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Russell Williams charged in 2 x murders, confinement, sexual assault.

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Thank you, Mr Lewis MacKenzie for taking on the MSM. I have lost so much respect for this sloppy reporting on issues as serious as this one that I don't know were to begin. The MSM has no limits to abusing good people such as the CDS, to get their sound bite. There is way too much ' power of the press' They act as if they are in a weapons free zone and have no care as to the damage they do to organzations and people they 'report' on.

Big Silverback said:
BTW, did anyone see the CBC interview of the CDS on the National last night? I thought it was an attempted crucifixion of the CDS.
Or am I being overly critical?
Not at all.  That interview was garbage.  Completely ignorant and disrespectful behaviour on that woman's part.  General Walt on the other hand took the questions well and was being a true pro, maintaining his composure, and giving thoughtful answers.  Although you could see he was taken aback at her approach. 

She basically tried to make it look as if the CF somehow failed and was beng negligent, and that this all could have been easily prevented.  But who could have saw this coming?  He was known to be professional, well mannered, likeable..  it's not like he made himself look like an obvious suspect.  Would a serial killer make it look obvious???

And I agree with what was said, you might expect Joe Plumber to do it, but a BComd or a doctor?

He is a CF pilot, which is known to be a very competitive and selective career field that pays a very good salary. He is also a senior officer.  The position he got is not handed to anyone, it is earned and proven.  No idiot off the street gets to where he got, he was obviously a very clever man.  So clearly, if these allegations are true, he hid it remarkably well, because he was that sharp. 

to me it's horrifying, and shocking.  This is very difficult for us all to swallow.  He alledgedly took one of our own... my thoughts are with all the victims and their families  :cdn:
CorporalMajor said:
He is a CF pilot, which is known to be a very competitive and selective career field that pays a very good salary. He is also a senior officer.  The position he got is not handed to anyone, it is earned and proven.  No idiot off the street gets to where he got, he was obviously a very clever man.  So clearly, if these allegations are true, he hid it remarkably well, because he was that sharp. 

Robert Pickton was a Pig farmer, he was convicted of murdering six, and charged with 20 more victims.
Clifford Olson Career criminal murdered 11 children, numerous sexual assaults.
And so on.....

Other than the one Doctor on the list, although very thoughtful, I think your theory may not have validity.


CorporalMajor said:
She basically tried to make it look as if the CF somehow failed and was beng negligent, and that this all could have been easily prevented.

IMO, some of the media are likely mindlessly imitating their American counterparts who had a legitimate negligence issue to bring up when the Muslim major went on a terrorist strike on his own base.  Since "journalism" appears to have died a long time ago, they just see

zipperhead_cop said:
IMO, some of the media are likely mindlessly imitating their American counterparts who had a legitimate negligence issue to bring up when the Muslim major went on a terrorist strike on his own base.  Since "journalism" appears to have died a long time ago, they just see


In that case there were warning signs that pointed to the massacre.

As far as we've been told, very little suggested that Col Williams would have done this.  His neighbours in Orleans say they never would expect this of him, and I don't think they're alone..
CorporalMajor said:

In that case there were warning signs that pointed to the massacre.

As far as we've been told, very little suggested that Col Williams would have done this.  His neighbours in Orleans say they never would expect this of him, and I don't think they're alone..

That was my point.
I'm going to drop this in every few pages to serve as a reminder to folks who haven't read the whole thread, and seen it, or have not been briefed by their Unit.

Public Affairs Guidance

8 February 2010

Charges laid against Col Russell WIlliams, 8 wing commander, trenton.


On February 8, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) charged Col Russell Williams, Commander 8 Wing, with two counts of first degree murder and other charges.

The OPP has the lead, and the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) has assisted and continues to assist the OPP with their case.

A news conference was held at 1300hrs on 8 Feb 2010, which involved the OPP Deputy Commissioner, Case Manager and chief of local police. During the news conference, the OPP mentioned that the CFNIS has assisted and continues to assist the OPP as required. The fact that the CFNIS was mentioned demonstrates that the CF is engaged and is taking this issue very seriously.

A statement by Chief of the Air Staff regarding the arrest was issued through Marketwire at 1530hrs on 8 Feb 2010, to which reference can be made if requests are received for Air Force comment on this issue.

It is anticipated that this issue will attract interest from the media and the general Canadian public.


