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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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wnhan said:
Hi Roger123,

What did you mean when you stated that "He said this was partly due to the majority of the BMOQ spots being filled until January"? I do not know how to interpret this statement. Do you mean that the recruiting centers have no knowledge about the next selection dates because the majority of the spots for the BMOQ scheduled for January 2018 have been filled? If yes, does this suggest that the selection dates will only take place for the next BMOQ scheduled after January 2018? Please clarify if you have further details. It would be greatly appreciated.

Kindest regards,

Just to add to this - I spoke with my file manager earlier in Sept. - they indicated that the next BMOQ that was to be loaded is March 12, 2018 as the January one was pretty well full. The file manager did indicate there may be spots that open up for January depending on declined offers - but stressed to not count/plan on this.

Thanks for the information nearp. Its a bummer that I likely won't be loaded on the January 2018 BMOQ course ( my targeted start date) and my process from application to BMOQ start date is extended by at least another 3 months. On the bright side, it represents an additional 3 month opportunity to get in better shape. Good luck everyone!
@Roger123: No problem ! Goodluck with your application !

Hi Buck,

I was wondering if you could confirm if the September selection date for DEO occurred (specifically for DEO - Pilot) ? My file manager indicated earlier in September, that there was a tentative date scheduled for the end of Sept - however I've seen others posting above suggesting that their respective CFRCs were unaware of any upcoming selection dates. Thanks in advance for your time!

kevinring said:
May I know if the trade for AERE is still open or closed for this year?
AERE is still open, approximately 40% of the positions remain open as of today's date.

FinnO25 said:
Hey Buck, when you are back in office on the 4th could you please let me know how many spots remain open for infantry?
As of today's date approx. 35% Infantry and 48% of Infantry Officer remain open for selection.

patelh35 said:
Are there specific selection dates for the SEELM plan? I submiting a CT to Physiotherapy Officer since I just started a MPT program and was just curious how long I should be expecting to wait. Thanks!
CT's are controlled by DMCPG 5; as such information on their selection dates are not available to me.  I've not seen any comments on here from anyone that works in DMCPG 5, but as part of your process you will be assigned a broker who will deal with your file.  You should query this question directly to that person once you have a POC.

SteviePete said:
Hello, I got an email one week ago saying that I was currently on the competition list awaiting selection. Does anybody have the selection dates for Infantry 2017?
  I applied last year on October 20th, everything is done and I'm so close it's really hard to be patient at this point haha.
  If anybody has any info that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Selections occur twice a month (on average) for NCM occupations until such time as the occupation is closed for the year, and at the moment approx 35% of Infantry positions remain open.

Roger123 said:
Hey SteviePete,

Was the email notifying you of your status on the competition list sent to you by the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group ( CFRG ) or your file manager? I was notified by my file manager that my application was complete and sent to CFRG for selection purposes, but have not received a confirmation email of my status on the competition list. This was towards the end of August, so about one month ago.

You will not receive notification from CFRG about your file being on the selection list.  Once you are notified by your file manager that you are on the selection list, the next communication won't be until you have been selected and your CFRC has an offer of employment for you.

wnhan said:
Concerning the trade of Construction Engineering Officer under the DEO entry plan, the past 2-3 selection boards have been pushed back and basically never occurred. I went to my local CFRC on Friday, September, 22, 2017 and they confirmed that the most recent selection board in August also never occurred and that there are still 7 positions open under the DEO entry plan. Previous to this visit, they have always been able to provide me with a future date for the next selection date. Unfortunately, during this one, the responding agent stated that their system had "no information available at this time" regarding the next selection date. If anyone has any info on this, could you please let me know? Thank you in advance and good luck on being selected.

I'm not sure who you were speaking with but the selection for August did occur; in fact some people for the occupations I take care of were selected.  Please note that there is a difference between no one in a certain occupation being selected vice a selection not occurring.  During the monthly DEO selections there are times when occupations do not get selected for a variety of reasons; one of the main ones is if there aren't enough people on the merit list to make a selection fair and transparent (although there are other reasons as well).


