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ROTP, Flightcrew Training and beyond


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Hi, I have just passed everything needed to become an officer with the ROTP program, now I just have to hope and pray RMC lets my bad high school marks slide! So if i do get through that hurdle I have the next big challenge of flight crew selection (as a pilot) apparently, according to the Doc, its academic testing is pretty rigorous. While im no academic slouch I do not have any chemistry or physics under my belt as of this moment. So I was wondering what I can do to best prepare myself for the academic and non academic portions of the aircrew selection process.

  I asked the recruiters but they had no info sheets on this left and did not know much about it, apart from the fact that most people wash out in this phase of testing.

Hawk2 said:
Hi, I have just passed everything needed to become an officer with the ROTP program, now I just have to hope and pray RMC lets my bad high school marks slide! So if i do get through that hurdle I have the next big challenge of flight crew selection (as a pilot) apparently, according to the Doc, its academic testing is pretty rigorous. While im no academic slouch I do not have any chemistry or physics under my belt as of this moment. So I was wondering what I can do to best prepare myself for the academic and non academic portions of the aircrew selection process.

  I asked the recruiters but they had no info sheets on this left and did not know much about it, apart from the fact that most people wash out in this phase of testing.


Read one of the many ASC threads that are available on this forum! They have a lot of information in them. Good luck.

EDIT: You should have been briefed on ASC by either your File Manager or your MCC. Did you receive a CAPSS manual?
I searched the forum search bar but could not find anything, I also went through and tried to find something on this manually but im studying for a spanish exam right now so cant devote much time to it. sorry if this is a topic that has been brought up many times.

infamous_p what exactly are you confused about, I will try to clarify for you.

"You should have been briefed on ASC by either your File Manager or your MCC. Did you receive a CAPSS manual?"

No I did not get any of that ^. I wasnt aware of the testing till the Doctor of all people told me about it lol.


Hawk2 said:
I searched the forum search bar but could not find anything,

  Hawk, make sure you're not in a thread when you use the search bar, or else your search will only search on that board. Search from the main page for "ASC" or "Aircrew Selection Centre" and you'll find LOTS.

  There is no academic portion to ASC, if you said your doctor told you that, I think your doctor may have been talking about rigorous medical testing that you will undergo if you pass for pilot or airnav.

  All your questions can be answered by a search, but if you need help post here again. Good luck.
Hawk2 said:
its academic testing is pretty rigorous. While im no academic slouch I do not have any chemistry or physics under my belt as of this moment. So I was wondering what I can do to best prepare myself for the academic and non academic portions of the aircrew selection process.

Academic testing??   :o

You're applying for pilot correct??

Unless things have changed, there is ZERO academic testing for pilot ACS.  The only 'rigorous' 'academic' testing is for the navigator side, which you do at the same time.  Neither one has bearing on the other.

Your only hurdle is that if you DO have sh*te high school marks and are applying for ROTP, you may get denied on those grounds, and therefore you wouldn't even make it to ACS.  I initially applied for ROTP back in 2002ish, and was denied because of a single grade 11 math mark.  Didn't matter that I had almost straight A's in my commercial aviation diploma program.

Perhaps this guy was referring to the selection process for ROTP.  If he DID mean ACS, then he doesn't know what he's talking about.  There is no advanced physics or math or any of that at ACS.  We'd have no pilots!!   ;D

For pilot you do 4 basic sims practicing straight and level, turns, climbing / descending and combinations of them all, you then combine them to fly a basic circuit.  For Nav, you.... uh....... write...  stuff...   I have forgotten.  I didn't pass for Nav.

As said in previous posts, there's alot of info on this forum about ACS, as these questions come up ALOT.  You can't tell me that you're too busy to find Aircrew Selection on this forum.  Try different search words.

No I did not get any of that ^. I wasnt aware of the testing till the Doctor of all people told me about it

You should have either a confirmed or a tentative date for Aircrew selection based on the dates you provided to your recruiting centre. At the very least, your File Manager should have contacted you regarding your availability for ASC. When you have that date, you will probably meet with your File Manager, receive your joining instructions, and go over the details. However, if they don't feel you are competitive, you may not have received anything yet. Talk to your File Manager not your doctor and find out where you stand. If you are sure you are going to ASC and you don't have the manual, call the recruiting centre to see if they have any on hand.

I was under the impression we didnt get the manuals till we arrived in Trenton.

I still dont have a date for ASC, but i'll ask my file manager about the book to see if i can grab one :) thx

Hmm thanks, Sorry about that.

Yea he told me that there would be testing for math etc.. at ACS. Also nope they didnt give me any info yet, they said they would be in touch in a few weeks.
Hawk2 said:
Hmm thanks, Sorry about that.

Yea he told me that there would be testing for math etc.. at ACS.

There is, but for Navigator only.  3 written tests if I remember correctly.
Corey Darling said:
I was under the impression we didnt get the manuals till we arrived in Trenton.

I still dont have a date for ASC, but i'll ask my file manager about the book to see if i can grab one :) thx


You will receive the material nessessary for studying  capps after you have received a date to CFASC.
For the "and beyond" part, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back about whether the aircrew medicals at DRDC were okay or not?
Could be a week preceding the completion of ASC or sometime in June...aren't I just awful :blotto:
Well to be fair it can't be sometime in June, because I'm slotted for BOMQ starting May 5th if I passed ASC.
Perfect_Clark said:
Well to be fair it can't be sometime in June, because I'm slotted for BOMQ starting May 5th if I passed ASC.

Did you ask your local CFRC? They should of had some answers when you dropped off your Aircrew Medical Results. So..similar to Devil May Cry eh?