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Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Argyll 2347
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Hi to all, I'm not in the CF yet, planning to be a infantry officer or ncm reservist. I can't decide. I been reading some of the thread here the past few weeks. For my background, I'm a chef here in Regina, Sk. And I'm already 34 yrs. old. I have some questions.

What is the typical infantry officer career path?
What are the possible specialty or advanced training an officer can take?
On their website http://www.forces.ca/en/job/infantryofficer-20 said they can do the Patrol Pathfinder course or Basic Parachutist and Free Fall courses.

Thank you.
ton822 said:
What is the typical infantry officer career path?

Infantry officer career path

Career Development
At the beginning of an Infantry Officers career, they serve either in a mechanized battalion equipped with armoured fighting vehicles or a light infantry battalion. They will be a Platoon Leader in command of 30 to 35 soldiers, and be responsible for the training and combat efficiency, discipline, morale, physical condition and well-being of the soldiers under their command.

ton822 said:
What are the possible specialty or advanced training an officer can take?

Infantry officer specializations

Specialty Training
Infantry Officers may be offered the opportunity to develop specialized skills through formal courses and on-the-job training to become a Platoon Commander. As well as command and control, an Infantry Platoon in the field and deployments. Selected Infantry Officers may also be offered the opportunity to acquire additional specialized skills such as completion of the Patrol Pathfinder course or Basic Parachutist and Free Fall courses.
mariomike said:
Infantry officer career path

Career Development
At the beginning of an Infantry Officers career, they serve either in a mechanized battalion equipped with armoured fighting vehicles or a light infantry battalion. They will be a Platoon Leader in command of 30 to 35 soldiers, and be responsible for the training and combat efficiency, discipline, morale, physical condition and well-being of the soldiers under their command.

The first sentence only really applies to Regular Force Infantry Officers and not Reserve Force Infantry Officers.
dangerboy said:
The first sentence only really applies to Regular Force Infantry Officers and not Reserve Force Infantry Officers.


For the OP,

Infantry Officer ( Reserve )

Realistic Expectations for a Reserve Infantry Officer 

Reserve Infantry Officer

Reserve Infantry Officer - Rank potential and timelines

Reserve : Infantry Officer 

ton822 said:
Hi to all, I'm not in the CF yet, planning to be a infantry officer or ncm reservist. I can't decide. I been reading some of the thread here the past few weeks. For my background, I'm a chef here in Regina, Sk. And I'm already 34 yrs. old. I have some questions.

What is the typical infantry officer career path?
What are the possible specialty or advanced training an officer can take?
On their website http://www.forces.ca/en/job/infantryofficer-20 said they can do the Patrol Pathfinder course or Basic Parachutist and Free Fall courses.

Thank you.

Reserve Infantry NCM: Lots of rifle cleaning and pepper potting;
RegF Infantry Officer: Fields-Ex->Paperwork->Field-Ex->Paperwork (repeat)

I tried to use the search the button, but everytime I use it, I got an error it says Unable to access the search daemon.
Thank you for your replies. I appreciate all the info that you post. 
ton822 said:
I tried to use the search the button, but everytime I use it, I got an error it says Unable to access the search daemon.
Thank you for your replies. I appreciate all the info that you post.

I appreciate that you make the effort to search.

You may find this helpful,


Add the keyword(s) you are searching for.

Good luck.  :)
Hi I am a 16 year old in high school that would like to become an infantry soldier. I was wondering the difference between an infantry soldier and an infantry officer. Is it better to become an officer or an soldier and should I join after high school or after grade 10? The differences between NCM and Officer and are NCM looked down on?
Mahir0901 said:
I am a 16 year old in high school that would like to become an infantry soldier.

To apply to the Forces, you must:
1.Be a Canadian Citizen.
2.Be 17 years of age, with parental consent, or older, except:
•Regular Officer Training Plan – Junior applications must be 16 or older.
•Reserve Force - Applicants may be 16 years of age if they are also enrolled as a full-time high school student.
3.Have completed at least Grade 10 or Secondaire IV (in Quebec).
•Certain entry programs and occupations require higher levels of education.

Mahir0901 said:
I was wondering the difference between an infantry soldier and an infantry officer.

Infantry Officer


Mahir0901 said:
Is it better to become an officer or an soldier and should I join after high school or after grade 10?

The importance of education is stressed throughout these pages:

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the forum. I just have some questions regarding joining the primary reserve as an Officer Or NCM and hope someone could give me some insights.

I have a 3 year advanced diploma in computer systems technology, and I am also currently in my third year of bachelor degree for Networking and IT Security.

I would like to join the army either as a Signal Officer or Army Communication and Information Systems Specialist.

I have no prior related work experience. And I heard if you apply as an officer, you would need to go through an interview specifically for officer (I heard it's hard).

