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Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

I am an instructor at CFSCE. We have PT with the students every morning at 05:55!! You need to be able to run, not that long...maybe 6 or 7 km's. We even have 2 groups...fast group and slow group... the slow group can run about 5 km's in about 35 mins. You also need to be good with upper body i.e. pull ups, chin ups and of course...push-ups. I am 36 years old and can't beleive how out of shape people joining today are. Yes they find it hard because they were too lazy to prepare themselves first. You are doing the right thing by training before joining...keep up the good work.  
Sigs... thanks.. I am trying to get into better shape because i may be strong and fast but i am certainly no good at chin ups and endurace for cardio.. otherwise i can run quite fast but for about300 to 400 metres at a pace of about 15  mph  i know thats pretty fast for running but its not long enough lol.. but my idea is i will start running today doing 2 miles at a medium pace so i don't pss out lol and then i will also have already done my situps and psh ups... i dont have anywhere to do chinups so i will have to find somewhere soon!!!

All the advice given has been great so far and i am proud to be able to talk with you guys... i hope you will not stop with advice for me..
what I discovered good for chinups in the local community: monkey bars - usually at a good height and price is right :)
What you want to do is get a city map, look at the scale along the bottom (the little line that shows distance on the map in relation to the real life distance) and measure a piece of string that could cover a 6km distance on the map. For example, if 3cm on the map was 1km in real life, then an 18cm string (3cmx6=18cm) wil give you 6km. Now place one end of the string on the spot on the map where your house is, then place the rest of it over roads and trails, then back to your house again. Voila!! With 5 minutes work you now have an accurate way to guage the distance of your running and an easy way to figure out new routes.

So now that you have the distance figured out, you need to know how fast you should be going. 5min/kms are pretty much the standard for running, at least in 1RCR and the RCR Battleschool. So 6km x 5mins = 30mins. Now look back at your map and pick a point about halfway through your route - a crossroads, for example. Now you can look at your watch and be able to say that if you're at that point in under 15 mins, you're doing good. But if it took you longer then 15 mins, pick up the pace. Maybe, psychologically you'd do better if you divided the run into three 10 minute sections. Experiment.

The secret to improving your running is getting it through you head that you're going to cover that distance one way or another, no matter what. Run untill can't run anymore, then shuffle untill you can't do that, then walk if you have to. As soon as you get a bit of breath back, start running again. Just cover the ground you set out to do, at all costs. Don't stop moving, and after a few weeks you'll notics a drastic improvement.

Just to give you a bit of a standard to gauge how you're doing: At BMQ in St Jean, its pretty hard to fail because you can't run. The runs are on your own time, and the standard for the beep test is pretty low. If you're going combat arms, its another story all together. They started my course at about 5kms at a decent pace, then for the next 16 weeks increased it to an average of about 8kms in 40 mins. The runs get longer if you spend any amount of time in a holding platoon, but when you're actually on course you only have limited time in the mornings before inspection to do PT. As well, its common to do a run in the morning and a ruckmarch in the afternoon - expecially on the SQ. If the runs got any longer they'd be pushing the limits of what the troops bodies can take and the course staff would start dealing with stress fractures and other sports injuries. In holding platoon, on the other hand. There's all the time in the world to take you for long runs, since there usually isn't much planned for the rest of the day anyways. I was lucky enough to only spend a week on holding, and the longest run we did in that time was about 13kms in about 1:20. In battalion, alot of the PT you do depends on your platoon commander. My first platoon commander was more of a ruck march guy, and thats what we got good at. My current platoon commander runs like a fucking Banshee. Today we did the CO's Route (Down RCD Hill, a left past the Tent Pads, Up Brindle Hill, then back to Y101). Its about 8kms in just under 35mins. I'm pretty sure thats a personal best for myself. If you can do that before you start Basic, all the power to you. But most people need to be worked up to it. Thats a no-bullshit assessment from a guy who did his BMQ, SQ, and BIQ within the past year. Being a marathon runner will make life MUCH easier for you in the Battleschool, but I was doing 6kms in 30mins a couple days a week a few months before I started Basic and I've never had any problems. Just get the minimum down before you start so you're not trying to play catch up later on.

I hope this helps!!!
Ghostwalk said:
Just to give you a bit of a standard to gauge how you're doing: At BMQ in St Jean, its pretty hard to fail because you can't run.

