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Rick Mercer Fights Back!

Negative emails to Ms. Golfman are not the answer.

Just send a " I support our troops " email, nothing else.

The biggest impact can be made with the fewest words.
I get the impression that a lot of people posting here were not around in the 60s or 70s or
were not paying attention during that period, this woman is not stupid, of course she has an
agenda one she shares with thousands of her ilk,university profs. judges.and assorted other
intellectuals who swallowed the cockamamy phylosophies of the gurus of this period.the names
of these geniuses have mostly been forgotten,at least by me,but i am sure there people out
there who could help.I get the impression that the failure to achieve Camalot has caused great
disapointment and some bitterness in these intellectual circles and the fault of course lies with
the great unwashed masses who were unable to grasp these great ideas,and make no mistake
someone who would go and volunteer to fight for his country,falls automaticly into this catergory.
That they could have been wrong in the first place ,and that society has not been improved by
these ideas does not seem to have entered their collective heads but I feel it does explain the
dissmisive and contemptious attitude many of these people feel toward someone who puts on
a uniform and is willing to fight and even die for his beliefs.
   That I do not belong to the intellectuals should be fairly obvious by my writing skills however
I hope I have made my point clear

time expired said:
I get the impression that a lot of people posting here were not around in the 60s or 70s or
were not paying attention during that period, this woman is not stupid, of course she has an
agenda one she shares with thousands of her ilk,university profs. judges.and assorted other
intellectuals who swallowed the cockamamy phylosophies of the gurus of this period.the names
of these geniuses have mostly been forgotten,at least by me,but i am sure there people out
there who could help.I get the impression that the failure to achieve Camalot has caused great
disapointment and some bitterness in these intellectual circles and the fault of course lies with
the great unwashed masses who were unable to grasp these great ideas,and make no mistake
someone who would go and volunteer to fight for his country,falls automaticly into this catergory.
That they could have been wrong in the first place ,and that society has not been improved by
these ideas does not seem to have entered their collective heads but I feel it does explain the
dissmisive and contemptious attitude many of these people feel toward someone who puts on
a uniform and is willing to fight and even die for his beliefs.
    That I do not belong to the intellectuals should be fairly obvious by my writing skills however
I hope I have made my point clear

With great respect, time expired, I WAS around during the '70s ('60s - not so much), and I WAS paying attention.

The very fact of their "failure to achieve Camalot" is EXACTLY what makes them irrelevant.

Of course these folks are disappointed, dismissive, and bitter.  Who wouldn't be, after having their dreams of utopia (no matter what the details of those dreams may have been) proved erroneous.

The failure of their ideas is what makes them harmless (for the most part) - they no longer have any credibility, and although I am not an academic either, as I understand it - in academia, as in ALL walks of life, your "cred" is all you've got to go on.

This is why I've changed my mind with regard to engaging this maroon - she's irrelevant; any energy expended on the engagement would be wasted, achieving nothing.

Let her and others like her remain in their academic ivory tower, complimenting each other on how smart they are, shaking their head regarding how uninformed the rest of us are; all of them, of course, completely oblivious to their lack of influence and credibility.

As long as they do no harm (IE - as long as they have no credibility), they are merely the harmless relics of past ideological debates - and not worth pursuing.  For the record, as Hauptmann Scharlachrot said earlier, I am quite prepared to fight and die for their right to be harmless idiots - which is what they are, no matter how much I disagree with them.


+1 to that Roy. I entered Graduate studies to get my Masters of Divinity in 1984 (a prerequisite for being a Chaplain) at UBC and was embedded with them for 4 long years. At first I was greeted with a lot of hostility for my appearance....male, short hair cut and military bearing.  I found that interesting as most of them were horrified that anyone would discriminate against people for their gender, appearance or race.

My views were suspect and they were out right hostile when I donned my DEUs and headed off down to HMCS Discovery once a week.
After a while they kind of tolerated me as one would a small child or pet dog but they were definitely of the opinion that I was not a person who represented their values.
I've noticed that whenever  I write in to the Alumni paper to tell them what I'm doing in the military chaplaincy it never seems to get printed....funny that eh?
josh said:
Relevant,  like dog poop!

