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Royal Canadian Air Force headed to mission in Africa ‘very soon’: top general

Since we dragged out good old Von Clausewitz, remember that War is diplomacy by a different means.

What would Canada's diplomatic aims in Africa be that justify getting involved in wars?

And Chris, why don't you make life easier on yourself next time and just list the few African countries NOT engaged in war, insurgency or civil strife  [:D.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
And Chris, why don't you make life easier on yourself next time and just list the few African countries NOT engaged in war, insurgency or civil strife  [:D.

Nothing succeeds like excess!  [:D
Loachman said:
My belief, based upon several decades of fairly close observation of Homo Liberalis, is that this government is more interested in doing what will look good to the facebookarazzi than in doing something that is actually good.

And the same was true of the Conservatives, doing things that looked good to the people who were more likely to support them.  What of it?
jmt18325 said:
Every mission in recent memory, including Afghanistan, was political.
The Taliban government harboured a terrorist group who committed a mass murder of civilians on an allied countries soil. That's an act of war.

Just because you refuse to see this foolish entry into Africa for what it is, doesn't make it any less true.
PuckChaser said:
The Taliban government harboured a terrorist group who committed a mass murder of civilians on an allied countries soil. That's an act of war.

And that makes our response not political in what way?

Just because you happen to like the politics involved, it doesn't make it any less political.
You're equating response to mass murder of civilians because they weren't of a certain religion to deploying troops to Africa so someone can win a UNSC seat? Really?
PuckChaser said:
You're equating response to mass murder of civilians because they weren't of a certain religion to deploying troops to Africa so someone can win a UNSC seat? Really?

Are civilians not being murdered at an alarming rate in Africa?  Often because of religion?

Do you not understand how the very fact that we choose to ally ourselves with the US, and responded in the way we did to September 11, 2001, is just as political as any move we might make into Africa?

Could it not be argued that we're supporting our allies by fighting Islamic terror in Africa, taking on a UN mission there?

Do you have it from anyone that this is being done simply to win a UNSC seat?

Let's see if Team Red does what they always insisted Team Blue do ...
Liberals won't confirm if a House of Commons debate and vote will be held before they commit Canadian troops to Africa for what's expected to be a lengthy mission.

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan announced Monday that the federal government will soon unveil Canada's expanded contribution to United Nations peace efforts, but did not reveal precisely where.


But iPolitics reports that Sajjan, who was wrapping up a five-day fact-finding mission in Africa, did not answer when he was asked if a vote would be held in Parliament on future peace operation deployments.

Sajjan's spokeswoman Jordan Owens told The Huffington Post Canada that Liberals were clear about their priorities on the campaign trail last fall. She highlighted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mandate letters to Sajjan, Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion, and International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau ...
Funny how things look different when the seats in the House are facing the other way ...
jmt18325 said:
Are civilians not being murdered at an alarming rate in Africa?  Often because of religion?

And elsewhere. But let's pick somewhere arbitrarily, rather than assess greatest need, reasonable chance of success, acceptable risk and cost and ability to support, though, because it's whatever year it is.

jmt18325 said:
Do you not understand how the very fact that we choose to ally ourselves with the US, and responded in the way we did to September 11, 2001, is just as political as any move we might make into Africa?

Support to allies, and responding to clear threats, is rather a different level of political than votes and vanity above all else.

jmt18325 said:
Could it not be argued that we're supporting our allies by fighting Islamic terror in Africa, taking on a UN mission there?

Yes, but ... Have we been asked? Is the government looking for/willing to accept a fight against terrorism, or a mythical blue-beret mission so that it can make another silly claim that "Canada is back"?

jmt18325 said:
Do you have it from anyone that this is being done simply to win a UNSC seat?

Beyond campaign promises and statements?

There are legitimate reasons to become involved in many places in the world. Many of us would support involvement in every one of those, if we had the capability and improvement was likely. No reasonable person likes to see people suffer, especially when something can be done to help.

Sadly, we cannot do that.

We should, however, do what we can.

What irks me, though, is the poor process that is driving this.

The current government made some rather outlandish campaign promises, which is easy to do when one does not expect to ever have to follow up on them. These include, but are not limited to:

- Holding an "open competition" (still undefined by anyone) to select a fighter replacement - but NOT including F35.

