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ROTP 2011-2012

Nothing from Toronto either, correct me if I am wrong. Hopefully soon though! My only logical conclusion is that possibly some councilors are waiting for an "after school" hour such as 15:30 to make their calls, just a guess. Congrats to the few new acceptances, that is great news!
I don't know about now jwtg, but I was supposed to go too RMC and asked if there was anyway I could go to Civ U, they ended up saying yes since they didn't see the harm in it. Try asking but the amount of recruits they might just push you aside... Since now a days its you get what you get.
jwtg said:
Anyone else receive an offer to RMC even though they applied to Civi U?  Or vice versa?  I feel kind of bad accepting an offer for RMC when my preference is VERY MUCH to go to Civi U- but I understand it is an offer and I take it or leave it.

I haven't gotten an offer yet, I just know I got accepted. But I'm thinking its very likely I will be sent to RMC and not to Civy U
nairna said:
Nothing from Toronto either, correct me if I am wrong. Hopefully soon though! My only logical conclusion is that possibly some councilors are waiting for an "after school" hour such as 15:30 to make their calls, just a guess. Congrats to the few new acceptances, that is great news!

Yeah nothing yet. I plan on call at 16:00 to ask them.
Hey guys... anyone heard anything from CFRC Kitchener? I am wondering if they are somewhat lagging in hearing the results, as I have not heard anyone receive any offers from them. Thanks!
PrairieBoy said:
No news from CFRC Saskatoon yet  >:( I'm planning on giving them until 14:30 local time, and then I'll phone them to check.

Re: jwtg: Congratulations on ACSO! And congratulations on RMC as well! I'll be very upset with you if you get to go to RMC even though it wasn't your choice and I don't even though it was. Just kidding of course  ;) Well done!

I imagine SK & MB will be on a similar timeline so I look forward to any info you may have to share!  ;D
Maverick94 said:
Awesome! Good luck! ..this next hour will be a long wait.

Yeah, I keep looking at the clock while I am trying to study for my exams, lol.
Just called CFRC Winnipeg and found out I wasn't picked. I was told the reason was my trade choices were full (Armour, Artillery, Infantry).
Wait, Infantry, Armour and Artillery are full? Like closed like they were last year, or have all the selections been mad? Those are my choices too  :-\ (though order is different) As if I wasn't already nervous.
I've been following these forums for some time now, but I've decided to post now.

A) Phone your local recruiting centre. Originally I told myself "Okay I'll wait a week and then phone". Then I just grew a pair of balls, phoned and got told that I'm

B ) Accepted. Into my first choice of Armored. And I applied for Civi Uni (since I'm already a 2nd year student) so I get to stay at my Uni

I'm from Hamilton, so I suggest any fellow Hamiltonians, and people from Kitchener, Niagara and Oshawa to phone up rather than let the wait drive you insane. It's good to know your plans for the summer now.

PrairieBoy said:
Wait, Infantry, Armour and Artillery are full? Like closed like they were last year, or have all the selections been mad? Those are my choices too  :-\ (though order is different) As if I wasn't already nervous.

I'm assuming what he meant was that I wasn't selected for whatever openings were available.
Maverick94 said:
CFRC Toronto said wait for a call it should be coming in May?! :/

What? And if that's for ROTP/NCM-SEP... i wonder how long it's going to take for just regular NCM...  :(
Haha CFRC Toronto always is the slowest.. Pretty certain it's like that because of the shear amount of recruits that they pick up.. (Since GTA is the most densely populated area in Canada). I knew some guys who received their calls in July... Sit tight ladies and gents the phone call will arrive, if you made it or not.
shiska said:
I'm assuming what he meant was that I wasn't selected for whatever openings were available.

Oh well that's a relief, and seeing that Matthias got an Armour position that gives me some ease of mind. Very sorry that you didn't get picked though! Next year maybe?

I just tried phoning CFRC Saskatoon. I got the answering machine. I suspect they're on lunchbreak  :facepalm:
PrairieBoy said:
Oh well that's a relief, and seeing that Matthias got an Armour position that gives me some ease of mind. Very sorry that you didn't get picked though! Next year maybe?

I just tried phoning CFRC Saskatoon. I got the answering machine. I suspect they're on lunchbreak  :facepalm:

Probably not. I've already got two years of uni done so I'm probably going to go join a reserve unit and eventually either CT or DEO into reg force.

Best of luck to everyone who has yet to hear and congrats to those who've been selected.
I'm a little frustrated right now.

I phoned CFRC New West to see if I was selected and my name isn't on the selected list or the not selected list!

Near the end of march I had to go for another eye exam (which I passed) and got them to fax the results right away. Two weeks later CFRC phoned me to see if I got the test done. I guess the fax was lost or something. So I had to resend it.

So anyways my file got super delayed and I might have missed first selection :(

Not impressed at the moment