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Scary - This guy looks familiar

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
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This is scary.  This guy looks familiar.



What is scarier is there are thousands of predators out there doing the exact same thing as this guy. He needs to be caught and convicted, one being easier than the other.
This is an interesting case that demonstrates the international issues surrounding child sexual predators.
George Wallace said:
This is scary.  This guy looks familiar.



Here's an idea George.  Army.ca has members all over the world. Why not post this pig's photo on the Army.ca homepage for a few days and see what happens?

Hey, you never know....?

(If there's a reward, Mike can use it to improve the site!)
Haggis said:
Here's an idea George.  Army.ca has members all over the world. Why not post this pig's photo on the Army.ca homepage for a few days and see what happens?

Hey, you never know....?

(If there's a reward, Mike can use it to improve the site!)

Especially those visiting Thailand during their tour breaks. ;)
              I just hope they catch him any one who abuses a child doesn't deserve to breath the same air as we do .
PMedMoe said:
He's Canadian, so maybe you do know him.
If they know him & say he's Canadian - then they have his passport information
If they have his passport info, they should know +/- where he is.

He shouldn't be all that hard to track down.
at this point they figure he's in hiding somewhere in thailand in or around bangkok.

according to CTV
When the local Polezi catch up to him, someone suggest to the good folks at the Canadian Embassy to be on extended coffee break when he calls asking for help. I think it would do him good to sped time in a Thai jail..... a long time.

Better let watch him and suggest he heads across the border into Laos and then Vietnam, the Death penalty is still the penalty for his particulat crime there IIRC.

B.C. man sought in worldwide pedophile probe
Updated Tue. Oct. 16 2007 3:08 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

A suspected pedophile who had his computer-altered photos digitally unmasked by Interpol has been identified as a 32-year-old Canadian ESL teacher who is still at large, and believed to be in Thailand.

On Monday, after receiving hundreds of tips, Interpol announced it had identified the suspect but did not release his name. However, Thai and Cambodian police revealed the man's name, age and nationality Tuesday.

"The name was given to us from the Korean police. We provided them with some basic information and they were able to help us with that," Interpol crime intelligence officer Anders Persson told CTV Newsnet from Lyon, France on Tuesday.

Investigators believe Christopher Paul Neil is in Bangkok, Thailand, possibly hiding out in a hotel.

"We know that he arrived in Bangkok and we have camera footage which you have seen of him coming in at Bangkok airport, but at that point the trail has gone cold," Interpol's Mick Moran told CTV's Canada AM on Tuesday.

Moran said Neil was most recently working as a teacher in South Korea but had also taught in Thailand and Vietnam.

Fellow ESL teachers and expatriates in South Korea said he worked as a teacher at Kwangju Foreign School in South Korea.

The school's website Tuesday morning listed Neil as a Grade 7-8 history teacher, with a degree from The Seminary of Christ the King, in Mission, B.C. His name has since been removed from the school's website.

Neil's MySpace profile lists his hometown as Maple Ridge, B.C.

A military spokeswoman told The Associated Press that Neil worked as a chaplain from 1998 to 2000 at an air cadet summer training centre in Nova Scotia and that his duties included spiritually advising children ages 12 to 18. No complaints were brought to commanding officers about Neil at the time.

Police allege the suspect has been going around the world preying on young boys and taking pictures of his encounters.

They allege he would then post the images on the Internet after digitally altering his face. Police have about 200 photos of the man with a dozen boys posted on the Internet in 2004, but likely taken in 2002 and 2003.
Looks like uncle-midget-boyd beat me to it.

Very disturbing news.

Hits very close to home for some I'm sure.
There was an article in today's Montreal Gazette to the effect that Mr Neal's brother is imploring him to get home ASAP.. Methinks someone is hoping to have a Canadian trial so as to circumvent Asian punishment ... 

In my eyes.... if it can be verified & we are certain, I say "deport him" and have him face his victims - one last time!

"Face the ditch & get on your knees..........."

Canadian pedophile suspect arrested in Thailand

Updated Fri. Oct. 19 2007 1:47 AM ET
CTV.ca News Staff

Police in Thailand have arrested a Canadian pedophilia suspect who was the subject of an international warrant and an intense manhunt this week.

Christopher Paul Neil, of Maple Ridge, B.C., abruptly left his teaching job in South Korea and flew to Thailand last week, after digitally unscrambled images of a pedophilia suspect were released by Interpol.

Neil, who had previously lived in Thailand, was arrested Friday in the northeastern part of the country, abotu 200 km from Bangkok, police said.

Police Maj. Gen. Wimol Powintara said local residents reported spotting Neil, at the home of a Thai man who police say had helped Neil to meet young boys in the past.

Images of the suspect had been broadcast on Thai television news, after cameras at the immigration counter in Bangkok's airport captured photos of him arriving in the country.

After those images aired, police say three Thai youths came forward Wednesday alleging they were paid to perform oral sex in 2003, a police official told The Associated Press. At the time, the boys were 9, 13 and 14.

Two of the boys also claim they were shown pornographic images at the suspect's apartment.

Thailand is the first country to bring charges against Neil. They include abducting a minor, forcible confinement and sexual abuse. The charges carry a maximum jail sentence of 20 years.

Interpol's "Red Notice" requests the subject's arrest for  extradition.

Under Canada's Criminal Code, there are provisions to charge someone in this country for certain offences committed abroad, including crimes that fall under the category of "sex tourism."

