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Russia in the 21st Century [Superthread]

The BMPT's ATAKA missile (4 per vehicle in ready to launch positions)

7.4 kg warhead
6 km range being extended to 10 km
15 seconds flight time to 6 km (25 seconds to 10 km?) estimates based on published 400 m/s average speed.

"The Ataka missile is stored in a glass reinforced plastic tube, which also acts as its launcher. The missile is reported to be considerably faster than the 9K114 Shturm, with longer range than the original version. It still uses radio command guidance, but the system has been improved when compared to the earlier 9K114 Shturm.

The system is carried by the multiple kinds of helicopters including the Mi-28 and Mi-35. It is also offered for ground vehicles like the BMPT and the 9P149.

There are three main missiles that are compatible with the launch system. The first is a two-stage anti-armour weapon that features a tandem warhead for dealing with add-on armor. The second variant of the missile – designated as 9M120F – has a thermobaric warhead for use against infantry positions and bunkers. The third variant of the 9M120 Ataka is the 9M220, which features a proximity fused expanding rod warhead, providing the missile with air-to-air capability against low- and slow-flying aircraft."

Say what you want about Russian influenced media, but ANNA produced some of the best Urban Combat footage yet made, particularly in regards to Armour in urban ops.
Say what you want about Russian influenced media, but ANNA produced some of the best Urban Combat footage yet made, particularly in regards to Armour in urban ops.
I found it too painful to watch the first Russian/Chechen war footage. Those poor conscripts didn't deserve what happened to them.
I found it too painful to watch the first Russian/Chechen war footage. Those poor conscripts didn't deserve what happened to them.
You mean the Colombian Chechen neck-ties? Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.
I found it too painful to watch the first Russian/Chechen war footage. Those poor conscripts didn't deserve what happened to them.
Having watched a lot of Afghanistan/Russian footage - there seems to be a theme.

My sympathies for Russian soldiers however are very thin.
If it's not apparent to anyone yet that Russia has made up their mind that the West is no friend of Russia and is actively engaged in operations against us, perhaps this will remind them:


I think it's pretty clear that the Russian State has made the decision that the relationship with the rest of Europe and the United States will be adversarial going forward.
Nice to see the old Soviet traditions (if the Suvorov books are to be believed, anyway) seem to carry on in the Russian army :D
A more granular view, from this Tweeter
An example from Baltic media of the tug of war caused by different interpretations of history in Latvia, especially regarding the USSR's "liberation" during WW2 ...
Public gatherings on 9 May, when Russia celebrates Victory Day, will be considered support of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, said Chief of Latvian State Police Armands Ruks in an interview to LTV programme Rīta panorāma on Thursday, 24 March.

He said it is in the hands of Riga City Council – permitting or banning public events at Victory Park. Ruks also allowed there may be people who will go to the park even if events are cancelled, since people have the freedom of movement and freedom of speech. The chief of State Police reminded that freedom of speech is not universal and cannot go against general interests.

«All kinds of scenarios are considered. We are preparing and planning accordingly. But I would like to invite people who come every year to commemorate the people who died in WWII, which is nothing bad in of itself, to understand that such gatherings and processions will be considered as support for Russia and Russian aggression,» said Ruks, adding that this may further fracture society ...
Another example: in Poland, a local council decided to "de-communize" by taking down a monument to Soviet war dead (Google English from Polish), but Russia is launching a criminal investigation into the issue (see attached).


Remember this?
Strange times -- RUS CBRN/NBC troops now appear to be disinfecting/sanitizing hot spots in Italy.

Attached photo caption: "A Russian Army specialist walks outside the Honegger nursing home where 35 people have died so far from coronavirus in Albino, Italy, on March 28, 2020, amid the spread of the COVID-19 (new coronavirus) pandemic. (Piero CRUCIATTI / AFP)" (source)
Well, Italy is now having second thoughts about Russia's help during COVID
If it's not apparent to anyone yet that Russia has made up their mind that the West is no friend of Russia and is actively engaged in operations against us, perhaps this will remind them:


I think it's pretty clear that the Russian State has made the decision that the relationship with the rest of Europe and the United States will be adversarial going forward.
Is Cuba out of Russias orbit or stable enough to not need Wagner?
An example from Baltic media of the tug of war caused by different interpretations of history in Latvia, especially regarding the USSR's "liberation" during WW2 ...

Another example: in Poland, a local council decided to "de-communize" by taking down a monument to Soviet war dead (Google English from Polish), but Russia is launching a criminal investigation into the issue (see attached).
The other side of the same coin, this time for Latvia (where authorities are working towards dismantling a huge monument to, in their eyes, a former bad guy), who's miffed a Belgian community wants to take down a monument to the Latvian Legion. This bit was the most interestingly worded version of this sort of ... organization ...
... The monument has caused controversy in Belgium as the Latvian Legion was structurally part of the Waffen SS. Belgium suffered greatly during the period of Nazi occupation, though no units of the Latvian Legion were involved in Belgium. Following protests about the monument last summer, an international panel of historians deemed the monument inappropriate ...
That bit in red is critical, given the same can't be said of some other German foreign legions of the time.
Replace 1471 with 2023...

Honest question. Why the hate for Russia? I get the Putin and team. And I get the historical hate of the USSR and Communism. But I think the West (for lack of a better term) needs a strong Russia something. There is a kingdom out there that does very much covet lands in Russia. Also Russia could be an ally dealing in the Muslim world and Middle East. I think that has been a great mistake of the last 20 years.

How do we get the current Russia to feel safe and secure in their current borders? The world would totally happy to see Russia just stay the size it is. The other options of a China pushing North and West, Turkey going Ottoman v2, and other Muslim area carved off is not a great situation for the world.