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does anyone know where I can find German Army commando mountain and-or British Army SAS rucksacks in Toronto...because the shipping prices are quite astronomical...
tsokman said:
does anyone know where I can find German Army commando mountain and-or British Army SAS rucksacks in Toronto...because the shipping prices are quite astronomical...

FYI- ref my bold, there is no such thing. That is issued at least.

And no I don't know where to get one. What's wrong with the issued ruck?
And if you buy any of the of the above rucksacs YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT AT BMQ.
@ CDN_Aviator - Seen. My bad.

And to expand upon NFLD Sapper's comments, don't bother buying crap like that until you've been in the field army for at least 6 months.
ok thanks...are you allowed to use your own rucksacks when you get your first posting...can anyone recommend a good one...
I think the idea is to not buy stuff until at least six months after you've finished your initial training.  That'd be about six months after you arrive at your first posting.  Depending on your trade, that could be about six months, to a year, after you start.

There are multiple reasons for this advice.  Usually, stuff bought off e-bay or anywhere else on the internet is junk that will fall apart rather quickly in real-life field conditions.  For the most part, they're selling these things to airsofters, walter mitty types, and young soldiers who don't know what they need yet.

Stay away from anything labelled as if it is the type of stuff issued to "SAS", "JTF2" or anyone else like that.  That's a marketing ploy trying to separate fools from their money.  Sadly, it usually works.

Give yourself the time to figure out how all the issued stuff works in the real world.  Only after some serious familiarity, one might justifiably consider purchasing civvy kit to "augment" the issued stuff.

My two kopecks.

Sorry, I forgot to mention this.

As for being allowed to use your own rucksack at your first posting, it depends on your unit, and based on my personal experience, that's rather unlikely.

The stuff people are getting issued now of days is pretty darn good.  Don't be so hasty to replace it with something off "flea-bay".
ok thanks...maybe ill take a trip to the surplus store..
tsokman said:
ok thanks...are you allowed to use your own rucksacks when you get your first posting...can anyone recommend a good one...

Yes.....the issued one. The NEW issue one that is. What you will get in training will do the trick, but is far from ideal. This serves two purposes. One, it teaches uniformity, equipment husbandry and attention to detail. Two, it allows you to experience the complete bottom end of military procurement, so that everything you are given or allowed to wear afterwards seems likes an improvement.

Seriously though dude, as you have yet to start training, take the collective advice and save your money. Turning up at your first unit with an SAS/COMMANDO rucksack will quickly earn you the label of 'PLONKER'
I never said I was going to show up to BMQ with my own rucksack... Can you quote me on that...when it says a rucksack is a 85 litres what does that mean...
tsokman said:
when it says a rucksack is a 85 litres what does that mean...
Fairly straightforward it means it would hold 85 litres worth of water, no obviously you are not going to put water in a ruck it is just a method of saying how much carrying capacity the ruck has.
I have a CADPAT-like ruck right now that can hold about 40lbs fully loaded....but its not that great...the pouches are not detachable and the shoulder straps arent too great, has no valise or compression pack, no chest strap only a waist strap...its not a patrol pack but it wasnt the largest ruck either....how many litres would it be...I think it may be a 65....

what is the ruck you get in BMQ...and what is the newest CADPAT ruck issued....
Next time you visit your surplus shop, ask them for three products: Ability to Listen, Common Sense, and Patience.
they maybe too expensive in comparison to,

JTF2 Rucksack Real Issue, worn once.