WTF??? You can't run in Basic Training? That puts things in a new perspective!
Thanks Ghost... I think that since i have about a year and 4 months i should be able to do the 8 in 35 but it wil be hard... that will be my goal... I can go pretty quick and i hope that i will be able to do better then 8 in 35 but more like 10 in 40 kind of thing... if i can reach that AND get u to my goals in my sit-ups, push-ups and chin-ups then i wil be in buisness... also reaching those goals will increase my already large psychological strength

Yes, i am only saying that I have a powerful and hard to crack mind.. BUT that also means that i am stubborn and i know that wont help in the military.. My ultimate goal in the CF is to "have my own platoon" (as in be lead/ highest rank in my platoon) because I like teamwork and i like strategising "on the spot" and i also like making  my working space better for everyone.... such as  i would be more.. erm...listening when on "missions" or whatever they are caled these days... I am joining approximately 6 months after i turn 16 so I will start out young... I only wish I were allowed to start sooner.. but I think i need to be 16.... ANY help with starting early or getting a headstart on things even before i get there helps

I have one more question mainly... IS the highschool Military CO OP the BMQ or if not what is it??  (i already posted this in the Army reserves coop one but i want reg. force military co op)
what do you wear while running in training? i leave for basic on sunday and have all my infantry training after that.  i started running after i applied and i found i enjoy it. i have a few routes i take over various terrain and my times are 7km in 30 minutes  12km in 1 hour  and 18km in 1hour 25minutes but thats only wearing shorts and shoes.
i wear my long pants (that are double sided for extra weight and wind resistance) and i wear a t-shirt and also my shoes/socks and the normal.... also I will start wearing this old bulky coat and maybe even after a while i might use this old army bag thing that is huge and i will fill it up slowly so that i do weight training at the same time. i have al intentions of being able to run fast and far and also i would like to (but don't have to) be able to run full out for about 2 m... but thats only cuz i want to be fast ...

also i have another question... Is there any way that i can learn to be quieter while moving.. because i am fairly quiet now but (I am ashamed to say that i got this from a book) I would like to "specialize" in night-time close reconnaissance.. but that is only because i like being quiet and for other various reasons that are almost pointless... any help here?
Re: Grip...you should be OK with all the pull ups you are doing.

But I'll tell yah if you are looking for a hard summer job that will give you a death grip, and keep you in shape, consider working as a Bricklayrer or Stonemasons assistant or even apprentice.  Moving hundreds of Kilos of Stone, sand, and Brick around, and learning how to work as a team, and set stuff up while staying safe and healthy will serve you well in life.

It is a trade much in demand and in shortage of skilled work. You can keep it in the background as you go through the military, and like I said it can keep you in good shape.  This is what I did when I was 16-19.  I only wish I had done the military then.

Also it is fun to watch big guys eyes water when you shake their hand.  ;)


what do you wear while running in training?

i wear my long pants (that are double sided for extra weight and wind resistance) and i wear a t-shirt and also my shoes/socks and the normal.... also I will start wearing this old bulky coat and maybe even after a while i might use this old army bag thing that is huge and i will fill it up slowly so that i do weight training at the same time. i have al intentions of being able to run fast and far and also i would like to (but don't have to) be able to run full out for about 2 m... but thats only cuz i want to be fast ...

In the summer I wear a Regimental PT  T-Shirt (its compulsory), soccer shorts, and running shoes for runs, and a Regimental PT Shirt, combat pants, and boots for ruck marches. In the winter, I wear a hoodie with my PT Tshirt over it and track pants or something similar. This kind of stuff is just common sense. What you DO need to pay attention to is what kind of running shoes you get. The Johnny-Go-Fasters they issue you at St Jean are crap, so you should invest in a good pair of REAL running shoes. A good brand is New Balance, which allot of guys swear by. Right now I'm wearing Saucony, and apparently Nike is pretty good too. Just make sure you get runners and not cross trainers or casual shoes that look like they could be runners. Nothing takes you out of the game faster then busted feet, so shop around, ask advice, and put some thought into what you're doing.

Don't bother running with weight, you'll probably just hurt yourself. You'll never have to do it in training, and with your unit its only the Ironman competitors that ever bother with it. I have friends on my unit's Ironman team and for the past month they've been limping around and surviving on painkillers. All the power to them because the Ironman is pretty grueling (35km ruck run, 7km portage, 10km canoe, 5km ruck sprint to finish line), but man you have to be in some wicked shape to even complete the race. If I were you, I wouldn't risk hurting myself before I even started basic. You'll see enough guys drop out of Battleschool from sports injuries as it is.

also i have another question... Is there any way that i can learn to be quieter while moving.. because i am fairly quiet now but (I am ashamed to say that i got this from a book) I would like to "specialize" in night-time close reconnaissance.. but that is only because i like being quiet and for other various reasons that are almost pointless... any help here?

