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RMC Interviews

NCdt Lumber said:
For any RMC cadets reading and wanting to comment, thing of this. Might this system turn RMC into Westpoint? The merit list will be based partly on our PDRs. Lets say you're one of those who wants to be, say, LogO, but you aren't doing so well and think you might get stuck with Infantry if you don't have a good PDR. Don't you think this will encourage the more douchebagish cadets here to severely and frequently blade the rest of us in order to first, enhance their PDRs, and second, damage the rest of ours? <cough> YOUR SHOES ARNT TO STANDARD <cough>..... I'm not saying breaking regs or violating the CADWINs is excuseable, no matter how often it actually occurs, but were going to have the said douchebags actively, and constantly, looking for things to nail others on just so they can get merit listed higher and get their trades.  :threat:

NCdt Lumber, I would have to say that no, I don't believe this system will lead to RMC becoming more like West Point. From my understanding, and this is based on word of mouth only, incoming First Years will be assigned an element (e.g: Army in my case or Navy in yours) and thus will have their choices limited by this. Furthermore, as with the current system, certain trades will be restricted to certain degree programs.

Now, I will make it clear that I do not necessarily understand the rationale behind this decision, it's way above my pay grade, I will admit that it does have certain merits. First off, it will encourage cadets to not float through First Year and instead, make a concerted effort to get into their desired trade. This being said, I do understand your point regarding the possibility of people becoming even bigger blades. I am speaking as a Fourth Year senior barman when I say that the senior years do notice blading and more often than not, it is reflected in the individual's PDR. Speaking from experience as a Third Year section commander, when it came time to write my PDRs. I took into account three major points: first, their performance as reported on their bragsheets; second, my own personal observations and the observations of fellow barmen regarding their performance; thirdly, and in my mind, most important, how well they work with their peers.

In my opinion, this system MAY work, but I say that with several caveats. First, it will place a greater onus on the senior cadets at the College to maintain the values of the College, meaning they must embrace as well as enforce the College motto of TDV as well as CF Ethos. Secondly, the barmen of the College, junior and senior, line and staff, must work to discourage negative traits as they see them forming, be it blading or just general attitude issues. Finally, it will become extremely important for the new First Years to internalize and embrace the values and culture of RMC quicker than they have ever had to.

One of the primary problems I could forsee with this system is that those individuals who want, say, pilot and don't get it, will become extremely disillusioned with the College and the CF and as such, may by their attitude and actions, make themselves no longer useful to the CF as a whole. In short, I would argue that while the current system does have its flaws, it allows more latitude for personal choice in terms of career path, et cetera.

At the end of the day, it is not necessarily school smarts which make an individual effective in their trade, it is a sense of pride and determination which truly allows individuals to excel. By having trades set upon entry, with the choice of applying for a VOR, it allows cadets to focus more on their personal development and build cohesion within the College instead of worrying about who they need to blade to get what they want or who is going to blade them.
Yeah NCdt Lumber, thats pretty much what they told me, they give you an element though, Since I had armour first choice and artillery third, that was army (and it had some code designation) and Pilot was second choice. That really sucks about the two hour interview lol. I just wish I had time to sell myself to the program lol. And yeah wed get an interview at the end of our first year that would give us an occupation, but until then we had no trade. Well hopefully this all works out.
My interview was really short as well, no more than 15 minutes and I too was expecting a long one.

Not only do you get an element, you are selected in a trade grouping which limits what trades you can be selected for. For example my first choice was armoured, and my third was infantry which both fall under the Land Operations trade grouping. Land Operations includes those two plus artillery. If I am selected into that grouping, they will decide at the end of first year which of those three trades in my grouping I earned/am needed in the most. Thus preventing someone getting stuck in something they have no interest in whatsoever.
Devon_W said:
Originally I saw an RMC counsellor at a high school meeting and he said the interview was being given a drastic overhaul and wouldnt be 45 minutes anymore. He said RMC hopefuls would be given a year at RMC and then given a proper interview about their occupation choices. I'm just wondering why some people in the military say thats true, and others still say the 45 minute interview is the norm.

Well if you had pass that little tidbit on earlier than we would all know what is the norm now.

GGHG_Cadet said:
My interview was really short as well, no more than 15 minutes and I too was expecting a long one.

