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SAR Tech

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roko
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I meet the SAR TECHS out of Comox nearly every year(not the same ones) at the Abbotsford Airshow and they are the most amiable guys you could ever meet,so relaxed  and layed back and come to think of it all of them are like that.
A Special Breed. :salute:

Many years ago we Eng. lost a good friend who went SAR TECH.
The C 130 he was in was doing a search over Labrador,when she went down with the whole crew.

To me they are the unsung HEROES of our Forces.

One big thing for SAR is your vision category must be no lower then V2. Without my references avail (like I memorize this stuff   ::)), I believe its better than 6/24 or 20/80. (Armymedic is V3   :'()

IMO, the "Special" of SAR and JTF are quite similar. I know many medics and engineers (cbt diver/para qualified) did SAR selection and qualify for the job. All who do it love their job and wouldn't want to do anything else.

Know pers in both jobs, they are both punctuated by periods of boredom, training, with highs of extreme "fun". Big difference, SAR being only domestic, have no need for the intense wpns training the JTF do.

Oh, and SAR is a little easier on the home life once you're at the Sqn.

The point....Both are high skill level jobs which will challenge you in ways you've never been before.

Don't mean to bring this thread back to life, but I do have a questions concercing Sartechs. Is there an age limit for applying and such?
Stories about the SAR guys being the most laid back and friendliest guy's are true enough.   But once a mission's on, they don't give up until they succeed.   From what I've seen, there's no one who works harder anywhere else in the forces.
Mountain_marc said:
Don't mean to bring this thread back to life, but I do have a questions concercing Sartechs. Is there an age limit for applying and such?

After looking at your profile, did you mean to ask if there is an upper age limit? 
Well, for instance, if someone that was 32-33 years old and wanted to apply for SARtech, would he be considered to old? And once a SARtech, do they automatically retire you from SAR work if you're 40, 45 or whatever?

All replies are greatly appreciated.
I do not believe that there is an upper-age limit for acceptance into the SARTech trade.  Keep in mind that the younger you are, the better your body can take the abuse that is heaped upon you during your 12 month long course.

Most of the boys in Orange here at 442 are in there mid twenties to early 40's.  The ST chief, a MWO, is in 50's at least but probably the fittest 50 year old in the CF!
Sar Tech's are some of the most highly trained members of the CF.

They may not be at the range as often as the combat arms, but they are operational more than any other trade and serve a purpose that is uncomparable, they save lives. Full stop.

Any CF member should be proud to become a SAR Tech...it is the most admirable trade in the Canadian Forces.

Don't mean to bring this thread back to life, but I do have a questions concerning Sartechs. Is there an age limit for applying and such?

I just found this site and it's the first time I've used this board, so I hope I'm not screwing this up.

I just did the SAR Preselection this year and the average age was about 33, I was 34 and oldest was 39.
The PT test is the easiest part of the whole two weeks. We finished with 18 People from the 24, some just quit and other got hurt too bad.
I wasn't one of the 12 picked in the end and if I hadn't being offered AESOP I would of applied again this year.

If you want more info you can contact me, the more you know the better prepared you will be.
Hi Zipperhead,

I tried to PM you but it said I couldn't. Could you tell me a bit of went went on during the SAR tech selection. there are lots of rumors floating around and it would be great to get some clarity for once.

Thanks in advance!
As a general rule, pers who undergo selection programs like SAR and JTF are requested to not discuss the testing they underwent.

To discuss it in this forum would be considered inappropriate.
"As a general rule, pers who undergo selection programs like SAR and JTF are requested to not discuss the testing they underwent"

I understand how this would apply to JTF2, due to the clandestine nature of their operations and the need to maintain the highest possible levels of security...

However, I know many personnel in the SAR Tech world, including those in the operations of their training institution, and I do not think that informing hopeful and potential candidates of what is involved in the training would be discouraged; quite the opposite, it would be encouraged.  SAR may be like JTF2 in that it is elite, but it is not like JTF2 in that it needs to maintain a veil of secrecy...Their operations are publicly reported in local newspapers, they advertise at school and public events, they even do demonstrations.  As far as the training goes, pre-selection and the 10 month SAR Tech phase do not involve anything regarding a hush hush mentality, much of the course is actually done in collaboration with civilian elements. 

hey everyone
hoping to join in the ranks of Sar Tech
im aware this is a very hard course but it is a goal and i feal an attainable one
looking for suggestions for  fitness regime to prepare
as well as further info about the course itself how its run
and how you join up into the trade
can u come from reserves to a reg force sar tech?
thanks in advance
pslam 27 v 1-5
Check the Trades FAQ under Recruiting, there are two SAR Tech links:


You can also review the Recruiting FAQ for existing thrwads on Fitness and Component Transfer (from Res to Reg):


Once you have reviewed the relevant threads, please feel free to add any new specific questions that haven't been addressed to the related topics.

Thank you, and welcome to Army.ca.
i have went over these posts before and have been on this site for about 4 months even though i got a password yesterday or so
im still however not fully aware if a reservist can get into SAR TECH without already being reg force
i understand you need to be in for 4 years and be corporal but does reserves count? Can i component transfer into reg force as a sar tech?
thanks alot
In accordance with CFAO 11-12 OCCUPATION TRANSFER OF NON-COMMISSIONED MEMBERS REGULAR FORCE, MCO 1312 Searchg and Rescue Technician is open for transfers from any MOC. The noted special requirements include:

  a.    Aplicants must have attained the rank of Corporal, and

  b.    Medical procedures described at para 3 of the referenced annex apply.

CFAO 11-12 - http://www.forces.gc.ca/admfincs/subjects/cfao/011-12_e.asp

SAR Tech a Reg F only trade, so you will have to achieve the rank of Corporal within the Reg F before being eligible to apply under this program. Your Reserve service will be assessed as part of the Verification of Former Service during your Component Transfer, and that will determine any eligible time towards promotion within the Reg F. You will not be able to simultaneously CT and apply for SAR under the assumption that four years total service and the achievement of the rank of Corporal in the Reserves will meet the requirements of the CFAO.

Sorry to bing this topic back from the dead a third time, but I gotta start thinking about what I want to do with my life( ::) *sigh* if only i could stay young forever). SARTech sounds like the kinda thing I'd love doing. My questions is, what would be the best way to end up achieving this goal? What I mean to say is, starting from when I graduate from highschool, what should I do to end up as a SARTech?
well, the first thing i would do is join the military in a trade you will like ( because you may never get the chance to remuster).  Then apply yourself and be the best (insert trade) that you can be and get your corporals.  This is important as it will make your file look better. Make sure that you are in gret physical shape and mabe also upgrade your deucation while you are waiting.  This is also important because , as a SAR tech student, you will be assaulted with enormous amounts of academics and you want to make sure that you will be able to absorb it all in short order.  That will also make your file look better for the selection board.