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Rick Mercer Fights Back!


Next time you grace our shores(Newfoundland), the drinks are on me.

Thank you for your defence of our troops.

"The gates of Auschwitz were not opened with peace talks. Holland was not liberated by peacekeepers and fascism was not defeated with a deft pen. Time and time again men and women in uniform have laid down their lives in just causes and in an effort to free others from oppression."

Well said Rick  :cdn: :salute:
I think if Rick Mercer visits any Canadian Base, Station, Wing, or Ship the drinks will be on us.
(Plus we get to salute him now) :salute:
WOW, sometimes, the pen is mightier than the sword. Excellent Rick ! I wonder if the monitors/snoops/information gatherers from mainstream media who lurk on this site will see to more exposure than just the university bulletin boards. But then university bulletin boards are a good starting point.
For his nomination for The Order Of Canada, it's quite simple:  http://www.gg.ca/honours/nat-ord/oc/oc-info_e.asp

I'll start the process...any helpers?
niner domestic said:
For his nomination for The Order Of Canada, it's quite simple:  http://www.gg.ca/honours/nat-ord/oc/oc-info_e.asp

I'll start the process...any helpers?

From gg.ca
The Chancellery of Honours keeps all nominations confidential to respect privacy and to avoid disappointment if the nominee is not selected. We ask that nominators and others involved respect this policy.

Shhh.. nobody mention that we've got this "nomination march" going for Rick.

+1 Rick  :cdn:
Go to the GG's site:  http://www.gg.ca/honours/nom/index_e.asp

Order of Canada
Eligibility and Nominations
Any person or group is welcome to nominate a deserving individual as candidate for appointment to the Order of Canada. Nomination forms are available from the Chancellery, Rideau Hall, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A1. There is no posthumous award.

The Chancellery of Honours keeps all nominations confidential to respect privacy and to avoid disappointment if the nominee is not selected. We ask that nominators and others involved respect this policy.

The Order of Canada nomination form is also available in Adobe Acrobat format. You must have the Acrobat Reader, which is available at: http://www.adobe.com, to view the document.

Full version (cover and form)
Basic version (in HTML format)

Nominations should be accompanied by biographical notes detailing the career and achievements of the nominee. It is helpful to include the names of persons who would support the nomination and who could provide information about why the individual deserves the honour.

There is no deadline for nominations, as it is an on-going process. It takes a year to a year and a half for the nomination to be submitted to the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada.The average number of nominations received in recent years has been approximately 700-800 per year.

All Canadians are eligible for the Order of Canada, with the exception of federal and provincial politicians and judges while in office. There are no posthumous appointments. Officers and Members may be elevated within the Order in recognition of further achievement, based on continued exceptional or extraordinary service to Canada. Usually, promotions are considered five years after the first appointment.

The Order’s constitution permits non-Canadians to be considered for honorary appointments. They may be considered for outstanding achievement that reflects honour on Canada and/or lifetime contributions to humanity at large.

Hey if we can't get him an Order of Canada maybe an Honourary subscription to Army.ca is in order ;)

Way to go Rick!
Awesome reploy Rick.  One nomination is going his way.

Also what unit is he HCol of?  Ima salute him next time I see him.

Great news about Paul, wasn't he MCpl though?!
Journeyman said:
Update: I've received two additional copies of this from DND offices in two different time zones; word spreads fast (and/or we have several military people surfing here during office hours  ;) )

There are many ;D

Hats off for Rick for spreading our side of the story  :salute:
Well I am planing on watching the Flames game today....and then maybe I will call Noreen.........(I hope it's her)

Moderator edit : Theres no need to post personal details about the person here.  last thing we need is for some less than stellar people to harass her and be traced back to here.
William Webb Ellis said:
I see you point, however all this info is on the net.......

i don't care. People can loo all they want for that info...they won't get it from here.  Clear ?
Ok I will let you know if I hear from her....

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Dickens [mailto:adickens@*****.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 4:49 PM
To: ngolfman@***.ca
Cc: info@rickmercer.com
Subject: Article/Letter of Rick Mercer

Dear Ms Golfman,

I am writing regarding the piece written my Rick Mercer in response to an article you wrote on Jan 12, 2007. I have included a link to Mr. Mercer's piece, http://www.theindependent.ca/article.asp?AID=1333&ATID=6 for your review.

I have searched but have yet to find a copy of your article.  If Mr. Mercer is to be believe, I find you article offensive and objectionable.  I would however, appreciate the opportunity to read it for myself.  I would therefore ask that you provide me with either a link to the article or a copy of the article.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Adam Dickens