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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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FinnO25 said:

Do you know of any Infantry selection dates??

Selections for NCM occupations, including Infantry, happen every 2 weeks.
FinnO25 said:
any info on the next selection? ie exact day?

While it's understandable that you want to have access to as much info at any given time during the process, (which can be lengthy and sometimes difficult to not feel anxious during) you were just given a terrific piece of information stating the time frame when trade selections take place.

I know all too well what it's like to sit around in limbo not knowing what is going on behind the scenes, but understand that you need to have patience. You have a time frame. If you get an exact day, then what? Then you'll start wondering about whether or not you were selected...waiting for that notification...if it doesn't come, you might look for more answers, as many specifics as you can, hoping to get a grasp on how close you are/aren't. Don't do that to yourself. Check in every now and then seeing how things are going, but sometimes having more information just leads to more questions and more anxiousness.

This is your introduction to the military...you may have already heard it...hurry up and wait. Then, when it's time and everything has finally fallen into place, it'll be GO GO GO!
Paulyduch said:
So just as I made my last post about 5 minutes later I got a job offer ! I leave for bmq August 5th ! Anyone else going as well ?! Sworn date in manitoba is July 17th. I'm not allowed any legal obligations till then like tickets etc I recemtly got a letter saying I owe tax money from last year . do they double check all that when I go to my ceremony ? Anyone ? @buck_HRA I'll have it all paid before my ceremony . I just want to stay in the clear. Anything I ask of : how hard is basic ? I try to train every day run. Do the physically test practise. My friend just graduated bmq and he said if your committed you can do it
I leave for BMQ August 5th too, to start August 7th

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Hattie56 said:
Just a random topic, but, how do some people know when selection dates are? It would be interesting to know when the dates are for my selected trades. I've tried calling the CFRC, but it's near impossible to get ahold of anyone. So, what do you guys think? I applied for Sonar Op and NCI OP. Thanks in advance.
I found out by calling and asking !

Sent from my LG-H831 using Tapatalk

Paulyduch said:
I found out by calling and asking !

You quoted a question from 2013. Please make sure to respond to recent posts - thanks!

As for people asking for exact dates; even when I give dates they are approximate.  Even if I state a selection is due to occur on 24-May, there are a number of things that could occur to push it to the 25th, or even have it cancelled until the next approximate date.  With that said there is a possible selection occurring tomorrow for NCM occupations; please note that even when a selection occurs it can take 3-5 business days for your CFRC to find out who has been selected.
Buck_HRA said:
there is a possible selection occurring tomorrow for NCM occupations; please note that even when a selection occurs it can take 3-5 business days for your CFRC to find out who has been selected.

Finally, I've been waiting forever! I'm going to cry tears of joy, I can't wait until I get into the army. [:D
I have a question that has always stumped me.
How to they determine the number of candidates that get selected per trade? Is it based on unit need, or do they have a standard number they use?
FinnO25 said:
I have a question that has always stumped me.
How to they determine the number of candidates that get selected per trade? Is it based on unit need, or do they have a standard number they use?
Health of the trade and training system capacity are big ones. No sense recruiting 500 basket weavers a year when their occupation training only runs 2 courses of 30 people a year.
PuckChaser said:
Health of the trade and training system capacity are big ones. No sense recruiting 500 basket weavers a year when their occupation training only runs 2 courses of 30 people a year.

Do you know how often NCM Infantry courses run each year? And what percentages of Infantry candidates typically get selected during each selection date?
Buck_HRA said:
Selections for NCM occupations, including Infantry, happen every 2 weeks.


also i have learned this the hard way, and the lesson is don't worry so much about how many people get selected at one time, even if you don't get selected this round, don't stress about something you can't control. Just relax and enjoy civilian life while you can!

FinnO25 said:
I have a question that has always stumped me.
How to they determine the number of candidates that get selected per trade? Is it based on unit need, or do they have a standard number they use?

