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Sapper Etienne Gonthier Killed in Afghanistan- 23/ Jan/ 2008

Rest in peace now Sapper Gonthier
your work is complete, we'll carry the load from here on in

At the going down of the sun,
and in the morn,
we will remember them!

News Release

News Release
Name of Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan released
CEFCOM/COMFEC NR–08.006 - January 24, 2008

OTTAWA – Killed yesterday in Afghanistan was Sapper Étienne Gonthier, 21 year old, of 5th Combat Engineer Regiment based in Valcartier (Québec).  He was part of a team of sappers conducting route clearance ahead of a convoy in the Panjwaiyi District.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Sapper Gonthier , and with his comrades in Afghanistan who remain committed to helping Afghans improve their living conditions and build a free and democratic society.

The courage and dedication demonstrated by Sapper Gonthier in his efforts to assist the Afghan national security forces represent Canadian values in the finest tradition.  He will be greatly missed.


Note to Editors/News Directors:
A photograph of Sapper Gonthier is available on the Canadian Forces Image Gallery.

MND's Statement

Statement by the minister of National Defence on the death of one Canadian soldier in Afghanistan
NR–08.006 - January 24, 2008

OTTAWA - The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, issued the following statement today on the death of a Canadian soldier in Afghanistan:

"It is with great sadness I learned yesterday of the death of Sapper Étienne Gonthier in Afghanistan.  Our thoughts and prayers are also with his two comrades who were also injured in the explosion. Friends and families are foremost in our thoughts in these trying times.

Our Canadian Forces are making an immense sacrifice to bring security, democracy and self-reliance to the people of Afghanistan while protecting Canada’s values and security. 

These brave soldiers were part of a convoy traveling through the Panjwayi District of Kandahar Province. Efforts in this region are aimed at creating the conditions for reconstruction and development efforts to flourish in a country ravaged by decades of conflict.

The United Nations-mandated mission is making a difference in Afghanistan and we stand proudly with our Canadian Forces members as they strive to bring safety and stability back to people of Afghanistan.

Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.”


Sapper Étienne Gonthier, 21,  was a member of the 5e Régiment du génie, based in Valcartier, Quebec.

News Release

News Release
Valcartier garrison grieves over combat engineer’s death in Afghanistan
5 GBMC.08.12 - January 24, 2008

Valcartier Garrison, Quebec – It is with great sorrow that all members of the 5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (5 CMBG), particularly those of the 5 Combat Engineer Regiment (5 CER), received the news of the death of Corporal Étienne Gonthier in Afghanistan.

“It was with great emotion that I was informed of the death of Corporal Étienne Gonthier, who was working to provide greater security for the afghan people. In these difficult circumstances, we are all saddened and filled with sorrow. To his family and to those who knew and cherished him, know that the thoughts and hearts of an entire community are with you. I ask you to accept my most sincere condolences, in my name, but also in the name of all men, women and families of 5 CMBG”, says Colonel Éric Tremblay, 5 CMBG Commander.

“Parents, loved ones and friends of Étienne, I can only painfully imagine the great void created by Étienne’s sudden passing. For us, his brothers in arms of 5 CER, his departure is a very sad ordeal that reminds us of the reality attached to our commitment. In this period of great sorrow, the most soothing gesture we can think of is to reiterate our friendship and our solidarity in this terrible loss. A dedicated and professional soldier, Étienne embodied what every commander wants to see in his men and women. He will be missed. CHIMO”, adds Major Claude Many, 5 CER Commanding Officer, Corporal Gonthier’s home unit.

- 30 -

Note: Please note that this news release constitutes the only official declaration that will be made from Valcartier Garrison today. No further action is foreseen at the moment.

Any questions regarding Corporal Étienne Gonthier’s death may be forwarded to 5 CMGB Public Affairs Office (see numbers below). Details on the funeral will be released at a later date. For any other inquiry concerning this incident, please contact Media Liaison Office in Ottawa at 1 866 377-0811.

INFORMATION:  5 CMBG Public Affairs Office

Phone: (418) 844-5000 extension 4224

Pager: (418) 260-3082

Condolences to Cpl Gonthier's family and friends.  His sacrifice will not be forgotten.  Speedy recovery to the wounded.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and comrades of Sapper Etienne Gonthier.  May God Bless You for your efforts.  Rest in Peace.  Thank you for all you have sacrificed.
Media Advisory

Media Advisory
A Fallen Soldier Returns Home
MA 08-003 - January 25, 2008

OTTAWA, Ont. — Our fallen soldier Corporal Etienne Gonthier, 21, of 5e Régiment Génie de Combat based at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier, Quebec, is scheduled to return home to Canada on Sunday.

Where: 8 Wing Trenton, Canadian Forces Base Trenton, Ontario.

When: Sunday January 27, 2:00 p.m.

What: Media are invited to view the arrival; however no interviews will be given.

Present to pay their respects will be Her Excellency, the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, the Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, and other dignitaries.

Cpl Gonthier was killed at approximately 1:40 p.m. Kandahar time on January 23, when the armoured vehicle he was in struck a suspected Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 35 km south-west of Kandahar City.


Note to the Editor/News Director:
CFB Trenton Public Affairs Officer, Major Isabelle Robitaille, can be reached at (613) 392-2811 ext. 4565, or at: robitaille.mji@forces.gc.ca

Inquiries regarding the deceased or the funeral ceremony may be addressed to any member of the 5 CMBG Public Affairs Office Staff at (418) 844-5000 ext. 4224.

For all other queries, please contact the Media Liaison Office at (866) 377-0811.

For flight information, please contact the Air Passenger Terminal at 1-800-487-1186.
rest in peace soldier  :salute:
you will not be forgotten  :cdn:
thank you for carrying the torch
condolences to family..friends..and comrades
in flanders field
my deepest respect for a fallen comrade
bless you
along with friends and family,and comrades
we  will be with you when eternity ends and we are together lifting a beer
and cheering a resounding cheer
of work accomplised having made the world a better and safer place
for that iam grateful

                                    scoty b