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Second CC-177 operational

And more importantly, check our the good looking dude they have flying #2! CC-177 #2 (scroll down)  :-*

tomahawk6 said:
Sorry inflight refueling. :)

Ah ha!

Inflight refueling = "AR", Air Refueling.
IR = Infra Red.  Something very different.
Confused the heck out of me - I'm gettng old.

We will not be doing any AR.

If only I could be as good loooking as that C-17 pilot.
Alas, there but for the grace of God ..................

Globesmasher, I wouldn't even know where to begin if I looked as good as you do!  ;D

Careful G2G.... after all that praise, he won't be able to get his flight helmet back on >:D
geo said:
Careful G2G.... after all that praise, he won't be able to get his flight helmet back on >:D

Geo, he's too cool for a helmet...David Clarks and cool shades!  8)
Then I guess I should strap on my own... :warstory:
ArcticObserver said:
It was even quicker than you think.  The haul from Frederickton was already its second operational mission, the first having been run earlier in the week.  Some info (and nice photos) here:


Interesting site - thanks for the post - some very nice photos there.

It was very quick getting 702 into service.
We picked it up on 18 Oct and flew it out of Long Beach, California to Trenton.
On the 21 Oct we flew to Cold Lake to pick up the first load of cargo.
Landed in Inuvik on 22 Oct.

3 days from delivery to first operational mission.

Beat that timetable Chinook program ....................... HA!!!!!  >:D

[I'll stand by for incoming on that now ..................  :warstory: .........]

I was wondering why my helmet didn't fit anymore.
I figured I was just putting on more weight.
So, G2G, I'll just hold my nogs up in "opera glass" fashion now!!  ;D

GS, DOH! My bad....forgot about those pesky nogs....  ;)  Hey, do you have a stylist to look after your coiffe after you ditch the bone dome?  ;D

incoming very soon . . number 4 looks real pretty all painted up & flying  . . . 


The last two - 703 and 704 should be with us very soon.

We took official delivery of 703 from Boeing in Long Beach on 7th March and we just took delivery of 704 from Boeing the other day - 3rd April.  So, in a sense we now legally own and have accepted all 4 C-17 aircraft for our Canadian fleet inventory.

However, that being said, 703 and 704 have been immediately rolled into post-production modification lines for upgraded electronic defensive suites the day after they have come off the line.  We should see both aircraft coming to Trenton in the late April and early May timeframe.

Get your cameras ready.

Globesmasher, does that mean that the first two airframes from our Canadian order have been surrendered to the Australian - in order to return the two we got from theirs?
WHAT?????  :o

No, absolutely not - let me kill that rumour right here and now.
Those are our aircraft - bought and paid for.
We got/received NOTHING from the Australians.

701 and 702 will cycle down to the USA this spring to also be retrofit for a defensive systems upgrade just like 703 and 704.
In this way all 4 aircraft will be configured identically.

Those 4 aircraft are ours, we owe nobody nothing.  :)

Come late May - early July all 4 should be back from their various upgrades, retrofits and post production modifications.
The Aussies have all of theirs as well - just recently they had a ceremony to accept their last one.

I think the confusion might be because Boeing, with agreement from the parties involved, moved around production numbers on the line so that various nations got their orders in segments rather than sequence.

I wonder, would it be possible to do airborn Ops with it? if so we could load a whole jump coy in the back of that beast.  ;D