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Russia claims North Pole,sends sub to plant Flag at Poles bottom


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Canada as usual is probably going to lose it because we are behind the Russians,Danes, and Americans with respect to legally claiming it. We have until 2013 to have our challenge in to the World court to formally claim the territory. Though most of Russia's actions are of the symbolic nature it sure does stir the blood though!. Probably in cahoots with those pesky Dane,s.

Mod edit to correct thread title

This seems odd to say the least. A joke perhaps? Claiming a 'pole' is meaningless as it is merely a co-ordinate, and has zero actual area. Claiming a 'polar region' the way Antarctica was carved up is totally different.
Can you actually claim international water though? I assume the worry is that russia wants to claim the area on canada's side of the pole.
In my humble opinion, the real question is HOW the Russians will put the sub on the bottom...

And will she be able to get back up again?    ;D
The real question is, how badly do we want to share a land border with Russians? Aside property values the Russians have always an imperial bent,and there are days when I swear the Motto of it's Government is  "What ever 's not nailed down is ours and whatever we can pry up is not nailed down!"
And will she be able to get back up again?

Please, although I can recognize the sarcasm behing your sayings, don't underestimate them folks.Putin is pretty "cocky" now the their economy is getting better. After all, we (western world militaries) gave them a rest, believing that they were "calming down"...
Title States:

Russia claims North Pole,sends sub to plant Flag at Poles bottom

Poles bottom? You mean they are claiming the South Pole then, right?  ;D

Just something I wanted to point out. I know the penguins will put up a fight.

TN2IC said:
Just something I wanted to point out. I know the penguins will put up a fight.


Just something I wanted to point out.  There are no penquins to put up a fight at the North Pole.  Perhaps you are talking about the South Pole.......but why would the Russians have a claim down there......guess we are back to the North Pole then......still no penquins......How about some friendly Polar Bears with bottles of Coke.  That should prove to the Russians that the Pole has already been claimed by Capitalists.  ;D
I wonder how much of a threat this "really" is in the medium to long term. While Russia has improved its balance sheets through the sale of resources (the same way we have), their economy is still fundimentally weak and flawed by the resurgence of oligarcies of ownership by government cronies and kleptocrats, hardly a recipie for an economic resurgence.

Russia is also under a great deal of demographic pressure, with rapidly declining birth rates and a decreasing life expectancy, while the Islamic regions of the near beyond are having a demographic surge and China is also pressing on the Siberian regions through illegal immigration (although China also suffers a distorted economy and a flawed demographic profile, it will take longer for the demographic problems to manifest themselves.)

Lets just say the gesture is largely symbolic for now, and keep a sharp watch on Russia's imperial pretensions.
way too funny lol hard vary hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that Russia has enough problems of there own at home, but if they want the north pole I think the real land claim is with Santa and the Reindeer!!!!!oh yes and
the Elves too oh crap I mean little people lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ;D :salute:                                       

George Wallace said:
Just something I wanted to point out.  There are no penquins to put up a fight at the North Pole.  Perhaps you are talking about the South Pole.......but why would the Russians have a claim down there......guess we are back to the North Pole then......still no penquins......How about some friendly Polar Bears with bottles of Coke.  That should prove to the Russians that the Pole has already been claimed by Capitalists.  ;D

Okay you win.

But in my defence, I was referring to the South Pole. Meh.. who cares. I got a new bottle of Jägermeister in front of me.


Unfortunately it is a threat that has to be treated seriously.  If we had a real submarine force, the obvious answer would be to send a sub up north to 'show the flag' (or submerge the flag in this case... is that legal?) so that when the Russians showed up they'd see our boys already there. 

Sadly I dont believe we have that capability, would like to hear it if we do...
Hey.. those Russians can have it. That just means that I can tell the kids.. that the Russians took over Santa Claus house. 

I say bring back the Cold War. RE-OPEN THOSE BASES IN GERMANY. ;D
The biggest problem with the Russian claim is that were they to  tap into any resources in the Arctic ocean area, the environmental damage will be intense. Already much of the pollution in the Arctic waters are due to Russia - it would be a bleak outlook for a delicate environment should industrialization proceed.  However, why does this so-called claim on the North-Pole negate all the previous journeys and flag-raisings on the North Pole - and isn't there a regular air-ferry service to the North-Pole for tourists (in season) from Resolute?
GreyMatter said:
Unfortunately it is a threat that has to be treated seriously.  If we had a real submarine force, the obvious answer would be to send a sub up north to 'show the flag' (or submerge the flag in this case... is that legal?) so that when the Russians showed up they'd see our boys already there. 

Sadly I dont believe we have that capability, would like to hear it if we do...
It's sad but true. This is why we need those Arctic Patrol ships, now! And a few subs like you said  ;D
        It seems by the statement the Russians are making is that  if we don't look after our own back yard than some one else will .  Hopefully the Government of Canada will keep its promise to put in a northern port and build those new Arctic patrol ships .  Than hopefully in time the Government will also see the need for more attack subs
karl28 said:
 Than hopefully in time the Government will also see the need for more attack subs

Well... defence submarines at the very least...  wouldnt want to look too aggressive...  ;D
GreyMatter said:
Well... defence submarines at the very least...  wouldnt want to look too aggressive...   ;D
No, we should look aggressive, that way we scare the enemy. Like on Full Metal Jacket at the war scream part  :D
Russia wants the vast amounts of oil under the north pole, so does Denmark, and the USA, and I would assume Canada would also like it.

The problem is that it is in International waters, and as of yet no one can officially claim it because inorder for it to become an economic zone it has to be within 200miles of land or part of the continental land mass, and thats what Russia is claiming, that the land under the North Pole (the Lomonosov Ridge) is part of continental Russia.

Canada, Denmark(Greenland), and USA claim the same ridge is part of their territory, frankly I think only Canada and Denmark can make claims, based on how close both are, more so Canada since Canada Post has already assigned a postal code to the area (H0H 0H0). Take that Denmark!

Realistically, everyone should just leave it alone, all they want to do is strip it of resources like everywhere else.