Milerup said:
Hi buck,
Just wondering how long 17/18 spots remaining can be open in the 18/19 fidcal year. Meaning can they still be spots in july for 17-18? Or at some points they get erased!
As always, thanks a lot
For 17/18 positions you must be enrolled by 31-March; although you might not start training until later in the year. This year 31-March is a Saturday and 30-March is Good Friday (a stat); so the last day to enrol for FY 17/18 is 29-March.
It's not that the positions get "erased"; it's that anything left unfilled is just that, unfilled - then the CAF starts working on 18/19 intake numbers.
Milerup said:
Hey buck,
I got i call today from montreal recrutement offering me a job until the next french bmoq in august (because apparently the one in may as no entry). I have found no info online on type on duty/pay rate etc. Was wondering if anybody knew of that type of offer.
Thanks a lot
That can happen at times. The rate of pay will be in your ETP (Enrolment / Transfer Posting) Message. Ask your recruiter what the rate of pay is, they are your best and most accurate source of information. Reason for this is that some officers are given time credit towards pay based on whether they have a "normal" degree, honours degree, post-graduate degree.
gazorpazorpfield said:
I heard there was a selection yesterday May 19 but I didn't think they'd call successful candidates this quickly; i thought it would take another 8-10 days from selection to job offer. If the August BMOQ is instructed in French, are the two serials in May instructed in English? Or are the May serials no entry because they are all filled up? Can you please clarify these too Buck, thank you very much.
There are actually 3 serials in May, 2 are in English and 1 is in French. The French serial is full, and one of the two English serials is full.
gazorpazorpfield said:
Is that what the F's and E's stand for in the serial number?

A little hopeful for that May 7th BMOQ. I expect we'll be hearing some people getting their calls in the next few days to be loaded into that serial. Best of luck guys!
Both the French and English 7 May serial are full. The 14 May English serial still has spots as of today.
white-1 said:
In regards to the May 7th BMOQ, just judging by the length of the course ( 2 months vs the typical 3), I am willing to bet that these 2 serials are specific to students attending RMC. They typically complete their course in 2 phases spread over a couple of summers.
Can’t confirm this but it would fall in line with what typically happens every summer.
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Look closer at the dates: 7-May to 27-Jul is 10 weeks; 14-May to 3-Aug is also 10 weeks. BMOQ is now 10 weeks (2.5 months in duration).
If it were for RMC Students it would be labelled as BMOQ MOD 1 & MOQ MOD 2...
LegioXEquestris said:
Can anyone clarify what's going on with the May 7th BMOQs and why people are being slotted into later ones?
There are no spots remaining on the 7 May BMOQ; people are being loaded on later serials. When the 14-May serial fills up people will be loaded on later serials yet again.
colinreid16 said:
Thank you for your response.
Just to clarify, medical officers looking at an applicants medical file cannot contact civilian physicians about said applicant. Or won't.
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Unless you've signed a Consent to Release Information, Military Physicians cannot speak to your Civilian Doctors; this is protected information. Depending on your province is depending under which act, but for Ontario for example it's PHIPPA (Personal Health Information Protection Act).
WJFW11 said:
Hi Buck,
I'm not sure if you can answer this but do you know when ROTP selections end? Because of a medication I was on, I wont be medically cleared until May 13 and I'm worried there won't be any spots left for my chosen trade (infantry officer, civvy U applicant) by then.
Last year the campaign officially ended on 30-June. I don't work on the ROTP team and the ROTP entry plan isn't one of the eligible entry plans for the occupations that I recruit for; so I'm not sure when the campaign is officially slated to close this year; I would suggest asking your Recruiter.