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Running Cadences

Running in combat boots.. cant say I have any real say on that... since all I have known since being in is 'no running in combat boots'. Although they still manage to make us 'walk' at a really good clip in them  >:D

And as far as running cadences go... personally when running at home I throw my mp3 player on with some american ranger/airborne running cadences... i find with that going in my ear, and keeping my feet in time with it I can run alot farther... takes my mind off the shit going on with my body :)

Example would be today when doing PT on my pre-sq... mind you i've been really lazy and haven't run for 2 weeks  :-[

Anyways, we were doing a 30 minute run up and down the local track... I got winded pretty quick into the run and started to suffer right through to the end... the last 5-6 minutes our Sgt. started calling out a little cadence to keep us in file while we ran back to the armory... a simple 'left, left, left right left' but boy that helped me finish the run for sure....

anyone else have any ideas on the psychological effects?

lord knows we will probably never hear running cadences on course.... but ...
After downloading a whole bunch of American cadences on to my mp3 and going running that some of them were too slow. Not all of them but some of the USMC ones were only at a jogging pace.
Thats just what I've found.
The reason there are those that refer to "Canadian" runs as being not suitable for cadence is:

a)typically we run at a fast pace in order to build endurance so that when in full kit, one can keep the pace of the battle.

b)There is not a need to keep "in step" when running, just keep up

c)and as an aside many in the CF notice running comprises 90% if not more of a typical week and that is because
  sadly there is not the planning required to organize anything else and running is the easiest way to build aerobic
  and cardiovascular tolerance.
Hey I am currently on week 4 of the BMQ course and well a lot of the people are having trouble with the PT and me being one of the few that are pretty physically fit before I got on the course, we are the ones who have to motivate the troops. So I was wondering if you guys have any nice cadences to motivate the troops with? I have googled it but all I am getting is US Cadences, which I don't prefer too much haha
Jewer67 said:
Hey I am currently on week 4 of the BMQ course and well a lot of the people are having trouble with the PT and me being one of the few that are pretty physically fit before I got on the course, we are the ones who have to motivate the troops. So I was wondering if you guys have any nice cadences to motivate the troops with? I have googled it but all I am getting is US Cadences, which I don't prefer too much haha

The only "cadence" that comes to my mind is called....see below

"your instructors"

Run a "Search" on the Forum. If you get no hit, try the "Advanced Search" function. We've covered this a couple of times before.
I've Just recently aplyed and with all the talk of running cadence, i'm just woundering at what pace do you run at(in minute/miles) That's how i know my pace. My last half marathon pace was close to 7:40min/mile. I would just like to know how much faster i need to get this?
Triaholic said:
I've Just recently aplyed and with all the talk of running cadence, i'm just woundering at what pace do you run at(in minute/miles) That's how i know my pace. My last half marathon pace was close to 7:40min/mile. I would just like to know how much faster i need to get this?

Just applying and running that fast, you have no worries.  If I had been able to run that fast when I applied, I wouldn't have worried, nor wondered at all.  Not everyone who joins the CF is a marathon running champion.  You do have to have more stamina though, as most marathon runners usually can't go very far when weighed down with Weapon and Webbing.
I started BMQ at age 36 and was surprised to watch 18 year old recruits struggle with the run. MCpl's tend to be well able motivate the troops. As for cadence I have never heard a course be allowed to sing on the run. We do seem to move allot faster than the American PT but the we have nothing to brag about- I once watched a group of heavily loaded Gurkha's run past us like we where standing still.

I have also seen questions about running in boots. This simply doesn't happen. I sat in a leassons learned meeting this past weekend with a 2VP Troopie and TRP WO who made it clear no one is running in combat as dismounted with vest, plates, tacvest, weapons, mags .... you are too heavy to make that happen. But with the thin air and heavy loads the need for increased fitness is an absolute.
If you have enough breath and energy to sing, you're not running hard enough.  ^-^
Here is what I am picturing:

"I want to join"
"Awesome, here's the paperwork"
"Do they do running cadences in the Reserves?"
"Oh, you can keep the paperwork, I'll go work at McDonalds instead"

Exactly.  I can picture him now, in the paper hat and tacky McDonald's clothes, swinging the mop around the spilled Coke and Ketchup, singing "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickels onions on a sesame seed bun".

How can machine guns and high explosives compete with that?
dapaterson said:
Exactly.  I can picture him now, in the paper hat and tacky McDonald's clothes, swinging the mop around the spilled Coke and Ketchup, singing "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickels onions on a sesame seed bun".

How can machine guns and high explosives compete with that?

The USMC does it, so I felt it was a valid question. I truly have no idea how McDonald's yet again gets pulled into the discussion, but if you're trying to make me hungry, it's working.
I also thought it was a valid question for someone still in the applicant stages?
sharki9876 said:
The USMC does it

They have nice haircuts, too.

We are not the USMC.

I think that there should be Internet Search Cadences.
Flavus101 said:
I also thought it was a valid question for someone still in the applicant stages?

And you'll now see that it's been asked and answered before. Discussed at length, in fact.

I debate the validity. Maybe the importance. Perhaps I am not delivering the advice in the best fashion, so here goes a different approach: there are better questions, more important questions to ask. More important things to be concerned with.

Get it?