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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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I had a quick question regarding SAR Tech and thought this would be the best place to ask.

I'm currently twenty years old, finishing up a Bachelor's degree, and planned to apply to Medical School to become an Emergency Physician.  However, I recently learned about SAR Tech from my uncle who was in the CF for most of his life, and SAR Tech is EXACTLY what I have been looking for in a career.
However, now I am wondering what to do 'next,' if I were to become a physician could SAR Tech still use me?  I don't really want to become a paramedic when I could become a EM physician, but I can do whatever is necessary.  Is it possible to be a Medical Officer and work with SAR, because becoming an officer seems to make the most sense after completing a degree?
Additionally, I am finishing up my initial skydiving certification (this May), am a lifeguard/CPR instructor, lots of wilderness training and first-aid, good shape, and I suppose I could apply to become a firefighter if that experience is a benefit (I really like the idea of being a FF, just didn't know where it'd fit in my life plan).
Any advice?
As it stands right now, the closest you would come to working with SAR Techs as a Medical Officer (which you would be as a doc) would be either as a Flight Surgeon with a Sqn or as one of their medical advisors.  I'd say that if you want to be a SAR Tech, get into the CF in a trade and then remuster to it...if you want to be an MD, go to med school.  Incidentally, just in case you didn't realize it, a Medical Officer is an MD - some think that an MO is any officer in the Medical Branch and it's not. SAR Techs aren't commissioned.  Hope that helps.

Thanks for the responses.  So it would probably make more sense to become a Med Tech first, gain some rank and experience, and then apply to SAR Tech?
'Makes more sense' with regards to becoming a PCP after my degree.  I could do that as a civilian, but if a prior trade is mandatory, the Med Tech approach seems to be the most beneficial.
Long thread. Good info.

I'm current RegF in the process of finding another trade. From everything I've heard, go with a trade that really appeals to you in and of itself. There's no guarantee that even after all the prep and certs in the world, that selection will be a pass.

Having said that, I want to be as prepared as possible if/when I get a chance to try out. With potentially changing trades comes a couple years to prepare. Some questions follow:
(1) RescueDynamics mentions that they train SAR Techs in the mountain phase of TQ5 (2wks) and TQ6A (3wks) of trade training. Is there a place where I can look at the other TQ's for this course?
Source: http://www.rescuedynamics.ca/courses/sp/military.htm
(2) The military also uses JIBC for at least some of the medical training, and an e-mail to them will likely be able to help me study "the right stuff". Are there any other civilian organizations that is used by the CF like above two?
(3) I've already fallen in love with civvy-side medical, skydiving, SCUBA, and climbing. I don't spend enough time in the woods, mountaineering/survival, or reading maps (my idea of hiking is looking at a topo map with 1/3 a pack of food and playing "ohh that looks pretty"). Suggestions/Courses?

Just a point I thought I'd mention to othes:
The "rucksack" issued/used by SAR Techs is the Arcteryx Bora 80. In reading a few blogs, they appear to do some extensive heavy walking with this pack on course. I don't think training with something similar would be a bad idea (versus the traditional military ruck).
1. Not too sure what you mean by "look @ the other TQ's" Mounain Dynamics teaches rope rescue to us on the QL (qual level) 5 and 6, used to be call TQ. Rigging for Rescue also provides training in between those 2 courses. 5 is basic course, 6 is Team Leader's course, several years later.

2. Our Medical Training is provided by JIBC exclusively. The course is SAR tech specific, but similar to BC PCP syllabus. @ the QL 6 level an advanced skills course tailored specifically to SAR is provided.

3. what trade are you? recce course, or any advanced map and compass training is a benny. conflict resolution might be helpful  ;D and excellent overall fitness, cardio and musculoskeletal. Functional fitness, not bodybuilding. all of what you mentioned is good, but guys with none of that are also selected based on aptitude and performance, which is mostly determination and positive attitude.

While the Bora is the Ruck provided to SAR techs, it is not the Ruck supplied to candidates. You will be using military pattern equipment. Once on SAR Tech course, the amount of Load Bearing you do drops off. :)
Feel free to PM me

(1) I meant that perhaps there are Training Qualifications in other aspects of the [main] course that are provided by civilian organizations as well, outside of JIBC/Mountain Dynamics. If I were to look for civilian courses, such an organization would be given my preference in a particular civvy-offered course (e.g. SCUBA, survival, etc). I'm into this stuff anyways, and it would never be a sunk cost :)
    It also may give me a better idea of what you guys do, although perhaps that's a little overkill at this stage. I suppose I have a pretty good idea for now.

(3) I'm a 23 yr old untrained officer who fell short of a university degree. Although no longer ROTP, I'll likely complete it during this transition [to NCM or out] period anyways. No operational or trade experience. Lots of SLT. All of this is still pretty far away for me, seeing as I'm still at the stage of finding a non-officer trade that I can potentially enjoy for the rest of my life. I really hope I'm able to find one that suites me.

Fitness is paramount to everything I love to do. It hasn't received much specific attention over the last few years, as it's come naturally with competitive rugby and other [less important] activities. Right now, I need the lifestyle choices (better understanding of nutrition, more regular training, and no more lung darts in the off-season) that are sure to pay themselves back later, whether or not I end up in a position to go through with this in a few years. All these answers are just to go on paper, because as I said... I love this stuff!
I'd only take civvy courses that I either can't get with the military, are too fun to pass up, or are applicable to other good things (i.e. I have no interest in the high-angle rescue stuff from Mountain Dynamics).

Thanks for all the info!
Thanks for posting the document, could you clarify the following though?

For the equipment carry, what's the U/L part?
For the Treadmill test, boots or running shoes?

Thank you!
Frank G said:
Thanks for posting the document, could you clarify the following though?

For the equipment carry, what's the U/L part?
For the Treadmill test, boots or running shoes?

Thank you!

Frank, during the trial it was done in boots. One thing to note, this years selection candidates were told to be prepared to perform both the new and the old PT test.
when is the cut off date for applications? i know i missed it for the 2013 selection but i would like to know so i can have everything preped and ready to go for pre-course selection in 2014.

Depends on the year. Historically it's been around end October but they have extended it well past Christmas on occasions. Your best bet is to have it in by end summer.
Ref: CANFORGEN 187/12 CMP 081/12 111354Z OCT 12


So you might not have missed it, depends on your PSO Deadline.
Well it's official, RCAF has decreed no more berets in 1A's (other dress?).

Good bye orange beret  :salute: ....hello blue wallet.

HappyWithYourHacky said:
Well it's official, RCAF has decreed no more berets in 1A's (other dress?).

Good bye orange beret  :salute: ....hello blue wallet.


And right before Rememberance Day too.
I'm european and the canadian Sar tech team caught my interest.
I've been looking up some information about how to join the SAR but some things are still unclear to me.

- Does it require military experience? (i know they prefer it but is it obligated?)
- What are the cost of the education?
- What are the chances of getting selected for the training if you are certificated as an primary care paramedic, and have some basic experience of climbing/diving/parachute jumping/survival etc. by taking some courses.
- if you sign up for try outs and you wont get selected, is it possible to try again later?

I am aware that i have to be a canadian, but before before moving to another continent, i like to know my chances of succes.
Thank you for any additional information i may receive.