheson will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Plans – Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. D.J. Milner will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Deputy Commanding General III Corps, in Fort Hood, Texas;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. R.S. Williams will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Military Signals Intelligence at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Capt. (Navy) S.E.G. Bishop will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific in Esquimalt, replacing Commodore J.E.T.P. Ellis;
    Col. S.A. Brennan will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Chief of Staff Canadian Army, replacing Brig.-Gen. M.R. Dabros;
    Capt. (Navy) L. Bisson will be promoted to Commodore and remains Director General Compensation and Benefits with Military Personnel Command at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Col. W.D. Eyre will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander XVIII (U.S.) Corps in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, replacing Brig.-Gen, J.C.G. Juneau;
    Capt. (Navy) D.C. Hawco will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic in Halifax, replacing Commodore L.M. Hickey, who has retired;
    Col. O.H. Lavoie will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Commander Land Forces Central Area, in Toronto, replacing Brig.-Gen F.A. Lewis, who will be retiring;
    Col. R.G. Mazzolin will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Director General Information Management – Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management), in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. S.P. Noonan;
    Col. A.D. Meinzinger will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Director (Plans), Policy and Plans at NORAD Command Centre, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, replacing Brig.-Gen. R.J. Chekan, who will be retiring;
    Col. J.P.L. Meloche will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Commander Canadian Forces Recruiting Group, in Borden, replacing Commodore D.M. MacKeigan;
    Col. P. Ormsby will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed the Canadian Liaison Officer to the Pentagon, in Washington, D.C.

After distinguished service to the CF and Canada, the following senior officers will complete their careers and retire from the CF in 2012:

    Lt.-Gen. J.J.C. Bouchard;
    Rear-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau;
    Maj.-Gen. R.V. Blanchette;
    Rear-Admiral N.S. Greenwood;
    Rear-Admiral R.W. Greenwood;
    Maj.-Gen. M.E. McQuillan;
    Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson
    Commodore B.W. Belliveau;
    Brig.-Gen. R.J. Chekan;
    Brig.-Gen. K.A. Corbould;
    Brig.-Gen. D.A. Davies;
    Commodore L.M. Hickey;
    Commodore H.W. Jung;
    Brig.-Gen. F.A. Lewis;
    Brig.-Gen. G.J.P. O’Brien; and
    Commodore K.E. Williams.
milnews.ca said:
.... according to this from the CF Info-machine:

.... The following promotions and appointments for CF senior officers will take place in 2012:

    Rear-Admiral R.A. Davidson will be promoted Vice-Admiral and appointed Canadian Military Representative to NATO, in Brussels, Belgium, replacing Vice-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau, who will be retiring;
    Maj.-Gen. J.R. Ferron will be appointed Deputy Commander, NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, in Kabul, Afghanistan, replacing Maj.-Gen. M.D. Day;
    Maj.-Gen. E.N. Matern will be appointed Commander Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington), in Washington, D.C., replacing Rear-Admiral R.W. Greenwood, who will be retiring;
    Acting Maj.-Gen. M.D. Day will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Director General International Security Policy – Assistant Deputy Minister (Policy) at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Brig.-Gen. M.R. Dabros will be appointed Commander Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (London) in London, England, replacing Commodore K.E. Williams, who will be retiring;
    Commodore J.E.T.P. Ellis will be promoted to Rear-Admiral and appointed Deputy Commander Canadian Expeditionary Force Command, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. E.N. Matern;
    Brig.-Gen. J.C.G. Juneau will be appointed Commander Land Forces Western Command, in Edmonton, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.F. Wynnyk;
    Brig.-Gen. C.R. King will be appointed Chief of Staff – Vice Chief of Defence Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. C.A. Lamarre will be appointed Director General Operations – Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. C.R. King;
    Commodore D.M. MacKeigan will be appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Operations – NATO Maritime Command Centre in Northwood, England, replacing Commodore B.W. Belliveau, who will be retiring;   
    Brig.-Gen. J.C. Madower will be appointed ISAF Deputy to the Deputy Chief of Staff Communications in Kabul, Afghanistan, replacing Commodore W.S. Truelove;
    Brig.-Gen. D.B. Millar will be appointed Assistant Chief of Military Personnel at NDHQ, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.C. Madower;
    Brig.-Gen. S.P. Noonan will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Commander Canadian Operational Support Command, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. M.E. McQuillan, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. T.E. Putt will be appointed Deputy Commander V (U.S.) Corps in Heidelberg, Germany, for an operational deployment with that Headquarters to the ISAF Joint Command in Kabul, Afghanistan;
  Brig.-Gen. A.T. Stack will be appointed Deputy Commander Land Forces Doctrine and Training System, in Kingston, replacing Brig.-Gen. T.E. Putt;
    Commodore W.S. Truelove will be promoted to Rear-Admiral and appointed Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, in Esquimalt, replacing Rear-Admiral N.S. Greenwood, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. K.L. Woiden will be appointed Director General Land Reserves, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. G.J.P. O’Brien, who will be retiring;
    Brig.-Gen. P.F. Wynnyk will be promoted to Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Canadian Army, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. A.J. Howard, whose next appointment will be announced at a later date;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.G.S. Bédard will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Public Affairs at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.R. Giguère will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Commander Land Forces Quebec Area, in Montreal;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. M.A. Matheson will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Plans – Strategic Joint Staff at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. D.J. Milner will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Deputy Commanding General III Corps, in Fort Hood, Texas;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. R.S. Williams will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and remains Director General Military Signals Intelligence at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Capt. (Navy) S.E.G. Bishop will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific in Esquimalt, replacing Commodore J.E.T.P. Ellis;
    Col. S.A. Brennan will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Chief of Staff Canadian Army, replacing Brig.-Gen. M.R. Dabros;
    Capt. (Navy) L. Bisson will be promoted to Commodore and remains Director General Compensation and Benefits with Military Personnel Command at NDHQ, in Ottawa;
    Col. W.D. Eyre will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander XVIII (U.S.) Corps in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, replacing Brig.-Gen, J.C.G. Juneau;
    Capt. (Navy) D.C. Hawco will be promoted to Commodore and appointed Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic in Halifax, replacing Commodore L.M. Hickey, who has retired;
    Col. O.H. Lavoie will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Commander Land Forces Central Area, in Toronto, replacing Brig.-Gen F.A. Lewis, who will be retiring;
    Col. R.G. Mazzolin will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Director General Information Management – Assistant Deputy Minister (Information Management), in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. S.P. Noonan;
    Col. A.D. Meinzinger will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Director (Plans), Policy and Plans at NORAD Command Centre, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, replacing Brig.-Gen. R.J. Chekan, who will be retiring;
    Col. J.P.L. Meloche will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed Commander Canadian Forces Recruiting Group, in Borden, replacing Commodore D.M. MacKeigan;
    Col. P. Ormsby will be promoted to Brig.-Gen. and appointed the Canadian Liaison Officer to the Pentagon, in Washington, D.C.