This Public Affairs Guidance (PAG) is intended to provide CF members and DND personnel with guidance for dealing with media and public queries related to the arrest of COMD 8 Wing. 


All are reminded that, in accordance with DAOD 2008-2, CF members and DND employees should not offer personal opinion or comment on details related to these projects that fall outside of their areas of expertise or responsibility. This also applies to base newspapers.
Media Queries

It is reasonable to expect the media to request interviews with and invite comments from members of DND/CF.  The best way to ensure that queries are addressed by the appropriate DND/CF spokesperson and that key leaders remain informed, is to refer questions from reporters to the MLO at 1-866-377-0811 (anywhere in Canada) // 613-996-2353 (locally and international).

The MLO is the coordination centre for media that have any questions related to DND/CF.  The office is always manned and is run after hours on a duty officer basis.  The reporter’s request is then logged and sent to the appropriate account(s) for action. 

A biography and photo of Commander 8 Wing are available on the 8 Wing website: http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/8w-8e/page-eng.asp?id=964
Beyond this, CF members cannot comment or speculate on this serious issue due to the ongoing investigation and legal proceedings.

Questions about the police investigation should be directed to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). Constable Chris Dewsbury, Northumberland OPP, 613-475-1313.

Highlights are mine.

Feel free to interpret the directive as you see fit. Seems pretty clear, cut and dried to me.

Now, Milnet.ca takes your privacy and confidentiality seriously. Having said that, anyone that thinks they are anonymous on the internet, Milnet notwithstanding, better think again.

Milnet.ca Staff
CorporalMajor said:
  That interview was garbage.  Completely ignorant and disrespectful behaviour.....
to me it's horrifying, and shocking. 

I'll sum up, like I have said so many times in the past, the media only have one agenda, and overall are a disgrace.

They chose 'tabloid' sensationalism and negativty, over reporting the real facts and more importantly, the truth. 

Real reporters and journalists have become exctinct.

It is an exception to the rule if there is 1/1000 good reports WRT Defence and the war.

Shame on them all.

Recieved this as an email:

MCpl Thickson receives Wing Comander's Commendation

On 26 July 2009, MCpl Thickson reacted with outstanding professionalism affecting an immediate emergency response to a murder scene at CFB
Trenton, ON. In doing so, he ensured the security of the crime scene and of other emergency response personnel who were attempting to revive the victim while the murder suspect was at large in the area.

Most curious.
Edit to add:  I have not yet been able to locate the source of this info.  Possibly from the DIN?
zipperhead_cop said:
That was my point.
Oh I know, I was  supporting it.

I'll sum up, like I have said so many times in the past, the media only have one agenda, and overall are a disgrace.  They chose 'tabloid' sensationalism and negativty, over reporting the real facts and more importantly, the truth.  Real reporters and journalists have become exctinct.
It is an exception to the rule if there is 1/1000 good reports WRT Defence and the war.  Shame on them all.

When I was an escort for remembrance day at the War Memorial a few months ago I had to escort media types back and forth.  Some were patient and understanding whenever I had to make them wait.  The remainder were EXTREMELY!!!!! rude, and treated us like we were beneath them somehow.

Many media professionals are intelligent hardworking people.  That woman who interviewed the CDS though, her actions were just pathetic. 

Recieved this as an email:

    MCpl Thickson receives Wing Comander's Commendation

Most curious.
The irony.......  :-X
the 48th regulator said:
Robert Pickton was a Pig farmer, he was convicted of murdering six, and charged with 20 more victims.
Clifford Olson Career criminal murdered 11 children, numerous sexual assaults.

From the National Post ( 2007 ), if interested:

On the subject, from today's Sun:

zipperhead_cop said:
Most curious.
Edit to add:  I have not yet been able to locate the source of this info.  Possibly from the DIN?

Possibly The Contact; the 8 Wg base newspaper?

Edited to add: That would have been ref the murder of James Read.
A short article from the G&M re: Book to be publised about the colonel~good grief, isn't that kind of premature??? 

I expected something like this would be coming down the pipe but so soon?

I won't post the entire article just the link: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/book-deal-signed-for-story-of-colonel-russ-williams/article1465869/
...on a coming book (whose title suggests the publisher and author - from the Globe & Mail - are police, judge and jury - how efficient):

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