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Seaforth Mace Stolen


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And I used to live right across the street from Queen's Park. Goes to show how much the neighborhood has changed...
The bigger problem is if some scrap metal dealer has it and plans to melt it down.  I hope that they recover it soon.
It's probably plated steel... I can't imagine it's worth anything other then to a collector...
I am thinking it is brass,totally. This mace is 100 years old...they did make a lot of brass back then because it was really cheap to use and buy.I do hope it is returned safely.Ubique
Maybe, though the scrap value would still be minimal, worth more to a collector... one realistic and unfortunate scenario is that it gets hucked into a dumpster by the thieves after they realise there's very little monetary value in it, never to be seen again...
It is truly a sad event to see history like this, irreplaceable, and to the unit, priceless..thrown to the side and forgotten by some punk(s) that have no honour. Dispicable, and totally unnecessary. I feel for the Seaforths. Ubique.
Seaforth Highlanders ceremonial mace vanishes with car stolen in New Westminster
By Andy Ivens, Vancouver Province November 10, 2010

A car thief has stolen a 100-year-old mace and broken the hearts of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada.

The regimental mace - a 1.5-metre ceremonial staff made of brass and malacca cane - was inside a red SUV that was stolen from the parking lot at Queen's Park Arena in New Westminster on Oct. 29.

The lone remaining article from the Seaforths' formation 100 years ago was still in use - it has gone to battle in two world wars, various peacekeeping missions and, recently, to Afghanistan.

"Its loss is very saddening and very disheartening," the Seaforths' commanding officer, Lt.-Col. Paul Ursich, told a news conference Tuesday.

"Considering we are celebrating our 100th anniversary (on Nov. 27), we're having a new standard of colours presented, (the mace) is an important part of our heritage."

The drum major in charge of the mace was attending an event at Queen's Park Arena and had to transport the mace in his vehicle because he was dropping it off at the armoury in Vancouver later that day, before being deployed to Afghanistan.

The 1.5-metre length of malacca cane features a brass top with accoutrements from the Seaforth Highlanders of Scotland adorning it. It is carried by the leader of the regimental marching band.

Its greatest resale value would be to a collector, said Ursich.

"For us, of course, it's priceless," he said. Chief Warrant Officer Mitchell Bain, the pipe major who will lead the band on Remembrance Day, called it "a heck of a loss."

"It's an integral part of the regiment," said Bain, a member of the Seaforths for 38 years.

"It's not just a piece of equipment, it's a piece of history. It was in the Second World War when the regiment was in Ortona, Italy. In the First World War it was at Vimy, the Somme, many many battles," he said.

Anyone with information can call the Seaforth Highlanders at 604-374-6311.
old medic said:
Seaforth Highlanders ceremonial mace vanishes with car stolen in New Westminster

Maybe someone should check the Westies JR Mess,  >:D
Slightly misleading headline (not that I'm surprised) but the person stole the car, not the mace (intentionally).

That being said, it certainly would be great if it was returned.
I suppose it wouldn't be funny to phone the number and send them after 1stmotors huh.
I don't even know if it was supposed to be funny that you posted that. But I roared.

In all seriousness, I hope the mace is returned.
The mace has been found and will be returned to the Seaforth Highlanders shortly. The information was given during the 6pm Global BC newscast. There is not a link yet for the story.
Recovered by NewWest police  More on link    http://www.vancouversun.com/Westminster+police+recover+Seaforth+mace/3857972/story.html
This is awesome news indeed and a happy ending to this saga.  Bravo to the New Westminster police.