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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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Flatliner said:
Assuming the same for NCM?

As long as there are still spots offers will continue to roll out.

Have you checked whether or not you are even merit listed. You will not get an offer if you aren't on the merit list...
KerryBlue said:
As long as there are still spots offers will continue to roll out.

Have you checked whether or not you are even merit listed. You will not get an offer if you aren't on the merit list...

Wasn't told specifically that I was or not as I did not ask, but I know they have contacted my references and past workplaces and the recruiter was aiming to have me ready to go for this round of selections.
Flatliner said:
Wasn't told specifically that I was or not as I did not ask, but I know they have contacted my references and past workplaces and the recruiter was aiming to have me ready to go for this round of selections.

I'd suggest you ask this question to your CFRC, about being Merit Listed.  You don't want to be "that" guy!  You know, the one who did what was asked, provided everything that was asked, had the entire process completed and told he was "good to go" and wished good luck.  Only to find out 8 months later that someone forgot to "push a button" and merit list him.    :facepalm:
DAA said:
I'd suggest you ask this question to your CFRC, about being Merit Listed.  You don't want to be "that" guy!  You know, the one who did what was asked, provided everything that was asked, had the entire process completed and told he was "good to go" and wished good luck.  Only to find out 8 months later that someone forgot to "push a button" and merit list him.    :facepalm:

I hear ya. If I don't get any news by end of day tomorrow, I'll likely give them a call early next week or stop by in person when I'm close by.
I was hoping someone (DAA?) could answer these few questions for me.  I'm getting papers ready to submit my application soon for Pilot (only). 

1) I have seen that the next BMOQ is Jan 17th 2015.  Are the future start dates all chosen?  If so can you tell me the next one or two start dates so that I have an idea of what my time limit sort of looks like?  Obviously I will aim to get all my application processes done long before then, but I'm curious.  If there are three BMOQ start dates per year or something then I know I probably can't make the one directly after January's.

2) Any numbers on pilot positions?  Forgive me if I misunderstand but you seem to have access to the number of filled/remaining positions.  If Pilot is still listed as Now Hiring on Forces.ca, can I allow myself hope that they didn't completely fill the need with the recent hiring period?

I searched the last few pages for mention of pilot and didn't see anything, apologies if I missed some information already stated..
HopefulPiloteer said:
I was hoping someone (DAA?) could answer these few questions for me.  I'm getting papers ready to submit my application soon for Pilot (only). 

1) I have seen that the next BMOQ is Jan 17th 2015.  Are the future start dates all chosen?  If so can you tell me the next one or two start dates so that I have an idea of what my time limit sort of looks like?  Obviously I will aim to get all my application processes done long before then, but I'm curious.  If there are three BMOQ start dates per year or something then I know I probably can't make the one directly after January's.

2) Any numbers on pilot positions?  Forgive me if I misunderstand but you seem to have access to the number of filled/remaining positions.  If Pilot is still listed as Now Hiring on Forces.ca, can I allow myself hope that they didn't completely fill the need with the recent hiring period?

I searched the last few pages for mention of pilot and didn't see anything, apologies if I missed some information already stated..

Sure, I will try.......and let's not put the cart before the horse here.

First, you need to submit your online application, that's the easy part these days.  First email back is nothing more than a "server" acknowledgement, which doesn't mean much.  Within 3-5 working days you should get a second email telling you to contact CFRC X for continued processing and this is when the fun starts..........

Once you have made contact with your CFRC, they will book you for the CFAT and TSD.  Once you write both these, then the waiting begins.......

After those tests, if you should be "fortunate" enough to be identified for continued processing, then comes the Medical. Security, Background Checks and the Interview.  After all the "checks" in those boxes....

Then comes Aircrew Selection (ASC) and if successful for Pilot during the ASC, straight to Aircrew (Pilot) Medical.  Then more waiting.........

If you are selecting Pilot as an occupation, it's pretty much a long drawn out process.  So even if you applied right this moment, had impecable qualifications, excelled on all the testing and all the stars aligned, you'd be lucky to be starting BMOQ (Officer Basic) in Jul/Aug next year.

All you need to apply, is your Birth Certificate, Proof of Cdn Citizenship (if applic) and your Academic Transcipts.

Good luck!
Just went into the CFRC today to inquire about my application status (interview and medical were both 6 weeks ago).  Good timing since today I became merit listed according to the system. 

I am reading through this thread page by page to try and find it, but in the meantime if I may be so bold : does anyone know when selection dates are for 000327 (Electronic-Optronic Technician)?

Best of luck to all applicants.
Thank you DAA for all the information. I'll be applying ASAP now. If the stars don't align, the next BMOQ is January 2016? Both would work pretty well for me to finish getting my engineering license, which is a nice milestone to reach before I get out of the field.
BorisK said:
I am reading through this thread page by page to try and find it, but in the meantime if I may be so bold : does anyone know when selection dates are for 000327 (Electronic-Optronic Technician)?

The next round of selections for NCM occupations (including EO Tech) with positions remaining is 8 Dec.  For DEO occupations where spots are still available, weekly.

Good luck!
I received my call yesterday :) I begin bmq January 5th, 2015 for ATIS Tech Enrollment ceremony is December 8th :)
colorful1 said:
I received my call yesterday :) I begin bmq January 5th, 2015 for ATIS Tech Enrollment ceremony is December 8th :)

Jealous! Seriously though, congrats and good luck.
I got my offer yesterday as well artillery BMQ Jan 12th if anyone in the calgary area is heading out at that time to PM me
yeah i second them .. Gratz to u lucky ba***  :salute:  and stil havnt done my CFAT , cant wait to be done with that part  :boring:
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