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ROTP after High School Questions

Cerulean_Sky said:
If your local recruitment center is far from you, the army.ca website has an online chat function. I found my face to face with a recruiter much more informative than the online chat, but maybe that was just my personal experience.

I think you mean the forces.ca online chat with a recruiter function.
2010newbie said:
I think you mean the forces.ca online chat with a recruiter function.

I most likely do. Sorry, should have checked out the website before posting it. I'll edit the first post. :)
I realize that for anyone reading this it's really too late to be considering RMC until next fall but I'll continue anyhow. When I was looking into it in the Winter of my Grade 11 year ( with a horrible 78 average but a respectable athletic resume) I was told that getting accepted into a program to come out as an Infantry Officer would be no problem. That being said for Pilots I know a guy who had a 90% average, his glider license and was a spectacular athlete who was told it was unlikely he could get in.

So it really depends on the year and the trade.

Hope this Helps
Well I am a private at the Toronto Scottish Regiment in Toronto Ontario, I joined the reserves just to find out how I would like the military, good news is I'm in love with it! My question is I have already gotten accepted to York University and will be going there starting September, so I cant apply for ROTP this summer, but I wish to apply this september for next year, will me being a reservist come in handy while applying? I am to be fully qualified this coming september as a private also. Any help and advice on next steps would be greatly appreciated!
There are numerous threads about this subject already. So for additional info use the search function to find them.

The easy answer is you need to be a well rounded individual.
- Good grades through high school and cegep (if you live in Quebec) 
- Extracurricular activies like cadets, sports or volunteer work. The most important part here is to demonstrate that you have been in leadership positions.
- Being in the reserves could definitely be a bonus to your application (was not my case therefore just my  :2c:) . Again, look for leadership positions or tasks that can show off your skills.
- A part-time job that could help you develop similar skills to those you are applying for.

I can't go into the questions that will be asked during the interview. However, I will say that there is an emphasis on leadership.
Give the recruiting centre a call and ask them.  They will have the information you need. I imagine your experience would be an asset, good luck.
Hi my name is Jay and I will be going in to Grade 12 this September and I have few questions about admission to RMC.
I have been in Air Cadets for more than 4 years now, and currently I'm the 2IC of my Squadron
I have decent amount of Volunteer hours (around 100) from various organizations such as Multicultural Society, and the local church.
I have acquired Glider Pilot Scholarship in Aircadets last summer, through which I have obtained my Glider Pilots License.
My grade 11 Average was 82
In the past I was on School Track and Field and Band in my junior years.

What do you think I should do for the rest of the summer and throughout school year to improve my competition next year when I apply for RMC?
I know I should definitely improve my grades in grade 12. I had part time jobs but nothing fancy (fast food restaurants). Through my expireinc es in cadets and
self interest, I can say I know this country inside out, and how Canadian Forces Function.
What are my chances?
id appreciate any replies and comments
Thank you
Stacked said:
If you knew how the CF functions inside and out then you would know that nobody on this forum can tell you your chances of going to RMC.

Either of you two have something constructive to add or was your purpose solely to shit on the kid?

We get far zanier statements here and the rest of his post seems pretty well put together.

The Staff


Go hit your local CFRC. I am also sure that before the weekend is out that someone will be by to offer some constructive advice.

My only other piece of advice is to watch yourself in tossing around statements here. I am sure cadets has been a valuable and fun experience for you but it is not qualification to say you know the CF.

Cheers and good luck.
jayseo said:
Hi my name is Jay and I will be going in to Grade 12 this September and I have few questions about admission to RMC.
I have been in Air Cadets for more than 4 years now, and currently I'm the 2IC of my Squadron.(missing a period)
I have decent amount of Volunteer hours (around 100) from various organizations such as Multicultural Society, and the local church.
I have acquired Glider Pilot Scholarship in Air cadets last summer, through which I have obtained my Glider Pilots License.
My grade 11 Average was 82.
In the past I was on the school track and field team and played in the Band in my junior years.

What do you think I should do for the rest of the summer and throughout school year to improve my competition next year when I apply for RMC?
I know I should definitely improve my grades in grade 12. I had part time jobs but nothing fancy (fast food restaurants). Through my experiences in cadets and
self interest, I can say I know this country inside out, and how Canadian Forces Function.
What are my chances?
I would(Never start a sentence or a paragraph with a contraction) appreciate any replies and comments
Thank you

From what you have posted, you seem to be headed on the right track and my suggestion would to continue on the path you're on. Not only will it benefit you when it comes time for you to compete for a spot at RMC, it will enable you to gain some life experience and leadership skills; something integral to any leader.