I'm not sure that I understand (actually, I AM sure that I don't understand) what you are referring to with that comment.

I'm at a loss - could you elaborate??

I remember going with my hippy friend to a hippy party in combats, all his so called "open-minded" friends showed their true colours. He apologized afterwards and I told him it was worth it to help him understand that many of these types are full of well disguised hate and discrimination. I think he finally gave up on the hippy ideals.
Re: dog poop:  The poor professor's comments was what I was referring to.
One thing that hasn't been adequately covered in this thread is that:


In civvy life I am a MUN employee.  When I asked for 18 months special leave to be part of Roto 3 the HR manager at my campus said "You shouldn't have too much trouble getting time off for military service from a university named Memorial."

The senior HR person who approved the request called me personally to tell me he's an ex-arty reserve Lt, and to wish me good luck.

MUN "gets it".  At least one member of the faculty, sadly, does not.
To Rick Mercer -  :salute:  You are a true  :cdn: and you'll always have a fan in me.  I would vote for you.

niner domestic said:
I have the Glantz and House, Battle of Kursk in my library, perhaps I can donate it to her?

Kursk was the greatest Eastern Front battle... good to read up on.
niner domestic said:
I have the Glantz and House, Battle of Kursk in my library, perhaps I can donate it to her?
Screw her: donate it to the Hauptmann Scharlachrot Library! :D
Hauptmann Scharlachrot said:
Screw her: donate it to the Hauptmann Scharlachrot Library! :D

And I thought those quasi religious fundamentalists, Conservative organizations were good at self funding. First we have Hauptmann Scharlachrot "user fees" and we are being asked to donate highly valued academic works. This is beginning to sound like a public/PRIVATE library deal in which the key word is private and You will only get the information I want you to get.
Ready Aye Ready said:
Well since Ms Golfman is highly unlike to appear on this forum, allow me to play devil's advocate. In order to call this a debate at least one of the 140+ posts should be a dissenting post.

You state that Ms Golfman does not posses the credentials to form an opinion on the issue of the Mission in Afghanistan, but what are Rick Mercer's credentials? Does he hold an advanced degree in International Conflict Analysis or Central Asian Studies? or is it we tend to agree with him on this issue so we are much willing to accept his views
If we were only able to speak to our specific areas of expertise, then not many of us would have much to say.

I think the simplest answer to that devil's advocate position is this :

-Rick Mercer issued a rebuttal, he didn't go off half-cocked in regards to something he has "no credentials" in. Golfman on the other hand....

Rick Mercer you are the man! :salute: :cdn:
I wasn't sure where to add a personal observation of these types of academics as there is another thread (Amir Attaran)discussing yet another academic but I'm sensing a trend from those who profess to be the advocate, the liberator, the teacher, the mentor, the activist and so on.  I'm sensing that there will be many more articles and opinion pieces to come written on the backs of our men and women in the CF, their families and who are trying to govern.  I wish I could believe that these authorships and attempts at scholarship will benefit Canadians or at the very least enlighten them but I can't.  All I can sense is a feeble attempt from an academic who is pressed to publish or perish to come up with a spark of an idea that will be followed by a SSHRC grant for their next sabbatical in Spain.

I have more degrees than I know what to do with and as such had a measurable amount of experience sitting in the classes of these types of academics.  I listened while they professed their expertise in a narrow field of study, heard their opinions, understood where their politics lay and sat quietly while they expounded their sexual preferences, social status and/or race, gender issues.  I sat and listened to the feminists extole the virtues of the matriarchy, I studied under the socialist who glamourized communism and groaned silently when the misogynist started every lecture with a question of why did he have to teach females.  I watched them all talk their talk but not once did I see them walk the walk. 

