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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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FA22raptero said:
I've also heard both from the CFRC and from this website that in broad terms (and not without exceptions) that once you are on the competition list it is just a "matter of time", which is a frustrating thing to hear when its been so long.

The CFRC Staff should not be stating that it's just a matter of time once you're on the competition list.

As I look at the competition list right now there are close to 700 files for all occupations & entry plans.  Plus there are another 5,000 in process and another 7,000 waiting to start the process.  I can guarantee that not all 700 files on the Competition List as of today's date will be selected.

It all depends on the occupation that you're wanting to join, how competitive your file is today and in the future (as kratz explained, everytime someone with a stronger file makes it onto the competition list means you move further down).
Mahbub9803 said:
Thank you so much Volidyr for your kind reply. It is very good tips that you provided and I really appreciated. I also really appreciated BUCK_HRA reply! If both of you can assist me with this please!

I graduated with Bachelor of Computer Science and as my profession I am Network Engineer. So that is why I applied for 'Communication Electronics Engineering Officer' and 'Signal' as they are related with my education. BUT 'Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Office' is not related with my education but I would like to join as I have my interest with the Electrical and Mechanical equipment. So I might get into first two trade but do you thin still they might select me with this trade 'Communication Electronics Engineering Officer'! When there is a selection do they check background education and experience or I will get train for that?

I would like to be a Pilot but I know there are too much competition and long wait time so that is why I did not choose that one. Am I thinking right!

Thank you so much again!

For future: katz provided you all the information you requested.  Please then don't send me a PM asking me for the exact same information.
I am posting publicly as this is a suggestion for everyone, when you're given the information you requested - run with it :-)
700 files already all over the place, with well over 10,000 waiting.  :o

Whelp, time to wait, hope and find something else to do in the interim.

I really wish selection dates were more public so I'd have some idea, but I can understand it doesn't really help to know nor manage expectations. If it happens, it'll happen.
Hi SomeCodingNobody,

I agree with you 100%. Finding something else to do in the interim would be very wise as you are not guaranteed a job. As a conservative approach, I would highly suggest that you assume that the CAF will not be selecting you and that you continue to live your life as though you never even applied. If you are currently unemployed, it would be best to start looking for work.

Personally, I was on the competition list for over 7-8 months before I got selected. The process is long while frustration often kicks in when you know that selection dates pass by without being selected. Best of luck on your application!
SomeCodingNobody and Wnhan,

I really wish selection dates were more public so I'd have some idea, but I can understand it doesn't really help to know nor manage expectations.

These forums are fortunate to have past recruiters and a current one, willing to volunteer and accurately answer applicant's questions.

Above in reply # 1826, Buck_HRA explained how and why selection dates are used by the CAF. They are a tool for the CAF, not for applicants.
█🍁█ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ █🍁█ said:
Personally, I was on the competition list for over 7-8 months before I got selected. The process is long while frustration often kicks in when you know that selection dates pass by without being selected. Best of luck on your application!

7-8 months eh?  I've been on for about 5 months so far. I don't mind waiting. I was just curious as to what trade you were waiting for in that time on the list?
[quote author=Primus]
7-8 months eh?  I've been on for about 5 months so far. I don't mind waiting. I was just curious as to what trade you were waiting for in that time on the list?

[quote author=Wnhan]
Hi Buck,

When you have a moment, could you please let me know if and/or how many positions remain for the trade of Construction Engineering Officer under the DEO entry plan and when the next projected selection date would possibly take place?

Thanks for your efforts,
Hi Primus,

See below for my timeline. I underestimated about being 7-8 months on the list. It was approximately one year. See the above post by kratz concerning my trade. Again, best of luck on being selected and have a great weekend!

Application Date: 09/23/16
First Contact: 09/27/16
CFAT: 10/13/16
Medical: 12/07/16
Interview: 01/09/17
Background Check: 03/13/17
Medical Approved (due to laser eye surgery): 04/17/17
Competition Listed: End of April 2017
Interview Update (due to 1 year expiry): 01/08/18
Medical Update (due to 1 year expiry): 01/08/18
Offer of Employment: 06/06/18
Enrollment Ceremony: 08/14/18
BMOQ: 08/27/18
Hey there! If anyone knows the upcoming selection dates for ACISS I would really appreciate it!

7thghoul said:
Hey there! If anyone knows the upcoming selection dates for ACISS I would really appreciate it!


Please refer to Question #2 in the Recruiting FAQ's stickied to this forum: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/128223.0


Does anyone know when the selection dates are for combat trade. Combat engineer, crewman and infantry etc and how many positions are left.

Armystrong94 said:

Does anyone know when the selection dates are for combat trade. Combat engineer, crewman and infantry etc and how many positions are left.



Q2: When are selections done?

A: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0

NCM Entry Plans
      Unskilled/Semi-skilled/Skilled - There is no application deadline.  Selections happen twice a month minimum, sometimes weekly.

Please note that the above are "general" guidelines and at any point a projected/schedule selection can be pushed/moved for a variety of reasons.

As always the most accurate and up to date information on Selection Dates is your respective CFRC.

Knowing the exact number of remaining positions does not help very much. Example: If there are 10 positions but 300 applications,  knowing there are 10 positions is hardly useful information.

Hi there

Any idea for the next selection dates for AESOP?


Recruiting centre: Halifax
Regular/ Reserve: NCM Regular
Trade choice 1: AESOP
Trade choice 2:
Trade Choice 3:
Online Application Date: Aug 2018
First contact from CFRC Halifax: Aug 2018
All Forms Handed In: Aug 2018
CFAT: Sept 2018 ( was on vacation for the last 2 weeks of September)
Medical/Interview: tdb
CRNC Cleared: tbd
Merit Listed: tbd
Position Offered:tbd
Enrollment: tbd
BMQ Start Date: tbd
Just another applicant here. I wouldnt’t worry too much about selection dates just yet as you still have a long way to go before you are competition listed. Focus on your Interview and other aspects of the application. This process requires a lot of patience as we all have been waiting for years in some cases. Don’t be discouraged though, as I said just focus on the upcoming interview whenever it is scheduled.
Jewlz said:
Hi there

Any idea for the next selection dates for AESOP?


Hi Jewlz,

Welcome to the forum, most questions (like selections) have been asked and answered on here; prior to asking questions we ask that you spend some time looking at the posts (and FAQ's that we post).  In your case, your selection question was answered two above your post.

Q2: When are selections done?

A: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0

Enjoy your time on the forum and best of luck in the recruiting process.
I got selected as a Communication Electronics Engineering Officer in the Airforce. I am going for my basic training at the BMOQ on Feb 25th, 2019. Is there any others are going for the training on that date? Is there any group in the Facebook or some other places that I can talk who will join soon!
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