- Rushing in 25000 Syrian refugees because of a photograph of a drowned boy on a beach that generated mass sympathy and therefore votes. The number was a rectal extraction. No thought was given to our ability to successfully integrate and support that many in that period of time, or to any security issues, which were a perfectly valid concern. Regarding the number, perhaps we can actually absorb more without difficulty in a short period - but that is not the point. Nobody in government, or in NGOs that support refugees, thought that rushing was a good thing to do, other than those running the Liberal Party election machine. No other refugees were "worthy" of consideration either. Syrians had suddenly become fashionable. I had been involved in a private sponsorship of a Burundian refugee family prior to that. They had been hopelessly trapped in a refugee camp for twelve years, the father severely injured and almost killed in an attack while there, and there are many thousands of Burundians still stuck in that "life" style. What about Middle-Eastern Christians and Yazidis, who have been brutally slaughtered and abused in a variety of ways? What about the Afghan interpreters and their families who we left behind? What about ... and ... and ...? Are Liberals unaware that these people exist? Or do they simply not care? The APPEARANCE is that the Syrians were merely backdrop for photo ops. And, by the way, I have a Syrian refugee family as neighbours (again, privately sponsored, with the process started long before the last election even though they arrived afterwards), and they are great people, working hard to integrate, the father and two oldest boys are employed, and I am happy that they are here and safe. It would have looked better, however, if a few equally-deserving members of other ethnic groups had been included in the 25000, or if measures were being taken to bring some in later/now - but the election's over, media coverage was great, and we can all get back to really important things like the Kardashians.

- Finding a "traditional" and safe UN Peacekeeping mission, despite significant changes in the world since those days (and significant differences between myth and reality even back then). It's got to be a UN mission, though. Those are the only ones "good enough". Stuff that we've done elsewhere - like Afghanistan - under other mandates, doesn't count.

- Reeling in that UN Security Council seat.

Had we received an invitation to help out somewhere, and had this government conducted an honest appraisal of the potential benefit to those in need, the risks to our troops and other supporters, our ability to support without bending/straining/breaking the organization again, and the cost, then I could back it. There is NO indication that this is the case, and plenty to the contrary.

I will freely admit that I neither like nor trust the current prime minister, nor any members of his party, nor his party in general, based upon considerable history. I was also less than impressed, and increasingly critical of, their predecessors. I will give both credit and blame where and when due, freely, to anyone, regardless of party, however.

We have put people into unacceptable situations - futile, risky, and lacking adequate support - before. I was aware enough of those then, but am more aware today. I have been to too many ramp ceremonies, repatriations, funerals, and memorials. Real need and real chance of success, providing that real support is given to those deploying, are acceptable. Personal vanity of the God-Emperor and votes are not.

And it certainly appears that vanity and votes are the critical factors.
milnews.ca said:
Let's see if Team Red does what they always insisted Team Blue do ...Funny how things look different when the seats in the House are facing the other way ...
I would like to see a vote.  Not because I think the executive needs permission from the legislative, but because I would like to see a budget specifically approved to execute this mission without costs coming out of the CAF's hide.
MCG said:
I would like to see a vote.  Not because I think the executive needs permission from the legislative, but because I would like to see a budget specifically approved to execute this mission without costs coming out of the CAF's hide.
I'd like to see a debate/discussion, too, just to hear what messaging all sides have to share.  I don't think previous votes on missions/tasks have included budgets (again, I stand to be corrected), so I don't think any would be forthcoming here if/when it comes to the House.
Team Red will do exactly as Team Blue, no vote and the troops will pick up bottles along the highway to pay for the mission. AND there will be a constant parade of ministers visiting the troops to tell us how this mission is the result of; climate change, poor diplomacy, too many guns, lack of UN seat for Canada, social inequality, insert (ministerial responsibility) here.  No one will blame the trigger pullers or their leadership and we will stay until we are a vital part of the local GDP. 
Lightguns said:
Team Red will do exactly as Team Blue, no vote and the troops will pick up bottles along the highway to pay for the mission. AND there will be a constant parade of ministers visiting the troops to tell us how this mission is the result of; climate change, poor diplomacy, too many guns, lack of UN seat for Canada, social inequality, insert (ministerial responsibility) here.  No one will blame the trigger pullers or their leadership and we will stay until we are a vital part of the local GDP.

"The truth? You can't handle the truth!"
On the subject of supporting allies:

Our allies just recently asked for our support - in Latvia.
Previously they asked for it in Iraq and Syria.

We could be reinforcing ongoing efforts. 

I will be interested to see if we end up supporting the French in Mali, swanning off on our own unique mission or penny packeting a region.
Chris Pook said:
I will be interested to see if we end up supporting the French in Mali again, swanning off on our own unique mission or penny packeting a region.
I wonder what hotel we'll be giving the staff PTSD at for decompression.  Treetops hotel looks nice  ;D
Chris Pook: Last year President Obama specifically asked Western countries to do more for UN operations:

US-Backed UN “Killer Peacekeeping”: Would Canadians Support Taking Substantial Part?

Seen Mark.

All that has to be done is picking a target....