I had a friend in law school, nice lady, single parent, came from an abusive marriage and struggled to gain back her life, she was smart but not quite smart to get a full scholarship to attend school and had to work 3 part time jobs to pay the tuition, rent, books and put food on the table for her and her 4 kids and attend 35 hours a week of classes to get her law degree and finish up her undergrad BA.  In the first year, she was the feminist professor's darling.  They dragged her around to every dog and pony show that had to deal with women's issues of safety, domestic violence and family law.  They held her up as a shining example to all as the woman who should be emulated.  In all their attention to my friend, they forgot to ask her if she needed help staying in school.  They didn't see her head down to the Food Bank once a month or weren't with her when she picked through the donations at the shelter (where she had spend 9 weeks after fleeing her partner), they never noticed that her lunches consisted of no name soda crackers and peanut butter.  My friend took on another part time job to help make ends meet and as a result her grades began to fall.  Her student friends would pass the hat around to help out but it was a meagre donation.  My friend would enter every single essay competition that was available just for the chance to make a bit more money to help with one of her children's needs.  When her grades began dropping and she had "that talk" with the Associate Dean, the socialist and feminist professors moved on to another prodigy, another darling. 

Then there was one professor, one of the ones referred to as a dinosaur by the feminist professors and much hated by them.  Yes, he was old school, and yes, he had been a judge and yes, he wrote the book on his area of law and yes, he had pretty much written everything one could write about in his area of law and was content to just teach now.  He heard about my friend, he had had her in one of his classes, liked her and felt she was going to go far in law.  He couldn't understand why she was doing poorly so he asked her, point blank.  She told him about the 4 jobs, the 4 kids, and the essay writing and how something had to give and it was her marks.  The dinosaur professor was appalled that for all the yapping about equality, woman power and social justice that none of his colleagues had stepped up to help this student.  They were all too busy talking the talk and fighting in faculty board meetings, and chasing after the SSHRC grants.  He quietly took it upon himself to pay her tuition, and give her, the books she needed.  He put his money where his mouth was.

I have often listened to the types of professors such as Noreen Golfman and Amir Attaran and their lofty views of social equality and the advocacy to right the wrongs of the oppressed.  However, I have yet to see any of their type do what that law professor has done.  Attaran has gone on record decrying the loss of a future student because of birth and circumstance, yet I haven't seen any evidence that he has tried to help at least one to achieve that.  All I keep seeing is a repetition of that talking and no walking in both instances.

niner domestic said:
...  They were all too busy talking the talk and fighting in faculty board meetings, and chasing after the SSHRC grants.  He quietly took it upon himself to pay her tuition, and give her, the books she needed.  He put his money where his mouth was.

Wonderful story.

So, what happened to your friend? (New thread, perhaps??)

Niner great story one hopes it had/has a happy ending.

I've come across both types in my life in and out of academmia and uniform and more often in my present career. I continue to have nothing but disdain for the theorists and academics and their self serving pontification, and will continue to do everything in my limited powers to help those who've really been there done that, including those like your friend who've spent time in the trenches in the poverty and abuse campaigns.

9D,  great story about a good friend
Hope everything turned out OK in the end (or should that be the end of the beginning)

excellent story I would change a few things though. Insert the following:

1) instead of single mother insert PSTD, physical disability and a proud x forces member, single father
2)instead of working numerous jobs insert rewriting university legislation regarding accommodations and grants for the disabled (which got passed the first time through university senante.)
3)being drag to dog and pony shows insert cold cocking the "narrow specific opinionated SOB" in the middle of class
4)instead of law degree insert my military experience counts for something, now some universities agree
5)department meeting "in fighting" insert being able to block the same type as described in 3 from being department chair by being the deadliest "in fighter" in departmental politics and not afraid to speak out.
6) entering essay contests insert researching every remotely possible grant

On one side thank god the dinosaur in my "insert" convinced #3 that he was extremely lucky. On the other hand rumor has it that education is free when a temporary guest of the state. The dinosaur also took a significant amount of time to understand why the insert had done what he had done. Now the university has courses and faculty looking into the PSTD and military connection formally.

I know we all have our crosses to bear but every once and will it is nice to plant it in the ground and nail some deserving soul to it, take the weight off so to speak. In your description of profession academic types you forgot the author who stands at the front of the class  on first day and sells his own text book as part of the required reading for his course. I dropped that course real quick before I started to get a rep.