I wouldn't worry so much about where you work, more about what you are doing within that work place. Take on leadership opportunities within your range when they become available, and always strive to do your best.

Last thing I will note is your grammar and punctuation. Taking care in any task you undertake is essential to leadership, especially in the Canadian Forces. I have highlighted some of the errors I found in yellow. I am not trying to offend, just a few mistakes I picked up on

I wish you the best of luck in your pursuits, and I apologize for my previous remarks.

Stacked said:
If you knew how the CF functions inside and out, then you would know that nobody on this forum can tell you your chances of going to RMC.

Stacked , If you knew as much as you think you do then you would know that a qualified Recruiter or MCC WOULD be able to tell you what your CHANCES are but not give you any guarantees. And some people on here ARE qualified Recruiters AND MCCs. Writing a CFAT and doing a medical does not make you an expert either in recruiting or this forum. Stay in your lane!!

Jay, your chances at this point are not bad. Cadet experience and extracurricular activities in school are good add ons. Things that show leadership. Usually the board looks at high school marks first. Usually they look for an average above 85 during grades 10 through 12. However when you go in the the Recruiting Centre in October to apply chances are you will no have any grade 12 marks to show them. An 82 is not bad and like I said with Cadet time and other outside interests it should put you in good standing. BUT remember there are no guarantees that you'll get accepted or that you'll get accepted for the occupation you want.

Scott is right, go in to the CFRC and talk to a Recruiter. They all have a pretty good idea on what's going on.

And a piece  of advice. Before you take any crap from anyone on this form check their profile! A Navy lower decker wanna be usually doesn't have too much to say that's worth paying attention to with regards to recruiting and especially RMC.

Good luck

Like Retired_FDO said, I think your chances are not bad. Besides your school marks, what will make the balance tip is certainly your extra curricular activities, your volunteering being a big part of it. The track and field shows that you have some interest in physical fitness, also a plus. For the leadership aspect, your position as 2IC in cadets is certainly a good advantage over the competition. You should also seek other leadership opportunities. You need to remember that, for officers, the CF is looking for well balanced individuals able to function is stressful leadership positions, so you need to do everything in your power to show the recruiter your capacity to do just that...

RMC works with 4 pillars: academics, athletics, bilingualism and military... The best advice I can give you is to start learning the other official language, probably french in your case. Even though it is not a requirement for recruiting, it is a requirement to graduate from RMC, so the sooner you start, the easier it will be Also, it will be an advantage during promotion boards. For the selection process, having started a second language training of some sort shows you understand it's importance in the CF...

On a side note, use the fact that you were in a leadership position in Air Cadets all you want during the recruiting process but as soon as you step on your Basic training, never mention it. Surely use the knowledge you gained through Cadets as a tool to make
life easier but for the rest, let your instructor show you the ropes... basically the only difference between you and the next guy is that you know how to use a ironing board and how to shine your shoes. I was in cadets myself and never said a word about it... there's always a smarta** that tries to show off and ends up in trouble for some stupid reason. At the beginning, it will also make you stand out of the crowd and you don't want that, you want to be recognize for what you do, not what you should have done because you should know better because of your previous experience in Cadets...

Anyway, take it for what it is... just my  :2c:
Again, I would like to thank all of you who have shown interest in this post and have provided the much needed information that we seek.  My daughters interest in seeking a Military Career as a Pilot has continued to grow and as a very proud father, I continue to support her in achieving her goal of being accepted into RMC as a Pilot. 

Some of the things she has done since my last post are:

- Attended a 6 week Aircraft Maintenance Scholarship course at Canadore College in Kingston last year.  Here, she received the ANAVETS medal for top cadet on the course at their gradulation.  This was a Air Cadet activity.

- Currently in Gimli , MB earning her Glider Pilots license through another 6 week Scholarship course provided by Air Cadets. 

- Registered with the SPCA as a volunteer and has her volunteer hours recorded.  Here she walks and grooms the shelters animals, something that is not difficult as she is very much an animal lover.

- Continues her work with a local aviation company as front desk girl responsible for passenger bookings, frieght, renting of planes and general paperwork (IE: invoicing and handling of cash).  This October will be 2 years of continuous employment with this company.

- Continues with her efforts to achieve her Private Pilots License.  Has received her Student License and solos now.  Currently, she has logged 52 hours.  She will write her Transport Canada exam on return from Gimli.  And then will prepare for her Flight Test in early November as this is when she turns 17 and can hold a PPL.  Also, this summer she will begin work on her Float Endorsement as we are very fortunate to have access to a plane for fuel costs only and have a 3400+ hour pilot that is anxious to help her out in this area.