There's a quota that is needed within the CAF for each specific occupation.  When people release, they need to be replaced by new people.  Also when the Government makes a decision to increase the size of the military then each occupation will be increased by a certain number to achieve the goals of the Government.  Plus what PuckChaser said is a factor as well :-)

Infant_Tree said:
Do you know how often NCM Infantry courses run each year? And what percentages of Infantry candidates typically get selected during each selection date?

Sorry I couldn't tell you how many Trade courses run a year, your best bet would be to search out the Infantry Boards on this site and have a look; I believe this question has been asked and answered but if not you'd best pose the question there than in the Recruiting forum.
As for percentages, it doesn't work like that - during each Selection they will select individuals based on their performance (CFAT, TSD, Interview) scores; the CAF has been at this a long time so just because there's 50 people who want Infantry in the Competition List and they still have 100+ spots doesn't mean all 50 will receive offers - only up to a certain score will receive offers & if at the end of the year there are still positions than those with lower scores may receive an offer.

Hey Buck, I found this forum by searching across online. I contacted the recruiting center and they said the selections are all year round, and if I don't hear anything by end of May, I should look for a different option. I am just wondering what the final date is, as they weren't really clear about that. One person there said if I don't hear from them by end of May, it's a "stomp on the foot". Would I be getting any email from the recruiting center notifying me if I got in or not? Possibly by end of May? if not when? I am applying for ROTP Civilian University, Infantry Officer and Intelligence officer.
Buck_HRA said:
There's a quota that is needed within the CAF for each specific occupation.  When people release, they need to be replaced by new people.  Also when the Government makes a decision to increase the size of the military then each occupation will be increased by a certain number to achieve the goals of the Government.  Plus what PuckChaser said is a factor as well :-)

Sorry I couldn't tell you how many Trade courses run a year, your best bet would be to search out the Infantry Boards on this site and have a look; I believe this question has been asked and answered but if not you'd best pose the question there than in the Recruiting forum.
As for percentages, it doesn't work like that - during each Selection they will select individuals based on their performance (CFAT, TSD, Interview) scores; the CAF has been at this a long time so just because there's 50 people who want Infantry in the Competition List and they still have 100+ spots doesn't mean all 50 will receive offers - only up to a certain score will receive offers & if at the end of the year there are still positions than those with lower scores may receive an offer.


Does having prior service affect your scoring at all when they consider applicants - negatively or positively?

For example would it work in my favor if Ive already done BMQ-L and BMQ, doing a bypass and eliminating any possibility of a BMQ washout?
jkhan6227 said:
Hey Buck, I found this forum by searching across online. I contacted the recruiting center and they said the selections are all year round, and if I don't hear anything by end of May, I should look for a different option. I am just wondering what the final date is, as they weren't really clear about that. One person there said if I don't hear from them by end of May, it's a "stomp on the foot". Would I be getting any email from the recruiting center notifying me if I got in or not? Possibly by end of May? if not when? I am applying for ROTP Civilian University, Infantry Officer and Intelligence officer.

Selections for NCM & Officer DEO positions occur year round until the occupation is filled for the year.  That said, selections for paid education (ROTP, MOTP, DOTP, SEELM & NCM-STEP) do not occur year round.  As you've mentioned ROTP I will speak on that specifically.  The deadline for application is 31-Jan each year.  After that applications are only accepted in rare cases and normally only for occupations that the CAF is having issues filling (this year Logistics Officer & Pharmacy are the examples).  For smaller occupations the selections are normally done and applicants are informed if they've been selected no later than end-June.  I can tell you there are still positions remaining for both ROTP Inf & ROTP Int.  My advise is that you phone your CFRC mid-June and again end-June to ask if there are still positions remaining for those occupations.  Once there are no more positions remaining that closes the door, and not a moment before.

Edit Note: Applicants who are not selected are not informed.  Only applicants who are selected are contacted.

EpicBeardedMan said:

Does having prior service affect your scoring at all when they consider applicants - negatively or positively?

For example would it work in my favor if Ive already done BMQ-L and BMQ, doing a bypass and eliminating any possibility of a BMQ washout?