Selections for all enrollment plans with the exception of ROTP continue to be ongoing on a monthly (or twice a month basis).  Yes it's true that BMOQ are now January & March 2018; however this does not stop selections from occuring.  The only time selections will cease is when an occupation is filled for the year; and at the moment there are still quite a few officer occupations that are not at "0" remaining for the year.
Hi Buck,

I'm currently on the competition list for EME DEO. Could you please let me know how big the list is for the position, how many spots are left, and if there was anyone picked during a selection for EME recently?

Hi Buck,

Thanks for the updates! Since you know that some applicants were selected in August for various trades, could you please tell me how many spots are currently open and when the next selection board is scheduled to take place for DEO Construction Engineering Officer?

Also, thank you for educating me that "there is a difference between no one in a certain occupation being selected vice a selection not occurring" and that "there are times when occupations do not get selected for a variety of reasons; one of the main ones is if there aren't enough people on the merit list to make a selection fair and transparent (although there are other reasons as well)". Based upon this, could you please tell me if my trade has enough applicants on the competition list? From my previous contacts with my local CFRC, this trade does not receive many applicants relative to other trades.

Kindest regards,
I applied early September online; my CFAT was on file from a previous application, and completed the TSD and MOST September 21 for DEO MARS. I am awaiting an email for my medical and interview dates. As far as I understood the explanation these times are connected to the selection periods. Could one of our resident gurus confirm this? Also would anyone know if/how many DEO MARS positions are still available for the current recruiting year?
mechabot said:
I'm currently on the competition list for EME DEO. Could you please let me know how big the list is for the position, how many spots are left, and if there was anyone picked during a selection for EME recently?

Information on how many people are on the competition is not released; this is because right now it could be 100 and in 5 minutes it could be 120 and 10 minutes later it could be down to 90.  People are being added and in some cases removed (due to selection or individuals no longer being interested in the CAF, or other reasons).  So because the information changes the total number of people on the merit list is not released. There are approximately 70% of the EME positions remaining as of today's date and the last date someone was selected for EME was in July.

wnhan said:
Hi Buck,

Thanks for the updates! Since you know that some applicants were selected in August for various trades, could you please tell me how many spots are currently open and when the next selection board is scheduled to take place for DEO Construction Engineering Officer?

Also, thank you for educating me that "there is a difference between no one in a certain occupation being selected vice a selection not occurring" and that "there are times when occupations do not get selected for a variety of reasons; one of the main ones is if there aren't enough people on the merit list to make a selection fair and transparent (although there are other reasons as well)". Based upon this, could you please tell me if my trade has enough applicants on the competition list? From my previous contacts with my local CFRC, this trade does not receive many applicants relative to other trades.

Kindest regards,

There are still approximately 70% of positions remaining as of today's date.  For Constr Eng; the other factor in selection dates is that individuals must complete BMOQ & BMOQ(L) prior to their trade course and the trade course runs May to Aug; so selections generally occur in timing that people will be loaded on those courses in time to be able to go onto their occupational training.  This is part of the "other reasons" category that I mention. 

patrickciappara said:
I applied early September online; my CFAT was on file from a previous application, and completed the TSD and MOST September 21 for DEO MARS. I am awaiting an email for my medical and interview dates. As far as I understood the explanation these times are connected to the selection periods. Could one of our resident gurus confirm this? Also would anyone know if/how many DEO MARS positions are still available for the current recruiting year?

The times are connected to selection periods, what the current push is and how much processing capacity a Recruiting Centre has.  If the current push is for NCM's than a Recruiting Centre will need to process NCM's for Interviews & Medicals and if all their spots get filled up with those applicants, than any other applicant will need to wait until capacity opens back up.

As of today's date there are approximately 60% of the MARS DEO positions remaining.
Thank you Buck for such a quick response. This may be pushing my luck but would you happen to have any information on the next selection date for DEO MARS?
Hey Buck,

Would you happen to know how many positions remain for this fiscal year for ACS TECH Semiskilled/Unskilled?