Heh... there is a technique to moving quietly, its called Ghostwalking  ;D Ask one of the Ninja Snipers around here, as both the Shinobi of Feudal Japan and today's snipers are proficient in this skill :P. You'll probably learn it in Battleschool as part of your sentry removal class, untill then cool your jets. Questions that that are generally frowned upon around here because it gives the impression you want to be some superstar rambo "wannabe". Thats not the image you want to give yourself, and the reason Infanteer suggested you change your screen name.
I have to keep in mind "Ninja OPSEC", but I can tell you that Re: Ninja "Ghostwalking" ...If you can run on Ice without slipping you can ghost walk, its the same tech'.

Also most of the silent Ninja movement tech' were based on careful choice of your terran, and surfaces, times of day, and careful observation of the sentries you are getting past.  Using nature as cover...ie rainfall, storms, etc.

A good Ninja author to look up is Hayes, or Ashida Kim.

Thanks... Above all i am no rambo wannabe or "Ding Chavez" wannabe either... I am just a kid who wants to work off of his strengths to defend his weaknesses.... hmm that sounds weird lol.... anyways i am basically down to working on deciding whether to go to Military CO OP or go straight to BMQ or w/e is first... so my question once again is ....

Does Military CO OP consist of the BMQ or is it just some extra pre BMQ training...?? IF it is NOT BMQ then I will probably do the BMQ the next possible time.... I really need to know because.... actually would it be possible for me to join for me to join for next summer or asap if next summer is my 16th B DAY?? if not then i will join for later but i am really in need of somewhere to go because my house isn't exactly a place that i want to stay for very long at all..... and its not normal teen stuff i get into fights (fistfights) with my siblings... so i need out and the military has been a dream of mine since i was about 6.... so i have waited a long time....and now i ask if anyone can help me out and answer my questions.

Answers are thanked in advance
thanks for that reply ghostwalk.
that cleared things up for me.
good advice on the shoes, i got a pair of sauconys a few months ago and they are the best running shoes i ever had and they were not too expensive.

wannabeppcli, its good that you want to be recce, sniper and all that but take it a day at a time.  concentrate on being the best applicant, then concentrate on being the best recruit, and so on...  you will get there just take it one step at a time
yeah.. I will do that I am just the type to plan things out or go moment to moment... so I guess it is Moment to moment for now lol.... i will hopefully do well in applying.... I have a VERY important question....

1. Am I able to apply for the BMQ now, expecting that I wont get excepted until next sumer or fall when i have already turned 16??

2.  Is it possible for me to take the applicaton tests now even though i am 15?

3. (statement)  I am NOT over anxious to barge in guns blazing but i just want a different, more challenging, lifestyle... and i need outa my house NOW... so sorry for this sounding rude but I just don't want people thinking i am some nutso, triggerhappy freak or something.
I'm not sure about the Joining age stuff, and BMQ, but if I was you I'd go join a Gym, swimming or running club, and that will keep you out of the house quite a bit, be at home just to eat, sleep, and poop...that's what I did at your age to get away from "the hellhole" I grew up in.

lol.. i can't though.. my house rules kep me in alot of the time because of my dads line of work.. i get involuntarily volunteered (if that makes anysense.. if not... i get volunteered without knowing it) and so i never get time to go out lol.. either way if i AM able to go to BMQ next summer then i wll try for it and if the Military COOP IS the BMQ then i wil just go to that.. unless i am able to go to the real BMQ... i have been waiting a long time to get into the army and i have grown a little more knowledgeable then most my age.. as well i  have stayed in certain activities that require some of the same attributes needed to be in CF.  I will continue my "self training" unti i get into the CF because i never want to go out of proper fitness levels again (i used to be and it was horrible)...  :salute:
thankx for the info i have been looking for a good training program and thankx spenco for your great advice
you can improve your endurance and muscle strength by rowing and skiing, they are better than running
any "bigger" guys here I'm not to out of shape just have a few extra inches on me I'm 6'2 260 I just went out and got a personal trainer who now has me on a eating plan and weights for 1 hr then cardio for a hr 4 times a week and every week i get stronger anyway my question is I want to get the interview and physical test out of the way soon,how long did your training take to get done the PT test and interview etc?    :cdn: