I disagree. It's not just about doing your job, it's about all the time and sacrifice that goes with doing your job in the Navy. Being away at sea is not like being in the field. The Army goes to the field for exercises; we go to sea for trials (oh god, the trials...), work ups, support to trg courses, support to OGDs, exercises, SARs, operations, and full-blown deployments. All of these, from the minor ones to the major ones, take us away from our families and our daily routines.
If you're lucky, you get rotated around between high-tempo units, low-temp units, and shore postings; but if you're unlucky, you get posted to high-tempo ship after high-tempo ship and end up spend 200+ days each year at sea for several years on end. Does the Army do that? Does the Air Force do that?
From another perspective, we also take our time at sea much more seriously than the Army does. Let me put it this way: has anyone in the Navy ever seen members of the ship's company landed during a major training exercise so that they could practice and compete in a regional military Hockey tournament? The Army has...