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Retro Pay & Allow 1Apr 2014 - 1Apr 2017

ArmyVern said:
Currently rather, the release rates are quite high coupled with a broken recruiting system and lots of red trades, too many people have been getting promoted too quickly.  We have Warrant Officers with a couple years in rank who have no idea what a 'caution' is for crying out loud.  We have people being promoted on a developing and a ready PER.  At some point, the CAF needs to kick back and let people gain the necessary experience and knowledge they require before promoting them into the next rank level where they fail due to the lack of experience.  As well for the red trades, even though we have vacancies at higher rank levels, we can not afford to keep promoting unready personnel up into those positions as that just creates even more vacancies at the Pte/Cpl level where the real work actually gets done.  The current recruiting schmogle is not helping.

Well said Vern.  Nothing displays an outstanding potential for leadership like knowing how input the same DRMIS TCodes over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over over and over and over and over... ect.
jollyjacktar said:
Well said, Vern.  I fear it won't get any better for the foreseeable future for that matter.  I can't speak for the other kids, but the Navy is in for some very rough seas to come. Most of it, self inflicted.

What? Are you implying that my <1 year tours as Director, ORO and XO, with 2-3 yeas in between on shore postings, won't prepare me to be Commanding Officer of a warship? I mean, I can pass a Rules of the Road exam, what more do I need?
Lumber said:
What? Are you implying that my <1 year tours as Director, ORO and XO, with 2-3 yeas in between on shore postings, won't prepare me to be Commanding Officer of a warship? I mean, I can pass a Rules of the Road exam, what more do I need?

Did you count your simulator time? I'm sure all those gamer alongsides makes one a competent ship handler!!! :rofl:
Lumber said:
What? Are you implying that my <1 year tours as Director, ORO and XO, with 2-3 yeas in between on shore postings, won't prepare me to be Commanding Officer of a warship? I mean, I can pass a Rules of the Road exam, what more do I need?

Further drift, but we have now reached the point where I have more sea time than the average warship CO...

And I am not a high time MH guy...
SeaKingTacco said:
Further drift, but we have now reached the point where I have more sea time than the average warship CO...

And I am not a high time MH guy...

It is getting a bit sad. When I joined, the CO's I sailed for could handle a ship like a sports car, now.....well I'll hold my water on that comment. :salute:
FSTO said:
It is getting a bit sad. When I joined, the CO's I sailed for could handle a ship like a sports car, now.....well I'll hold my water on that comment. :salute:

>:D Seems to me they still can:






Lumber said:
What? Are you implying that my <1 year tours as Director, ORO and XO, with 2-3 yeas in between on shore postings, won't prepare me to be Commanding Officer of a warship? I mean, I can pass a Rules of the Road exam, what more do I need?

Again, I cannot speak for the Weird Room and all it's denizens, but, the trade amalgamations the new CRCN has in play and in mind is not going to go down well for retention.  There are many punching out and planning to punch out from the MSE great smash of 2016.  I can just imagine the next great thing the Bosn/Nav Comm/Stwd Frankenstein's monster that is presently on the threat radar will be just as successful.  I am starting to wonder if it the RCN motto is going to be changed from "Ready, Aye, Ready" to "We're not happy until you're unhappy"...
Oldgateboatdriver said:
Lumber: Didin't you know they were doing the SDA verification using Phoenix?  :nod:

Pensioners first though... ;)

Myself and a few others I know still haven't received our SDA backpay yet either.  I wonder if we should expect to see it on the end Dec pay if it has indeed been "completed"?
If I'm a civie by the time this back pay gets paid out, do I still get it (it seems to only make sense that I would?) and if I do, how would I go about claiming it?
ballz said:
If I'm a civie by the time this back pay gets paid out, do I still get it (it seems to only make sense that I would?) and if I do, how would I go about claiming it?

You collected SDA ?
ballz said:
No, sorry, I was talking about the 2014 - 2016 cost of living adjustments on our base pay.

On release ensure your contact information is up to date.  I believe it would be done as a direct deposit; if the account is closed, then a cheque would be issued and sent to your last known address.

Looks like PSAC has negotiated an agreement that gives a raise and does not touch sick leave.
How does the signing bonus factor into military pay increase? My gut says it doesn't, but stranger things have happened.

Light at the end of the tunnel at least.
MCG said:

Looks like PSAC has negotiated an agreement that gives a raise and does not touch sick leave.

Fantastic news as my Position falls under this category!!
