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Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

And yet the Liberals have gone to great lengths to explain that any of these missions that Canada may take will have real danger - real risk - the possibility of real casualties.  Canadians may picture cute and cuddly blue helmets.  I don't think the government does.
Perhaps they speak while hoping that no one is really listening which is probably true.  What the libs are doing is trying to find a painless way to keep Justin's rather foolish election promise.  They have discovered that all the options are quagmires in which we will lose men and equipment and they will lose votes (think Somalia) and they are desperately seeking an alternative.
Jarnhamar said:
That's the thing. The liberals campaigned on more PEACEKEEPING  missions and we know that a lot of canadians have  a romanticized/confused /disjointed view on what peacekeeping is.

Whats the end result? The government pulls back fighter planes that are helping kill nasty murdering terrorists  but decide 500 soldiers are going to deploy SOMEWHERE, they're just not sure yet, to get some peacekeeping done.  Somewhere in Africa which is a crap hole. Believe it was Mali where a UN peacekeeper was getting killed every 11 or 13 days?

That harmless terminology may very well get someone on this bored killed.

I'm not sure why the government hasn't jumped all over a major leadership role for the RCMP in MINUJUSTH (the CIVPOL heavy replacement for MINUSTAH in Haiti). It would seem to check all the boxes -- limited logistics chain, no jihadist threat, well within capability, fulfills a campaign promise without actually deploying expensive armoured vehicles and aircraft. It wouldn't even strain RCMP manning numbers -- the vast majority of CIVPOL for MINUSTAH have been police seconded to the RCMP from the Sûreté du Québec and municipal forces, as the RCMP have historically struggled with generating sufficient numbers of French speaking police.

A cynic would suggest that only Africa will do, as the votes for a UN Security Council seat that Canada is looking for are African votes, or that the Canadian public doesn't think of Blue Beret CIVPOL as 'real' peacekeeping, but who would be that cynical?
Semi-related, using jmt's take on things, I heard that one of our 'peacekeepers' elsewhere in the world just recaptured for Canada the world record for longest 'peacekeeping remote stabilization actionTM.'  3,540m. :nod:


I am a firm believer in "remote stabilization actionTM" and hope that we are doing quite a bit more of it.  Not being PC, I think it should be done with extreme prejudice; but that would only show my bias'.
This was first posted in July of last year with the heading CF to deploy to Africa soon....  :rofl:
George Wallace said:
I am a firm believer in "remote stabilization actionTM" and hope that we are doing quite a bit more of it.  Not being PC, I think it should be done with extreme prejudice; but that would only show my bias'.

I prefer 'Gunboat Diplomacy'. It's more 'authentic' .... and effective:

"Butcher and bolt"?

daftandbarmy said:
I prefer 'Gunboat Diplomacy'. It's more 'authentic' .... and effective:


I always preferred, "Terminated with extreme prejudice."
MarkOttawa said:
"Butcher and bolt"?


Rule Britannia, Britannia waives the rules...  ;D
tomahawk6 said:
This was first posted in July of last year with the heading CF to deploy to Africa soon....  :rofl:

Okay, you caught us. We like to hold rumors of deployments over the heads of our soldiers to try and bribe them to behave, not get DUIs etc..

tomahawk6 said:
This was first posted in July of last year with the heading CF to deploy to Africa soon....  :rofl:
Maybe they meant "very soon" in a geological sense ...
So, Mr. Sajan, we're just about to go peacekeeping in Africa, are we not? Any minute now ... As soon as you finish re-intstating Admiral Norman further to your witch hunt, right!  :threat:

P.s.: I'm in one of those mood today!
Oldgateboatdriver said:
So, Mr. Sajan, we're just about to go peacekeeping in Africa, are we not? Any minute now ... As soon as you finish re-intstating Admiral Norman further to your witch hunt, right!  :threat:

P.s.: I'm in one of those mood today!

On the nose, Matt Fisher: :salute:

Matthew Fisher: For Trudeau, a UN mission in Africa appears ever more daunting

The Liberals could not have picked a worse time to be considering a blue beret — or more accurately, a blue helmet — mission in Africa

This seems odd.  Not sure how you would do it.  Not even sure that the military is the best tool for "de-militarization of child soldiers".
Canada pushes back decision on UN peace mission
Federal government is considering suggestion Canada create a specialized military unit whose goal is the de-militarization of child soldiers.
Tonda MacCharles
The Star
13 Sep 17
JT is back into his cache of MJ me thinks...are they going to hire and train a shyte load of child psych trauma specialists to do this or something?  The only thing the military should be involved with regarding this is ensuring the kids are disarmed properly, safely and securely...the rest needs to be dealt with by therapeutic reintegration to the real world by people that do this for a living.


medicineman said:
JT is back into his cache of MJ me thinks...are they going to hire and train a shyte load of child psych trauma specialists to do this or something?  The only thing the military should be involved with regarding this is ensuring the kids are disarmed properly, safely and securely...the rest needs to be dealt with by therapeutic reintegration to the real world by people that do this for a living.



That and you know, forceful remove the recruiters from the situation.....