That would assist in your score on the interview with the MCC, which does increase your overall score.  Make sure to speak about your previous service during your interview, if you don't mention it than the MCC can't use it to increase your score even if they know you have previous service.

My application process for my ROTP Civ for INF and INT took a long time, and I was barely able to prove that I could attend my university again and make it for May 11th (my file was to be closed). I've already went through with all the application process, and am just waiting  to be picked as mentioned previously(I was not qualified for RMC, but was qualified for ROTP cilvilian univeristy, as I completed level 1 University programs).  The recruiter told me I was in the competitive range in terms of school marks and so forth. I'm wondering if my files being processed very late has anything to do with me not being picked this year, and was wondering what my chances are if I applied again for the next year's selection if I do not make it to this one?

Thank you in advance Buck. Your last reply was very helpful and it answered so much of the questions that I had, and I'm sure many others feel that way as well.
jkhan6227 said:
My application process for my ROTP Civ for INF and INT took a long time, and I was barely able to prove that I could attend my university again and make it for May 11th (my file was to be closed). I've already went through with all the application process, and am just waiting  to be picked as mentioned previously(I was not qualified for RMC, but was qualified for ROTP cilvilian univeristy, as I completed level 1 University programs).  The recruiter told me I was in the competitive range in terms of school marks and so forth. I'm wondering if my files being processed very late has anything to do with me not being picked this year, and was wondering what my chances are if I applied again for the next year's selection if I do not make it to this one?

Thank you in advance Buck. Your last reply was very helpful and it answered so much of the questions that I had, and I'm sure many others feel that way as well.

Selections for ROTP start occurring in February (early offers went out in early March this year), so yes a delay in your file making it to the Competition List would affect you getting picked up.  The same is true for all occupations/entry plans in the CAF, if selections are occurring and your file is not on the Competition List than by the time it reaches that stage there are less positions remaining.

As for your chances next year if you don't get picked up this year.  It's a total scratch.  While someone's file might be extremely competitive this year, next year it could be on the low range of applicants.  Those picked for ROTP depends on marks in school, CFAT, TSD and MCC Interview.  So if there are more competitive applicants next year someone who was quite high this year might be low next year.  Similarly someone who was not competitive this year might be next year if the applicants next year aren't as strong (basically I'm stating I can't tell you what your chances are for next year, but I'm explaining why I can't).
Buck_HRA said:
AEC projected selection dates are: 19 April 2017 & 31 May 2017

Hi: With regards to AEC, may I ask what Selection Date means? In particular, selection from what? i.e. Those who passed ASC, completed the interview, etc.

I have just got the confirmation of my interview and medical appointment which takes place next month.

Thank you in advance.
jollibee said:
Hi: With regards to AEC, may I ask what Selection Date means? In particular, selection from what? i.e. Those who passed ASC, completed the interview, etc.

I have just got the confirmation of my interview and medical appointment which takes place next month.

Thank you in advance.

Once your file is fully completed i.e. interviews, medical, testing, background check, etc, etc, your local recruitment office will pass on your file to HQ in Borden where you will be placed on a ranked competition list (formerly known as merit list). Your position on the list is based on a numerical value that represents your test scores, interview scores and other factors such as past work experience; it summarizes the overall strength of your application file, if you will.

The selection you speak of is the date when the selection committee gets together and reviews the competition list, picking out the best of the available candidates to satisfy the quota for the given fiscal year.

From my own personal DEO application experience so far I can tell you that these selections can work in rather mysterious ways. Even though they schedule a selection date for a given trade, or in your case AEC, doesn't necessarily mean they will go through with it on that given day. They may defer the selection to a later date for a variety of reasons that are unknown to me. They may also fill a certain percentage of the available spots on a given day, and leave some openings for a later selection.

In fact, those selection dates were also scheduled for the trade I applied for and to the best of my knowledge, no selection took place on the 19th of April for DEO NCSE.

Having said that, it seems that your file is not yet fully completed so you have some distance to go before you get to the selection stage. It may even be too late for you this year but that would be a question for someone like Buck_HRA.

Best of luck to you.

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