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Selection Dates 2013-2018

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For cook are we looking at Novemberish? I am hoping I am not to late when it comes to the medical.
Dan62910 said:
I've been hearing that those applying for infantry have to wait until April 2015

There was a bug infantry hire a month ago.. sounds right to me.
Treemoss said:
There was a bug infantry hire a month ago.. sounds right to me.

Negative. DAA just confirmed the Infantry selection dates on the previous page.

Correction.. that is for those already merit listed not applying.
They always change.  NCM is 6 Oct and/or 3 Nov, varies by occupation and the wind direction.    :o
I went to sign my offer yesterday anf had a glance of the dates written on the the board in the office.... From Toronto: october 3,10,17, Nov 6..that i can remember those are the dates from toronto..good luck
I've been Merrit listed for infantry for almost a year now. I've contacted my file manager at least twice a month and I've been told the same thing 'your merrit listed so once we get a job offer for you we will contact you'. Still keeping my head high and my fitness is at an all time high.
DAA said:
Probably, not until sometime in Feb 15.

Hmm, alright. I've been hearing different answers each time I've asked, from November to January to April. Regardless, thank you for the quick reply, much appreciated.
Salt said:
Hmm, alright. I've been hearing different answers each time I've asked, from November to January to April. Regardless, thank you for the quick reply, much appreciated.

Kind of hard to have a selection for Bosn, when there are no spots left.  :(
Is the frequent selection dates for NCM Combat Arms trades due to the amount of people in those trades getting out, retiring etc? Just curious why trades like Infantry hire year round unlike some other trades
DAA said:
Kind of hard to have a selection for Bosn, when there are no spots left.  :(

Haha, yeah... I've been told just that twice already unfortunately. I went for my interview at the end of August and I was told then that there were 2, maybe 3 spots open and it was extremely likely I'd be one of those selected, but due to a "hiccup" I need to redo my interview on the first of November, so it looks like I did indeed miss the boat for those spots. My recruiter has since told me I should expect to be in by April at the latest, so I looked at the BMQ start dates and there are three courses starting in January and ending in April. When I saw that I got a little optimistic that he might have meant "in" as in done with BMQ by April. Looks like that might not end up being the case.

Ah well. More time to prepare is all it is I guess. Back to the waiting game!
FortYorkRifleman said:
Is the frequent selection dates for NCM Combat Arms trades due to the amount of people in those trades getting out, retiring etc? Just curious why trades like Infantry hire year round unlike some other trades

It pretty much has to do with "what happens to you after you graduate from BMQ".  Once you successfully complete BMQ and move on to your next phase of occupational training, there needs to be occupational training available, if it's not, then you end up sitting around on PAT Platoon (Personnel Awaiting Training) until the next occupational course is run.  So with the Combat Arms and a few other occupations, the selections need to be spaced out over the entire year, so as not to over tax, the units/people that are responsible for your next round of training.

In more simplistic terms...........

If you're the Manager at Walmart and KNOW that you are going to sell 1,000 loafs of bread in a year, the supplier could probably provide that relatively quickly, but you really don't want 1,000 loafs showing up all at the same time.  Some of that bread is going to spoil because it's been sitting around for so long.......
Hey guys after 4 months of being on the merit list I think I've gotten my call, I missed my call this afternoon but I'm pretty positive I'm being offered a job, anyways with in those months I have found myself a steady job that pays all right with benefits. My question is, could I ask to be a reservist instead of reg force?
leroy707 said:
Hey guys after 4 months of being on the merit list I think I've gotten my call, I missed my call this afternoon but I'm pretty positive I'm being offered a job, anyways with in those months I have found myself a steady job that pays all right with benefits. My question is, could I ask to be a reservist instead of reg force?

If the CF Reg F is where you want to be, stick with your current pursuit of the Reg F.  If you want to switch over to Res F, then you are going to have to contact a Reserve Unit in your local area first, to see if they have any positions available before you decide to make the change.
DAA said:
If the CF Reg F is where you want to be, stick with your current pursuit of the Reg F.  If you want to switch over to Res F, then you are going to have to contact a Reserve Unit in your local area first, to see if they have any positions available.
Must I go through the whole process again of applying? Would my recruiter have any information on this when I call him tomorrow?
leroy707 said:
Must I go through the whole process again of applying? Would my recruiter have any information on this when I call him tomorrow?

No, there should be no need to go through the process again.  Chances are, your recruiter will not have any information with regards to Reserve Force Recruiting.  That is managed by the individual units and their respective Brigades.

I would suggest you speak with a Reserve Unit directly before bringing this up with your CFRC.
DAA said:
No, there should be no need to go through the process again.  Chances are, your recruiter will not have any information with regards to Reserve Force Recruiting.  That is managed by the individual units and their respective Brigades.

I would suggest you speak with a Reserve Unit directly before bringing this up with your CFRC.
Thank you DAA you are extremely helpful
leroy707 said:
Thank you DAA you are extremely helpful

***----->  http://www.forces.ca/en/centres/findarecruiter-110

Input your province and city, it will bring up the all the units in your local area.  You will see "tabs" which show the various Reserve Components available to you.  Just click on them.  Some have phone numbers or email addresses and some have nothing but an address.    >:(  That's your first point to start exploring options before you jump ship.....
Well it's been one year since first contact and I am happy to say I have been chosen for armoured solider and my bmq starts Nov 3rd, be patient everyone I almost gave up hope but my time has finally come
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