After distinguished service to the CF and Canada, the following senior officers will complete their careers and retire from the CF in 2012:

    Lt.-Gen. J.J.C. Bouchard;
    Rear-Admiral J.A.D. Rouleau;
    Maj.-Gen. R.V. Blanchette;
    Rear-Admiral N.S. Greenwood;
    Rear-Admiral R.W. Greenwood;
    Maj.-Gen. M.E. McQuillan;
    Brig.-Gen. P.J. Atkinson
    Commodore B.W. Belliveau;
    Brig.-Gen. R.J. Chekan;
    Brig.-Gen. K.A. Corbould;
    Brig.-Gen. D.A. Davies;
    Commodore L.M. Hickey;
    Commodore H.W. Jung;
    Brig.-Gen. F.A. Lewis;
    Brig.-Gen. G.J.P. O’Brien; and
    Commodore K.E. Williams.

Congratulations to General Stack on your new posting.....
The latest batch:
.... In addition to those announced in March, the following promotions and appointments for CF senior officers will take place in 2012:

    Lt.-Gen. S.A. Beare will be appointed Commander Canadian Joint Operations Command, in Ottawa;
    Maj.-Gen. J.G.J.C. Collin will be appointed Commander 1 Canadian Division, in Kingston, replacing Maj.-Gen. J.R. Ferron;
    Maj.-Gen. A.J. Howard will be appointed Chief of Transformation Implementation at National Defence Headquarters, in Ottawa;
    Commodore J.E.T.P. Ellis will be promoted Rear-Admiral and appointed Deputy Commander (Expeditionary) Canadian Joint Operations Command, in Ottawa;
    Brig.-Gen. R.D. Foster will be promoted Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander (Continental) Canadian Joint Operations Command, in Ottawa;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.C.F. Mackay will be appointed Commander Joint Operational Support Group, in Kingston;
    Brig.-Gen. D.B. Millar will be promoted Maj.-Gen. and remain Military Advisor to the Privy Council Office, in Ottawa;
    Brig.-Gen. S.P. Noonan will be promoted Maj.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander (Operational Support) Canadian Joint Operations Command, in Ottawa;
    Brig.-Gen. M.K. Overton will be appointed Assistant Chief of Military Personnel, in Ottawa, replacing Brig.-Gen. J.C. Madower;
    Acting Brig.-Gen. J.B. Ploughman will be appointed Chief of Staff Canadian Joint Operations Command Headquarters, in Ottawa;
    Col. J.J.R.S. Bernier will be promoted Brig.-Gen. and appointed Surgeon General/Director General Health Services, in Ottawa, replacing Commodore H.W. Jung, who will be retiring;
    Col. S.A. Brennan will be promoted Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Director General Capability and Structure Integration, in Ottawa;
    Col. J.D. Henley will be promoted Brig.-Gen. and appointed Deputy Commander Land Force Atlantic Area, in Halifax, replacing Brig.-Gen. A.T. Stack;
    Col. D.W. Joyce will be promoted Brig.-Gen. and appointed Military
    Advisor to the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, in Ottawa, replacing Maj.-Gen. R.V. Blanchette, who will be retiring; and
    Col. M.J. Pearson will be promoted Brig.-Gen. (acting while so employed) and appointed Commander Canadian Contingent Operation Proteus, in Jerusalem, Israel.

After distinguished service to the CF and Canada, Lt.-Gen. W. Semianiw will be assigned a special project upon his departure from Canada Command, as the Canadian Joint Operations Command is established. The details of this project will be announced at a later date, following which he will retire ....