So would it be easier to get in as a NCM first and if I like it than I can apply to transfer as an officer later?

Thank you very much everyone! :cdnsalute:
Welcome to Army.ca.

First advice: If you want to be taken seriously here, change your user name immediately.

Second advice: Start reading though relevant existing threads. Your questions, and many that you've not even thought of yet, have been discussed many times before. There is no need to rehash them. Doing so adds clutter to the Site, makes it harder for people who search, and costs responders their valuable time. Should you, despite an honest and thorough search, not find an answer, then post in the most relevant existing thread (if there is one) and somebody will provide. We are a helpful and supportive bunch, but we expect people to do their homework as well.
SpecialOps said:
So would it be easier to get in as a NCM first and if I like it than I can apply to transfer as an officer later?

Worth achieving higher NCM rank before going officer?
3 pages.

Reservist process to change from NCM to Officer 

Transfer from NCM to Officer 

NCM -> Officer 

Changing from NCM to officer 

Officer vs. NCM 

Joining the reserve as an officer versus joining as an NCM 

NCM to Officer process 

Hello everyone.

I am posting in hopes of getting some assistance from more experienced personnel. I am 35 years old and my entire life have been extremely fascinated with the military, representing my country, and fighting for the good of mankind. I have had lots of extensive training in close quarter combat, weapons training (have my PAL but have trained additionally with experts), I have also had the priviledge of knowing and training with individuals that served overseas for the CAF from 3RCR and were deployed to Afghanistan in both the 2003 Kabul deployment and Kandahar in 2008, have also trained with individuals who trained and taught the counter terrorism courses for the IDF, I did this because I was involved in a hostage situation where I was actually a hostage myself, held at gunpoint etc, and was able to get out of that situation, thankfully. At 35 I have secured myself financially so I am not joining the army because of the money, I could care less if I was paid or not, I just want to represent my country and do something that helps the lives of others. I recently (last week), completed my aptitude test and according to the recruiters scored extremely high in every department so I was told every trade is open to me, however, NCM trades as 18 years ago I decided not to do University - now my objective was to in the long run join CANSOFCOM and be a member of the special forces. At this point I am torn because I don't know what the best route is. I was initially interested in Intelligence but was told it will be almost impossible to go from intelligence to CANSOFCAM as they look for battle ready personnel. So here is my question, if I do Infantry, it's basically 14 months of training (what level of training will I get? How extensive will it be?), and am I losing anything by not getting my Uni degree and becoming an Officer? Do we really lose anything by not being an Officer? What is the core difference between NCM Infantry and an Officer? And also, if I was to join the Reserves, would I still get all of the same equal level of training as Ref Force? Just looking for some help here, I am not doing this for money at all, I am doing this because I want to protect my country, be the best I can be, and have the best combat training possible, was even considering doing the entire course at Tundra or Academi as well. Essentially I want to become a solid soldier, one that can make a heavy difference for his platoon and save lives. So my question is, Reg Force or Reserve? Is there any difference in the training provided? And NCM or do I do the Uni degree and become an Officer? I heard Officers are really not in the trenches and NCM are the door kickers - any help would be appreciated, and I sincerely apologize if I have asked any stupid questions.

Thank you!
Darkmachine said:
So my question is, Reg Force or Reserve?

Do you want a part-time job, or a full-time career?

Friendly Advice for potential Infantry Officer candidates 
5 pages.

Life as an Infantry Soldier?
7 pages.


Many more Infantry discussions in the Infantry forum.
Darkmachine said:
Hello everyone.

I am posting in hopes of getting some assistance from more experienced personnel. I am 35 years old and my entire life have been extremely fascinated with the military, representing my country, and fighting for the good of mankind. I have had lots of extensive training in close quarter combat, weapons training (have my PAL but have trained additionally with experts), I have also had the priviledge of knowing and training with individuals that served overseas for the CAF from 3RCR and were deployed to Afghanistan in both the 2003 Kabul deployment and Kandahar in 2008, have also trained with individuals who trained and taught the counter terrorism courses for the IDF, I did this because I was involved in a hostage situation where I was actually a hostage myself, held at gunpoint etc, and was able to get out of that situation, thankfully. At 35 I have secured myself financially so I am not joining the army because of the money, I could care less if I was paid or not, I just want to represent my country and do something that helps the lives of others.

Darkmachine said:
I recently (last week), completed my aptitude test and according to the recruiters scored extremely high in every department so I was told every trade is open to me, however, NCM trades as 18 years ago I decided not to do University - now my objective was to in the long run join CANSOFCOM and be a member of the special forces. At this point I am torn because I don't know what the best route is. I was initially interested in Intelligence but was told it will be almost impossible to go from intelligence to CANSOFCAM as they look for battle ready personnel.

