I am sorry to be the bearer of a reality check.
95% of Sausi doctors studying in Canada at the resident/fellow level go back to Saudi Arabia or somewhere around there after they graduate. (BTW, what is this bull***t of "recalling" them? They are not the property of the Kingdom [except if you accept that the kingdom is an absolute monarchy that owns its people and they have to obey the king]).
They make up a reasonable percentage of the resident and fellow of Canada's major Universities with medical programs recognized worldwide - meaning really UBC, Queen's, U of T, Western, McGill and Dalhousie, where they make up about 10% of the student body.
Thing is, however, those universities programs are so well thought of around the world that they can actually replace those students at the drop of a hat.
What about the money? Well, it may drop each Universities revenue a couple of millions a year in tuition, but otherwise, it's no big deal. The GoC could make it up in flash.
So, please, don't try (anyone) to bull@@@t us with the Kingdom being important to Canada's medical system. It's a blatant lie.