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ROTP 2010-2011

That's great! I was actually thinking Science and Aviation at U of Waterloo, but I'll do my research. Thanks :)

I don't feel ready to submit my application just yet, but am too scared to put it off because everyone says NOW is the best time to apply. AHHHHHH. Does applying later (by later I mean in October) going to hurt my chances at all?
Does the group you termed "everyone" include the recruiters at your recruiting center? Because if they say the best time is now, then it really is the best time now. If they say it won't make a difference, it won't make a difference. You can probably see the trend  ;). Although "everyone" on here has an opinion that is helpful, the recruiters at YOUR recruiting center will know best about YOUR application. My opinion would be that it doesn't matter...but I'm no recruiter  :P. Give your CFRC a call and go by their answer.

Why don't you feel ready to submit it though? If you don't mind me asking.
Haha, you're absolutely right. I guess the recruiting officers would know best. Thanks!

And... Good question. I keep thinking I want to change my mind about my preferences for schools or degrees. I'm applying for Pilot, and I'm not sure if I should go to RMC for Aeronautical Engineering, go to Waterloo for Science and Aviation, or go to Western for CAMP. I think you're doing Pilot as well? What have you decided to do?
Yes I am applying just for Pilot. But for me it really wasn't too hard to decide. I'm already in second year at UWO for Kinesiology, so that's the only school and degree I put on my application. Like I said before, it just seems more logical to continue my studies there rather than starting back at first year at RMC. However, I'll definitely take any Pilot/Air Ops offer no matter where it says I'm going haha. The way I think of it is...if you want to be a Pilot bad enough, take whatever is offered to you. So really what you put on your application doesn't matter, unless you have a specific preference. Once again that's just my opinion though  ;).
George Wallace said:
Just wondering ------ It having been Sunday everywhere else.

Oh, I didn't realize until your post that the CFRCs aren't open on Sundays. Good thing I didn't make the trip.
So there's only 5 of us so far who have finished applying or are in the process? I know it's early but come on there's gotta be more...we have to get up to par with last year's ROTP thread! haha
Just throwing my info out there.  I just finished up my app yesterday and faxed it all in, I am applying from Virginia and looking to get Infantry and attend RMC.  Now all I am doing is waiting for the next step....
macknightcr said:
Now all I am doing is waiting for the next step....
You are at the exact same point as me macknightcr...done everything just "hurrying up and waiting". A quote that seems to be all over this site haha.
Hi, I'm hoping to get into ROTP 2010-2011 for Pharmacy, at MUN if I'm lucky. After a confusing application for pilot last year, and an ongoing debate with the medical people, hopefully I can work this out this time around! Good luck to everybody going for Air Ops! Now if only I can convince them that I'm good to go, I'll be laughing.
This is absolutely brutal sitting here twittling my thumbs haha.  And coming from Virginia it's not like I can just ride down the street to the CFRC and check up on my packet haha. 
macknightcr said:
This is absolutely brutal sitting here twittling my thumbs 
I know eh...the waiting is brutal, but in the end it will be so worth it!  ;D haha

Been in the Army Reserve for almost two years now as an Artilleryman (Getting my second hook in January, assuming I make it that far before I get a quarter inch admiral bar). I'm putting forth my memo to request OT/CT to ROTP. Hoping for either INT O, INF O, or MP (Officer).
macknightcr said:
Just throwing my info out there.  I just finished up my app yesterday and faxed it all in, I am applying from Virginia and looking to get Infantry and attend RMC.  Now all I am doing is waiting for the next step....

Hi there, I'm just wondering how you managed to apply from outside the country?  I waas hoping to do this but was told by a recruiter that I couldn't move my online application forward until I returned to Canada and came in with my original documents.

I contacted CFRC Ottawa and they gave me all the documents that I needed to fill out and send in.  I have yet to hear when I have to come up there and do my medical etc. but I have had no problems thus far.  This is who I have been in contact with, maybe she can help.

P. Saunders
Master Corporal/caporal chef
Canadian Forces National Recruiting Contact Centre/
Centre national d’information sur le recrutement des forces canadiennes
PATTI.SAUNDERS@forces.gc.ca (email is the only way I have talked to her)
Tel/Tél :  1-705-476-1179 extn/poste 229
Fax :  1-705-497-9534

I hope this helps.  Good Luck.
I have just completed my application forms and handed them in at my local recruiting centre.  The recruiters told me that once they got the "ok" from RMC they would then send in all of the forms from everyone that is applying.  I was just wondering if anybody has heard when this might be, and when I might expect to hear the yes or no to continue the application process.
macknightcr said:
Just curious but where are you applying from?

I'm applying from Mexico, which is complicating matters a lot (bad phone lines and expensive calls, etc.).
I'm in my third year of civvie-U at Dal and am applying as pilot, MARS, and ACS.
Are you a Canadian citizen?  That's how I am applying, and maybe why my process is going so much more smooth.  I live in the U.S. but was born in Halifax.