That's completely untrue.  Any trade in the CAF can try out to be an Operator/Assaulter.  As well, there are Int Op/Int O positions within CANSOFCOM.  At this point, don't think to much about CANSOFCOM, as it is not in your immediate future.  Pick a trade you will enjoy doing, as you may not make it into CANSOFCOM or your feelings about doing it might change once you get in. 

Darkmachine said:
So here is my question, if I do Infantry, it's basically 14 months of training (what level of training will I get? How extensive will it be?), and am I losing anything by not getting my Uni degree and becoming an Officer? Do we really lose anything by not being an Officer? What is the core difference between NCM Infantry and an Officer? And also, if I was to join the Reserves, would I still get all of the same equal level of training as Ref Force?

Infantry is not 14 months of training to be fully trained.  As for what level/extensive it will be, I'm not quite sure what you're asking for here.  You will be trained to the standard set for DP1 Infantryman or Infantry Officer(DP1.1/DP1.2), which is the basics of your job required to be employable once you arrive in battalion.  You will gain more experience and skills while at your unit.  As for NCM or Officer, its really what you want to do, both are good options.  Officers are immediately placed into a leadership position, where as NCMs can work their way up to leadership. The Reserves would not get an equal level of training to the Regular Force(they do different courses initially, part time, etc), however there are opportunities(not always) to go on exercise with the Regular Force, as well as deployments(if any are available). 

Darkmachine said:
Just looking for some help here, I am not doing this for money at all, I am doing this because I want to protect my country, be the best I can be, and have the best combat training possible, was even considering doing the entire course at Tundra or Academi as well. Essentially I want to become a solid soldier, one that can make a heavy difference for his platoon and save lives. So my question is, Reg Force or Reserve? Is there any difference in the training provided? And NCM or do I do the Uni degree and become an Officer? I heard Officers are really not in the trenches and NCM are the door kickers - any help would be appreciated, and I sincerely apologize if I have asked any stupid questions.

You've mentioned the money thing a couple times already, no need to be repetitive.  Also, Tundra and Academi do not offer Infantry training, what I assume you meant was their various driver/shooting/Close Protection type courses offered.  As for Regular Force or Reserve, this is an easy one, do you want to be full time or part time(and do a civilian job for your career).  Yes, there is a difference between Reg Force and Reserve training.

Officers, are in the fight with the NCMs, although their time doing that is more limited compared to an NCM due to their career progression.

Also, if you are this motivated/gung ho to be a Soldier, serve, save lives, etc you missed out on quite the opportunity as we were involved in quite a long lasting conflict up until a couple years ago.
Hi Guys and Gals,

Just wondering if switching my DEO application to an NCM would be a good idea in my situation. Here is a brief summary:
- Trades of choice are Ms Eng (1st) and NWO(2nd)
- Applied in the summer of 2015;
- With delays and everything got my Security Clearance sorted out in around May 2017.
- Did my interview and medical in June-July 2017.
- On the Competition List, since Aug-Sept 2017.
- Heard nothing so far and getting tired of waiting to be honest.

I have no information on how competitive my application is, and my career counselor is impossible to get a hold off to ask a few questions in person and have a discussion. I was thinking that it shouldn't be such a big deal to talk to the person who is in charge of your file, but apparently it is.

Just solely based on the fact that I didn't get any offers over the past year, I am estimating that my application is not rated very highly for a DEO position, or I don't know how else to explain it. I guess I need some advice. I would like to hear a few opinions before I head down to the CFRC in person trying to get someone's attention there.

- Shall I continue waiting for a DEO position some more?
- Shall I lower my expectations and switch to an NCM (Mar. Tech.)? Personally, I don't mind learning the job from the bottom, and it is an in-demand occupation. This is what my original application was before I got talked by the career counselor to apply as a DEO.

My background is:
- Double Master's Degree:
  + Applied Physics and Math
  + Business Administration
- 8-9 years of experience in software, but closely related to shipbuilding. I don't write code. I talk to marine engineers and naval architects.
- Put in about 2,000 hrs/year in volunteering service with RCM-SAR.
- Also volunteer for Junior Achievement about 100hrs/year.
- Dual citizenship
- 36 yo

Thank you!
Living the Dream said:
Just wondering if switching my DEO application to an NCM would be a good idea in my situation.

You may find discussions like this of interest,

I need help choosing...Direct Entry Officer or NCM with a masters degree?
2 pages.


NCM vs Officer enrollment 

Curious how everyone decided on their trade or Officer/NCM 
2 pages.

Comparing the job of Officer vs NCM [MERGED]
25 pages.

Living the Dream said:

- Shall I lower my expectations ...


You could go to an information session at your local reserve unit. You can be an officer in a reserve unit, literally work full time hours, and receive the same benefits as a regular force member.