Canada has an extradition treaty with Thailand, which could allow Neil to be tried here.

As well, the RCMP confirmed Thursday to The Canadian Press that is conducting an investigation of Neil's activities in Canada, including time spent working as a counsellor and chaplain at an air cadet centre in Nova Scotia.

Neil  has been the subject of an international manhunt since photos of him were released to the public on Oct. 8.

German police, investigating the case for about three years, say they discovered about 200 photos of a man sexually abusing children -- but his face had been digitally disguised.

Investigators say the break came after they were able to digitally reconstruct a man's face in the pictures, which they then released to the media through Interpol.

The images were allegedly posted on the Internet in 2004, but were likely taken in 2002 and 2003 in Cambodia and Vietnam.

On Monday, after receiving hundreds of tips, Interpol announced it had identified the suspect but did not release his name. However, Thai and Cambodian police revealed a name, age and nationality on Tuesday.
Very disturbing. I'm glad they got him. There was a report a couple of nights ago on TV saying he was a CF Chaplain which got me out of my chair quickly. He actually had served as a Chaplain at a Cadet camp back when he was a theology student. We hire them as civilian instructors to give them some counselling experience etc. ..no different really than camp counsellors at civilian camps.
Of course back ground checks and security checks are performed but it looks like this guy had never hit the radar until recently. they interviewed a buddy of his from the same seminary last night and he said there was never a hint from his behavior. I guess that's the point predators lurk in many professions and take advantage when opportunities present themselves. We all have to be vigilant.

Shared under all the usual disclaimers

Forces’ screening of counsellors more stringent

Applicants must pass criminal record checks


The military has introduced more stringent screening measures for its counsellors since suspected pedophile Christopher Paul Neil worked at its cadet camps in Nova Scotia.

Lieut. Isabelle Riche of the Forces’ media liaison office in Ottawa said Thursday all applicants for chaplain counsellors must go through extensive criminal record checks thanks to changes in the process.

"There’s more steps to be followed by an applicant," Lieut. Riche said.

The biggest changes were introduced earlier this year to weed out potential problematic candidates.

Mr. Neil, 32, only had to provide two letters of reference and a letter of good standing from the seminary or university from which he graduated as a chaplain when he worked in 1998 and ’99 at HMCS Acadia in Cornwallis, Canada’s largest summer training centre for sea cadets, and in 2000 at the air cadet training centre at 14 Wing Greenwood.

"He also had to pass an interview and take a three-day training course," Lieut. Riche said.

In 2003 the process was changed so all applicants had to submit to a police background check. And earlier this year the military started checking for any charges a person faced, even those that may not have resulted in convictions, such as being found not guilty due to mental disorders. A person’s past is now probed for probation, prohibition, judicial orders and apprehension under the Mental Health Act.

Lieut. Riche wouldn’t comment on whether the military is trying to track down former cadets who would have come in contact with Mr. Neil at one of the camps because she hadn’t heard that was happening.

"There have been no complaints about Mr. Neil or his behaviour during his employment at the cadet summer training centres," she said.

Lieut. Riche also wasn’t aware of any complaints about other counsellors acting inappropriately at cadet camps.

Mr. Neil, of Maple Ridge, B.C., is the target of a global manhunt and his photograph has been distributed around the world. He is alleged to have had sex with two boys at his Bangkok apartment.

He’s believed to be in Thailand after cameras at the immigration counter recorded him arriving at Bangkok’s international airport from South Korea last week.

Mr. Neil became a wanted man three years ago when German police found 300 online photos of a man sexually abusing children. They were only recently able to ascertain his identity after reconstructing his face, which was digitally obscured in the photos.

The former schoolteacher is also believed to have posted tips online under the pseudonym Peter Jackson on how to evade criminal background checks when applying for jobs in Asia and how to encrypt computer hard drives.

"I never gave a police check for my last public school job," he wrote. "I was in Vietnam at the time and getting one wasn’t easy. I delayed and never heard about it again."

Lieut. Riche said about 1,400 cadets passed through HMCS Acadia this past summer and about 1,300 went through Greenwood. She said enrolment at the camps was likely a little smaller when Mr. Neil worked there.

With The Canadian Press.

( jsimpson@herald.ca)

Criminal and Background checks are only good for weeding out those who have been caught! 

At least this retard has been nabbed, (remember innocent until proven guilty)......  I say leave him over there and let him experience the good times in an Asian prison....
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Criminal and Background checks are only good for weeding out those who have been caught! 

At least this retard has been nabbed, (remember innocent until proven guilty)......   I say leave him over there and let him experience the good times in an Asian prison....

While the seminary buddy said there were no outward signs that something was wrong, he did say that this fella was very reserved - like he was keeping a second personality hidden from view.
geo said:
While the seminary buddy said there were no outward signs that something was wrong, he did say that this fella was very reserved - like he was keeping a second personality hidden from view.

Yes I saw that. I guess we've all known people on courses who have been quiet but we haven't expected that it meant anything other than they  were shy or a little anti-social. i agree that background checks only tell us if someone has offended previously, not whether they will offend in the future. They are important though so we don't hire someone who has done this stuff. We can't really predict what anyone is going to do.
Too true. 

The CF and the Cadet mouvement have, in the past, employed individuals who already have a checkered past.  Which is entirely assinine & a self inflicted injury.