- Achieved a 84% average in her grade 11 year with all courses being "Pure" (think this is the right terminology).  Anyways, they consist of Math, English, French (taken since grade 4), Social Studies, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  She now knows that her future degree will be in the field of Sciences and preferrably in Physics as it was her favorite subject..

- She continues to be very actively involved with the local Air Cadet Squadron and has achieved the rank of Flight Sergeant.  She will be boarded September 16 for the Warrant Officer rank and is aspiring to be selected as Squadron Warrant Officer for the 2010/2011 cadet year (her final).  Medal wise, she has received the Long Service Medal, ANAVETS Medal, Legion Medal of Excellence and the Lord Strathcona Medal.

In closing, she looks forward to returning home from Gimli with her first set of Wings and then preparing her ROTP application to RMC.  She is much like me at her age.  She has outgrown her world here in Fort McMurray, AB and is looking forward to beginning "her" life, in her chosen field .... that being Aviation related. 

So folks, if any of you have any last minute advise it would be surely welcomed. 

Best regards to all and hoping that your summer is being enjoyed wherever you are ....

Hi, i'm hoping to get into RMC aswell. i will be going into grade 12, my grades last year were in the low 60's, i had a bad year. But i've learned what i did wrong and i'm applying it to this year.

i been playing competitive boys soccer for about 5 years
I've been in cadets for 5 years, army and air cadets, 2 years in england and 3 here in Canada.
Im taking all the classes i need to get into a engineering degree course, if i do well in the classes and yet and 80% average what do you think my chances are of getting in and can you suggest anything i might need to add. Thanks, Jack
Jp_noble1 said:
can you suggest anything i might need to add. Thanks, Jack

Try and improve your spelling and grammar and use proper capitalization.  I'm sure you read the Site Guidelines:

You will not use excessive webspeak, or other shorthand styles of typing. Please use English or French to the best of your ability; this makes it easier for those who are not posting in their native language.
Noble 1, do you think the Spartans were worried about spelling?
Not really. Sure they needed to spell the names of the various planets they brought compliance on and the names of the aliens they killed, but they were more worried about physical fitness.

Bring your grades up AND get in way better shape.
When you write something do a spell check, for every mistake you make fire off 10 push ups or something.

jayseo said:
Hi my name is Jay and I will be going in to Grade 12 this September and I have few questions about admission to RMC.
I have been in Air Cadets for more than 4 years now, and currently I'm the 2IC of my Squadron
I have decent amount of Volunteer hours (around 100) from various organizations such as Multicultural Society, and the local church.
I have acquired Glider Pilot Scholarship in Aircadets last summer, through which I have obtained my Glider Pilots License.
My grade 11 Average was 82
In the past I was on School Track and Field and Band in my junior years.

What do you think I should do for the rest of the summer and throughout school year to improve my competition next year when I apply for RMC?
I know I should definitely improve my grades in grade 12. I had part time jobs but nothing fancy (fast food restaurants). Through my expireinc es in cadets and
self interest, I can say I know this country inside out, and how Canadian Forces Function.
What are my chances?
id appreciate any replies and comments
Thank you

I put your information into the recruiting computer and your chances are 72.74%    No but to be honest just stick with what you are doing, work on physical fitness, leadership roles such as cadets, and research your trade.  Telling your recruiter that you know this country and the Canadian Forces inside and out is just a plain bad thing to say to them.  You want them to see you as competent not arrogant.    I'm just warning because I can at times be arrogant and even I wouldn't be as bold as to say that...and I'm already in the program.

Good Luck
Hi my name is Spencer Spence I just recently filled out a Component Transfer(CT) to go to RMC in Kingston and do ROTP there. But I have a few questions that I would like to have answered about the likelihood of me going based on my circumstances. And does anybody know of someone who was in a similar boat than me who got accepted?

Okay so I am a fully trained Private now in the Reserves, my trade is infantry. I was wondering if being in the reserves and fully qualified would help me in the selection process to RMC. The degree I am hoping to study is Civil Engineering. I would like to be an Engineer in the military. Does changing my trade effect my chances? If it does should stay Infantry? I would do anything to get into that school, I don't think my 78% average from grade 11 is enough to get it but I was thinking maybe I can get in with the reserves and  my 3 years of cadet experience. I'm currently doing my grade 12 this year so I am applying for next years schooling of course. Does the selection board in Ottawa accept CT applicants like myself over applicants who apply the regular away, through my CT I didn't even have to do any of that essay stuff? And how competitive is it to get accepted to RMC via CT?  I'm not sure if I should be expecting to be accepted or turned down, I would obviously like to know whether or not I should get my hopes up.
Oh and if this helps any my CFAT (aptitude test) was 41; English 8, Spacial 8, Math 25. And I am from Newfoundland, but I doubt that makes a difference....