Not only do you get an element, you are selected in a trade grouping which limits what trades you can be selected for. For example my first choice was armoured, and my third was infantry which both fall under the Land Operations trade grouping. Land Operations includes those two plus artillery. If I am selected into that grouping, they will decide at the end of first year which of those three trades in my grouping I earned/am needed in the most. Thus preventing someone getting stuck in something they have no interest in whatsoever.

Thats exactly what they told me, I'm just confused why my recruiter told me the interview would be 45 minutes :S lol
Speaking somewhat from experience,  what I think you'll probably see under this new system is a large amount of cadets VR-ing after their first year because they did not get the trade choice they always had in their heads (I have Pilot or an aircrew slot in my head as I say this, but it applies elsewhere).    Since you have one year or so to withdraw from ROTP without obligatory service, this is a very real option for young dismayed cadets.

The ROTP process has been changed. You apply and have to do a much shorter target interview that determines simply if you are suitable and eligible. Same interview as joining the primary reserve. You apply for an occupational group as opposed to a specific occupation. Your ROTP questionnaire plus your transcripts are sent to RMC who then gives you a score. They don't tell anybody the number so don't ask. They do send a message back to the recruiting centre saying your are acceptable to attend RMC or Civie university or both. They may also dictate you need to go ROTP junior which means a prep year at CMR or worst case that you are unacceptable for ROPT at this time.
Once you complete your first year do get to do the long interview that will determine what occupation you are offered.  As discussed you get an offer after your first year and may accept or walk away at that time.

Your CFRC should be able to explain all the finer details to you. Ask them.

CFR FCS said:
The ROTP process has been changed. You apply and have to do a much shorter target interview that determines simply if you are suitable and eligible. Same interview as joining the primary reserve. You apply for an occupational group as opposed to a specific occupation. Your ROTP questionnaire plus your transcripts are sent to RMC who then gives you a score. They don't tell anybody the number so don't ask. They do send a message back to the recruiting centre saying your are acceptable to attend RMC or Civie university or both. They may also dictate you need to go ROTP junior which means a prep year at CMR or worst case that you are unacceptable for ROPT at this time.
Once you complete your first year do get to do the long interview that will determine what occupation you are offered.  As discussed you get an offer after your first year and may accept or walk away at that time.

Your CFRC should be able to explain all the finer details to you. Ask them.

Is the long interview conducted through RMC or will the local CFRD be tasked?
My interviewer actually made it sound like they were shipping people to RMC from various CFRCs across Ontario.
GGHG_Cadet said:
My interviewer actually made it sound like they were shipping people to RMC from various CFRCs across Ontario.

Really?  Perhaps they are sending people from the other CFRCs in other provinces too? 

HH and DA
The year that I was accepted, RMC only had room for two candidates from my province, British Columbia. 
Anyone have an idea how many Nurses are selected per year. Or in Ontario? I asked the recruiter earlier this week and he said he could not say exactly how many. Anyone have experience in this situation?

I applied for ROTP this year (for 2008/2009 year), and in November of 2007 I had the full, 2 hour long in-depth interview. I had finished one year of civilian university already.

I am just having a hard time understanding why some people (ROTP candidates) are speaking of having 10 minute interviews, 45 minute interviews, and others are speaking of getting the full 2 hour, in-depth interview as I had, all for ROTP.

Is some sort of standard not being adhered to?
infamous_p said:
It was actually the very last thing I had done in the CT process for ROTP (aside from ACS which was passed in December), and I was subsequently merit-listed on 10 December 07. At the conclusion of the interview, the interviewer had said that he had thought the interview had gone pretty well, in his opinion.

It's just quite confusing and dare I say frustrating reading and hearing about thousands of different experiences that others are having through the exact same process, not allowing me really any ability to essentially know what is going on with this process. It seems to me as if some type of standard is either very misunderstood or being ignored.

Then again, what do I know?

It went well for you and you moved the next step. Stop being frustrated at whats in the past and move on. You will have lots more to be frustrated about.
My First interview 4 years ago was about 1 hour, maybe 1.5 long.

Then every subsequent year it got shorter and shorter lol, my last one was about 25 minutes and we basically made sure my file was up to date :) all 4 years worth of it lol
My interview only lasted about an hour, and that was apparently the only interview to be had.
So you only go through the medical testing, apt. test, and interview after you get a call saying you've been okay'ed by Kinston??