Good Day, I'm not sure where you're getting this information but a Masters Degree is not "preferred" for IntO.
For academics, the ideal is a Baccalaureate degree in Conflict Studies, Computer Science, Global Studies/Development, History, International Relations/Studies, Military and Strategic Studies, Political Science/Polics or a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers. There is no mention of a Masters Degree in the Entry Standards.
As for the experience, the request is that someone has deployed operational experience (6 months cumulative) or at least 1 year of experience working in an intelligence or security position at a government agency department (e.g. CBA, CSC, CSE, CSIS, DFATD, DND, CAF, FINTRAC, OPP, PCO, PSC, RCMP, SQ, TC) or has attained the Source Handling Operator Course.
There was not a Selections for Pilot yet in February. As of today's date there are still 20 positions remaining for Pilot DEO for 17/18.