Thanks again
I submitted my application September 29th and got an email back October 2nd saying I've been selected for further proccsing, any idea on when I'll go to basic based on that info and I applied to be a supply tech
Good day BuckHRA,

Would be interested to the know the number of remaining spots this fiscal year for Pilot, ACSO and AEC for DEO and of any known up coming selection dates. Thanks
Buck_HRA said:
AERE is still open, approximately 40% of the positions remain open as of today's date.

Hi Buck,

Thank you for posting this information. Do you know when the next selection for AERE will take place? Are there any trade specific factors which affect the time and frequency of AERE selections?

Thank you
Theo99 said:
Would you happen to know how many positions remain for this fiscal year for ACS TECH Semiskilled/Unskilled?
Approx 33% positions remain open for ACS Tech as of today's date.

Roger123 said:
Good day BuckHRA,

Would be interested to the know the number of remaining spots this fiscal year for Pilot, ACSO and AEC for DEO and of any known up coming selection dates. Thanks

Approx 46% positions remain open for PLT as of today's date.
Approx 33% positions remain open for ACSO as of today's date.
Approx 25% positions remain open for AEC as of today's date.


In regards to dates: https://navy.ca/forums/threads/125930.0
This is going to be the most specific I will be.  I don't give specific dates as then people expect that if a selection occurs on 5 Oct that they'll be told on 6 Oct and this is not the case.  For any future requests for "actual dates" I will respond with that link, many factors play a role in whether a selection occurs; however that link provides information on selection date information on all entry plans.

Trueprince2 said:
I submitted my application September 29th and got an email back October 2nd saying I've been selected for further proccsing, any idea on when I'll go to basic based on that info and I applied to be a supply tech

You are at the beginning of the process.  You have to write the CFAT, TSD - do an interview and medical, go through a background check.  Basic Training is awhile away for you yet.  Best of luck in your process :-)

Approx 46% positions remain open for PLT as of today's date.
Approx 33% positions remain open for ACSO as of today's date.
Approx 25% positions remain open for AEC as of today's date.

Thanks for the information, greatly appreciated.

Buck_HRA said:
You are at the beginning of the process.  You have to write the CFAT, TSD - do an interview and medical, go through a background check.  Basic Training is awhile away for you yet.  Best of luck in your process :-)
Is their any times where the process is really fast or anything like that? like do i have any odds of getting in very quickly
Trueprince2 said:
Is their any times where the process is really fast or anything like that? like do i have any odds of getting in very quickly
Processing times vary person by person.  You may not score high on the CFAT or TSD, you may not do well on the Interview, you could have medical issues I don't know about, there could be issues with your Security Clearance: for all of these reasons a recruiter won't tell you how long your application will take.  If you're wanting to get into the Regular Force though it is VERY rare for anyone to get in prior to 6 months from their application date.

SlickHandzAVN said:
Hi Buck,

I was debating asking but the unknown got the best of me.  Any intel on the AVN positions?

For AVN Tech there are approx. 50% of the positions remaining as of today's date.
Buck_HRA said:
Processing times vary person by person.  You may not score high on the CFAT or TSD, you may not do well on the Interview, you could have medical issues I don't know about, there could be issues with your Security Clearance: for all of these reasons a recruiter won't tell you how long your application will take.  If you're wanting to get into the Regular Force though it is VERY rare for anyone to get in prior to 6 months from their application date.
Bummer I was expecting to get in quick just kind of got anticipation building up, but anyway the wait will give me more time to get in better shape!
Buck_HRA said:
Processing times vary person by person.  You may not score high on the CFAT or TSD, you may not do well on the Interview, you could have medical issues I don't know about, there could be issues with your Security Clearance: for all of these reasons a recruiter won't tell you how long your application will take.  If you're wanting to get into the Regular Force though it is VERY rare for anyone to get in prior to 6 months from their application date.

For AVN Tech there are approx. 50% of the positions remaining as of today's date.

Hey Buck,

Can I bug you for the numbers for Comm Rsrch Op? Im confused because the Hamilton CFRC Det Commander was away on course so my file has been sitting on their desk for almost 2 months now waiting to get merit listed, yet I see people getting offers from the very same CFRC? Not sure if there are multiple Det Commanders...? Getting pretty frustrated.
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