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ROTP 2010-2011

What?  We really needed a second thread for ROTP 2010-2011?  ::)
Hi everyone,

i just foundout yesterday afternoon that I got accepted to RMC for artillery officer. and I am from the Markham area of Toronto. See you all at the training week in August. And good luck to those of you still waiting.  :)
Hi everyone,

I finaly receive the call and I'm accepted for Infantry Officer at CMR St-Jean
I was in my math class when the call came I checked to see who was calling me and I saw that it was the CFRC montreal. I couldn't answer beause my teacher didin't want to and there was 5 min left to the class( those were the longest 5 min in my entire life). The second I leave the class I recall the recruiting center and the lady announce me that i was accepted I was so happy.

good luck to everyone who are still waiting and I hope to see you on the parade square :salute:
I apologize if I have somehow broken some unspoken forum rule, and offended you.  :P
Some really strange things are going on. I called my interviewer two days ago, and they explained that the selection board didn't start yet. They said that we wouldn't be hearing anything until mid-April at the earliest. Having this said, I am from Vancouver so I'm pretty sure that it plays a role seeing as how no one from my area has yet to hear anything. I was able to complete my application and everything by February, so I'm pretty sure that I shouldn't have missed the first board.

To confirm that what I said above is correct, has anyone in Vancouver been accepted yet?
cpt harvey said:
Hi everyone,

I finaly receive the call and I'm accepted for Infantry Officer at CMR St-Jean
I was in my math class when the call came I checked to see who was calling me and I saw that it was the CFRC montreal. I couldn't answer beause my teacher didin't want to and there was 5 min left to the class( those were the longest 5 min in my entire life). The second I leave the class I recall the recruiting center and the lady announce me that i was accepted I was so happy.

good luck to everyone who are still waiting and I hope to see you on the parade square :salute:

Kudos for having the patience to wait the five minutes, had it been me I would of walked right out and taken the call  luckily i got the call while in the shower and not in an exam. Exam would be killer.
Ottawa people who got accepted to ROTP, we should meet up and celebrate! :D :D , msg me i'll set something up

Rogo said:
Kudos for having the patience to wait the five minutes, had it been me I would of walked right out and taken the call  luckily i got the call while in the shower and not in an exam. Exam would be killer.

One would presume that recieving "the call" during an examination would not be a problem, as surely no one here would be crass enough to leave their phone on during one, n'est pas?

nic.f said:
I apologize if I have somehow broken some unspoken forum rule, and offended you.

The topics have been merged.
Woohoo!!!!!!!!! I got the call!! Offered and accepted ACSO, ROTP at civi U! I was getting things done through CFRC Halifax, in case that helps anyone.

Good luck everybody!
Congratulations to everyone.

I too, am waiting for the call. I called CFRC Mississauga this morning but I was told that they were not contacted about the results yet so I was unable to get any further information.

Waiting isn't too bad actually. I'm spending the majority of my time researching NCM occupations and I've finally selected three desired trades just in case.

Good luck to everyone else that are waiting for the news :)

gwones said:
Congratulations to everyone.

I too, am waiting for the call. I called CFRC Mississauga this morning but I was told that they were not contacted about the results yet so I was unable to get any further information.
My file is being managed by CFRC Mississauga, and I got the call Tuesday. Did you mean your file specifically? What occupations did you list in your application?
Jourdan said:
My file is being managed by CFRC Mississauga, and I got the call Tuesday. Did you mean your file specifically? What occupations did you list in your application?

Hello Jourdan, congratulations on your offer.

Yes, I asked them specifically for my application status. I was under the impression that all applications in general were not yet heard. I have 1) CONSTR ENG 2) LOG O 3) ARTY O on my file. I didn't really want to bother them at their busy time so I didn't ask twice.
I got excited for a minute when I saw Construction Engineer, it's almost interchangeable with Land Engineer, no? Sargent Montano is a riot! Anyways, good luck!
So, does anyone know anything about April's selection? I honestly thought I had a pretty competitive file, so I'm just kind of wondering what my chances are looking like at this point.
gcclarke said:
One would presume that recieving "the call" during an examination would not be a problem, as surely no one here would be crass enough to leave their phone on during one, n'est pas?


Yes, your logic has prevailed. 

And to the guy who said he applied by Feb, you may of missed the first selection board since although it was apparently sitting in early March, applications were due no later than early January.
Hey I just got accepted for civil ROTP and I will be going to Ottawa U. Are you guys doing civil ROTP or going to RMC?
Carleton U student in 1st year (took a year off to work after school as well). Accepted for Inf O.

In sept there will be a few more of us, hopefully we can organize something.