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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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cypres78 said:
Component transfer from the reserves is being shelved as well as the direct entry.

The poster being quoted was still mixing up CT - Component Transfer and OT - Occupational Transfer in his post.
Zoomie said:
ST's are getting trained on refueling and de-snagging techniques - saves a position on the new FWSAR - eliminates the FE.


If this didn't come from you and wasn't confirmed by Gully I would deride it as absolute bull plop. Admittedly I'm pretty new to the SAR world but from what I see the FE's are some of the most valuable people we have and the SAR techs some of the busiest. With the all the gear they have to sling about (which can only increase with a smaller aircraft, as they may have to remove/add more gear if unable to carry it all [or most of it] as on a Herc) and other mission prep, when are they going to find time to fuel/pre-flight the aircraft?

I'm willing to buy that FE's will become less critical on a newer aircraft than they are on the tired old E/H's, but I'm pretty wary of dropping them altogether.

Obviously I cede to your experience in this, but I'm definitely skeptical. Can this work?
I have a question that needs an answer. I had an application in for upcoming selection till I got injured and pulled it and shortly after pulling my application I heard that the trade was closed and not accepting applications for next year. Could anyone shed some light on this because after just reading the post above I'm not sure what to believe?
cypres78 said:
Seems fishy to me. Why would SarTech recruiting be in 2VP routine orders...you sure it's not battalion that has decided they aren't entertaining applications?

Units often publish the recruiting efforts of other units (JTF2, CSOR, SAR) and other regular messages for transfers (CEOTO, VOT, UTPNCM etc etc) in their ROs.  I can't see 2VP posting that SAR is not recruiting in their ROs though, that just sounds like the rumour mill.
no it was a month or two ago i was sitting on duty and the CO's secretary came down and asked if i would post it up and i looked and there were not more then a hand full of trades that were open for OT's and everything else was closed including SAR Tech acording to the RO's
II PPCLI said:
no it was a month or two ago i was sitting on duty and the CO's secretary came down and asked if i would post it up and i looked and there were not more then a hand full of trades that were open for OT's and everything else was closed including SAR Tech acording to the RO's

So it was just a normal message then, not specifically for SAR Tech but in general.  Make sense to me...
no thats not what i said. it had all trades listed in the CF. it stated what was open and what was closed. SAR Tech was closed. this is the reason for ny question.
SAR Tech is a COTP occupation- as such it is  available for remuster- even if the trade you are currently in is "red" or closed to remuster. Your CO may not recommend a COTP remuster , but cannot refuse a request under COTP. If you are interested in the trade, complete the prerequisite process, and follow up regularly.
It may be that there are enough people lined up for the next serials of the basic SAR Tech training so they're putting off taking in new until some of that backlog is cleared.

Wouldn't be the first time such a thing has happened.
Writing from the west coast of Vancouver Island today,

Currently a Primary Care Paramedic with BC Ambulance, as well as volunteer fire/SAR. Extensive experience as a wilderness guide, as well as maritime SAR with CCGA. Fit, and confident in my pre-requisites necessary to make a good candidate for SAR Tech training.


Haven't done too much homework in regards to the recruitment process, but perhaps someone could enlighten me. I'd be looking to be stationed at Comox Wing, as I am from Vancouver Island, and have family/friends here. Is it possible to pick where stationed once hired? Where would I be able to talk to a recruiter for further information about the application process? Is there any current active duty Sar Tech's or those actively training who would be able to provide some insight into the difficulty of the application process?

Any additional tips/info on what could be done to better facilitate an application would be appreciated.


Badner said:
Is it possible to pick where stationed once hired?

Where would I be able to talk to a recruiter for further information about the application process?


No. You will most likely be asked your preference, but if they need you on the east coast, the east coast is where you will go.

You can find the nearest recruitment center here:


Your best bet is to head in there and meet with a recruiter. They should be able to answer all of your questions.

As for your other questions, I'll leave them up to someone else...

Good luck!
Email your questions to  jobs@forces.ca  and a recruiter will get back to you within a day.
I was recently in to speak with my local recruiter and I received some confusing information regarding the DE program.

I recall earlier in this forum it was confirmed there is a selection course run annually, however with the trade's numbers now close to full, the number of candidates who are accepted each year is fewer. This is contradictory to the recruiter's info as he told me that I can put in an application online and it will be on file for 12 months. In that time, he said, if the trade "open's up" my application would be looked at and processed then, if good enough. He said he cannot however say for sure that it will open up in a year, it very well may be longer than that.

Does anyone out there have solid information as to whether or not the selection courses are being held annually because the recruiter seemed to think otherwise. In fact he went so far as to say he hasn't seen the trade open up to DE applicants in a few years.

Thanks for the help.
selection courses are held annually. However- DE and CT positions are currently only provided when these positions cannot be filled internally.
cypres78 said:
The 4 year waiting period was removed for reg force applicants some time ago.

So you can apply as long as you are MOC qualified and possess a rank of CPL? Also, what would be my chances of getting into this trade if I applied to the reg forces now? Do you think the trade will be closed by the time I qualify for it?
korwynkim said:
So you can apply as long as you are MOC qualified and possess a rank of CPL? Also, what would be my chances of getting into this trade if I applied to the reg forces now? Do you think the trade will be closed by the time I qualify for it?

Get in first, worry about SAR Tech later.  No one can tell you what your chances will be in 4+ years.  ::)