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Security Clearance.

ONT said:
So with that being said, how does one get a level 2 clearance, and what does a level 2 check include?
Long version (since I already had it typed out):

It involves filling out a standard Government of Canada Security Clearance Form (TBS/SCT 330-60E) as well as a Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form (TBS/SCT 330-23E), and submitting it to your unit's Unit Security Supervisor, who will action it accordingly. If you would like to know what type of information is required for this, both forms can be found by a quick google search for the form number.

As for what actual work is done during the course of granting a Level II clearance, most of that is done by outside agencies (Mostly RCMP, but CSIS tends to get involved for Level III clearances. And of course things get bogged down if you lived outside of the country during the time period that the security check covers), so we in DND have little to no control over how long it can take. Don't expect it to happen instantly, especially not for a Level III clearance.
ONT said:
So with that being said, how does one get a level 2 clearance, and what does a level 2 check include?

You will be told what to do to get one if there is a need for you to hold that level. You dont just wake up one day and say "hey, it would be neat if i had level 2...."
CDN Aviator said:
You will be told what to do to get one if there is a need for you to hold that level. You dont just wake up one day and say "hey, it would be neat if i had level 2...."
Can't agree with that. As a reserve infanteer, if you've researched an opportunity that requires a clearance, then be proactive and get on it. Just make sure your COC knows why you're making the request.
YOU should know better by virtue of your trade.
No one goes in a requests a security clearance.
As CA reiterated when you are required to upgrade your clearance your USSO will provide you with the requisite details on how the process works.
That having been said, if over 80% of positions within a trade require a clearance of a certain level, you can apply for that clearance in anticipation of being assigned to one of those positions down the road. After all, the lag between application for and granting of a clearance can be quite considerable. I would say that if this hasn't happened by the end of your initial trade training, it would be best to be proactive about things, rather than trying react to the fact that you don't have the requisite clearance for a position that you would otherwise like.
CDN Aviator said:
See the bold part ?

Yep, sure do. The position may require a higher clearance than a Cl A infanteer usually requires. A clearance can take longer to process than a tasking.

But, you may be right; I suppose he could sit on his hands and assume the Army will iron out all the little details on its own.
Just for my knowledge, what's required for a level 3 clearance? I'm guessing it's a lot more in depth then a level 2?
ONT said:
I'm guessing it's a lot more in depth then a level 2?

Yup. They talk to neighbours, coworkers, etc... They ask for (IIRC) 20 years worth of employment information, adresses. Family members information.......finger prints......
Yup. They talk to neighbours, coworkers, etc... They ask for (IIRC) 20 years worth of employment information, adresses. Family members information.......finger prints......

CSIS also has the option of doing an interview, instead of door knocks etc (which they did for my TS clearance). The fingerprints and pictures are always done and they have an option of after the interview putting the applicant "on the box" ( polygraph).
The recent changes, from what I have been told, is due to budgetary reasons.
Secret and Top Secret clearances should only be given when needed.  A while back there was a review of levels held and people that no longer required the level were reduced. Some clerks I worked with that held TS from their prior job were reduced to secret. Trades have a minimum base level required and then some positions will have a higher requirement.  Clerks require secret (last I looked) as a base and when we are employed in a position requiring TS we then apply.When we leave that position unless the new one requires TS the level is supposed to be reduced back to secret.

NDSP spells it out:

36.13      Only those personnel who cannot perform their job without access to classified material are to be security cleared. Such persons will be cleared only to the level to which they must have regular access. Security clearance levels may be justified by:

a. employment in a position designated on the Establishment Document as requiring a level of clearance. Each established position within the DND and CF shall be annotated on the automated establishment records (AERs) to reflect the level of screening required. Authorities shall ensure that the screening requirements of each position in their establishment are identified and formally recorded and that an annual review is conducted to identify changes required. Subsequent changes are to be made by, Establishment Change Proposals (ECPs), reflecting altered position relationships or circumstances. The covering page of every job description is to identify the requirement for screening. For civilian positions, such information will be recorded on the Classification Action Form (TB330-167) for input to the Civilian Personnel Information System (CPIS). Screening requirements shall reflect only the minimum screening demanded to permit the incumbent to perform the job described. Screening for access beyond regular and consistent requirements constitutes unjustified intrusion into the privacy of an individual and is not economical and cannot be authorized. Standards become more stringent in the following sequence:

1. Level I security clearance,
2. Level II security clearance, and
3. Level II security clearance with special or compartmental access permitted.

b. attendance on a training course or a conference which is designated as requiring the subject level of clearance; or
c. service in a military occupational code, and at a rank level which is designated in the MOC requirements list as requiring the subject level of clearance.

36.14      In order to meet the CF requirement for mobility of personnel, a security clearance is recognized as justified for any rank level in a MOC for which over 80 per cent of the positions are designated as requiring the subject security clearance level. MOC requirements are summarized yearly in the update programme package.

The fact that you are interested in a job requiring a level does not justify granting that level.  If you are offered the job then a clearance request should be processed.

Rheostatic said:
Can't agree with that. As a reserve infanteer, if you've researched an opportunity that requires a clearance, then be proactive and get on it. Just make sure your COC knows why you're making the request.

As a Reserve Infanteer, the highest you will be granted will be a Lvl II.

PuckChaser said:
There are higher clearances, actually called Caveats that you can have once you have your Special Access (SA). Most, if not all, have classified names.

Caveats are NOT clearances.  They are only "caveats".

PuckChaser said:
There are higher clearances, actually called Caveats that you can have once you have your Special Access (SA). Most, if not all, have classified names.

Caveats are NOT clearances.  They are only "caveats".

PuckChaser said:
I'm pretty sure that's what I said...

Perhaps that is why I "QUOTED" you when I made the post.  Perhaps you should read what you posted again.  Clear, concise communications are a requirement in this job.  If something is not clear and concise, mistakes are made, which if done over a Comm link, in battle, can result in Friendly Deaths.
George Wallace said:
Clear, concise communications are a requirement in this job.  If something is not clear and concise, mistakes are made, which if done over a Comm link, in battle, can result in Friendly Deaths.

I guess I'd know nothing about that, considering my trade... there's a distinct difference in reading text and speaking on a radio, but thanks for the lesson.
PuckChaser said:
I guess I'd know nothing about that, considering my trade... there's a distinct difference in reading text and speaking on a radio, but thanks for the lesson.


Are you trying to tell me that because one is a Sig, they are proficient at comms?  I hope not.  Some of the worse VP I have ever heard was from a Sig on the Net............You know how one rotten apple with an ego spoils the name of the Whole Trade.  However, back on topic.  Did you reread what you posted?  Like I said; a Caveat is not a Security Level, it is only a caveat.  You alluded to it being a Security Clearance.
George Wallace said:
As a Reserve Infanteer, the highest you will be granted will be a Lvl II.

Isnt that also affected by class of service and rank? 
Greymatters said:
Isnt that also affected by class of service and rank?

No but it is also affected by the position assigned to. Any member can be given level III if their job require it regardless of rank, trade or service.