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Reservists in AFG (merged)

John Nayduk

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I‘m sure that by now everyone has heard of the mission to Afghanistan. I have seen a warning order a couple of weeks ago telling us that the reservists that are going to go will report to Petawawa by the beginning of May. Being that this is the middle of March, shouldn‘t we be hearing a little more about this tasking? Leave the reserves hanging like this isn‘t a good way to get the augmentation that is obviously needed.
Also something to think about is that many of the reservests signing up to afganastan are the reservests that WERE NOT picked to go to bosnia or even be on the ‘spares list‘ for bosnia.
This may not be the case for everyone but i think its a large majority.
I don’t think the “signing up” part is in motion yet. Like I said, all we got was a warning order.
We might get guys that didn’t bother to sign up for another tour in Bosnia but Afghanistan is a “sexy” new tour so there will be guys willing to go. With 6 weeks to go before they are to report to Petawawa, it would be nice to get a little information. Or is this a classic case of waiting to the last minute and declaring the reserves unreliable because they can’t drop everything and get 9 months off at the drop of a hat.
Sorry, a little rant there.
Every PRes unit in Canada was asked to provide a list of names of Pers that were AVAILABLE for any such ROTO to Afghanistan. At no point was this to be a search for people ready to go. It was what we like to call a "Staff Check"
I‘ve heard the guys going to afganastan will spend 8 to 10 weeks in the field out west and somehow they will write it off as their work up training. It‘ll be interesting to see the attrician (sp?) rate among the augmentees. (last week, 2 days into a 5 day field ex one female soldier from up north decided she didnt want to be there and ended up **cking off to ottawa to see some friends, very professional imho)

Waiting until 6 weeks prior or even less to get a hold of the reserves is plain typical stupid of the army. The roto13 guys for bosnia had 9 months notice before work up training started. i agree with Another Recce Guy 100%. When people can‘t quit their job or school on a weeks notice people will turn and condem the reserves for not being able to augment the reg force.
I thought the Afghanistan tour wasn‘t leaving until the end of the summer, if the troops are reporting to Petawawa at the beginning of May and the training is only 8-10 weeks, that puts them being done their build-up training at the end of June or middle of July. Am I wrong about the estimated departure date?
I also heard it was supposed to be made up of 20% reservists, but that again is just a rumour.
The 8-10 weeks is a field excersise out west. They would probably come back to pet after that for the remainder of the time.
I would hazard a guess that the "field ex out west" is the newly commenced Brigade Training Event (BTE) which will take place at the new CMTC in WATC. One Bde per year will be run through it, with 2 CMBG being the lucky first. They are due sometime in the Apr/May timeframe, if my memory serves.

What you are witnessing is why it is so difficult to involve reservists in a Roto "0" yet also so easy to include them in Roto "1x". The TO&E for a Roto 0 will continue to evolve up until the day the last Chalk departs Canada...well...actually long past that as well but until the TO&E is at the 80% solution, nobody is going to issue any tasks for augmentation simply because it might end up the augmentation is not required. After the first couple of Rotos things settle in and the TO&E pretty much gets cut and pasted from the previous Roto. Zoomie was right, what happened was a staff check very early in the game and should not give rise to any false hopes.

It‘s a trade-off but the Army understands the sacrifices the Militia pers make to go on tour and the consequences of dropping said Militia pers from the tour at the last minute. This is why when Op Palladium Rotos are mounted the directive, at least in LFWA, is that if a Militia member passes all of the training and has the appropriate quals, they will have manning precedence over a Reg Force member. This happened in a big, big way for Roto 11. Reg Force member is dropped from the tour, s/he carries on with what they would normally do and is available for other tasks which arise. Militia pers is dropped, they have blown a year of school, don‘t have a job to go home to for 6 months, probably has spent a gazzilion dollars on gucchi kti and is quite possibly scared to attempt another tour in case they get dropped again with no compensation. Additionally, the Reg Force member dropped generally enters the replacement pool for the Op yet the Militia member is under no obligation to do so and won‘t be given a contract "just in case". Because of this a tasking brick will only go out to them when the TO&E is solid enough to make this possibility worth the risk.

So I suppose the conundrum faced is which you would prefer; ample notice with the very real possibility of being dropped from the tour (ask around about the number of pers who were on the bus, off the bus multiple times for Apollo) or shorter notice with a greater chance of going. I would hazard a guess and say it‘s 50/50 either way and would depend on how badly it was you wanted in on a Roto 0 vice a Roto 15.
Okay, we were briefed last parade night by our Coy Commander about the Afghanistan situation and how it applies to us reservists. Basically:

* They are only taking 50 P.Res pers. from across Canada on Roto 0, 12-14 of which will be from 31 Brigade

* The minimum qualification is a QL4 Drivers, additional languages will also help.

* Those who are seleced from 31 Brigade will leave on May 1st for Meaford for work-up training.

* Op Athena will be an Article 6 mission.

So that‘s what I know so far.
This discussion may be redundant, as it appears our illustrious government is trying to covertly reneg on their commitment to this mission.
National Post - April 4, 2003

Bulls**t like this makes me embarrassed to be Canadian. What a bunch of a**holes we have running our country.
National Post reports 3000 men for the two tours, so logically speaking, it‘s a 1500men split b/w the tours.

If only 50 reservists are going, then that leaves 1450 reg force guys to fill in the spots.

Then there is this pool of willing reservists who‘d like to go.

This is gay.
I’ve heard the 1,500 X 2 =3,000 as well. It’s my understanding that there will be about 25 reservists from each brigade going. Of course, the guys who are really in the know aren’t saying anything. Who could blame them because as soon as they said something, the government would change thing and these guys would look stupid. This doesn’t help the guys who will end up going though.
I've heard rumours lately that more reservists will be used in Afghan rotos. Since Bosnia is being shut down the only place where Mo-men can get proper experience is now Afghanistan...

Anyone have any details on this..?
More Reserves will not be used in Afghanistan unless the force levels increase. Reserves already have operational jobs that preclude Regular force participation such as CIMIC.
Not saying that is not true but the OC of our regiment was talking to me and said there is a good chance reservists are going.
It's come down through the lines that the Feb 06 Roto to Afghanistan will have a sizable reserve contingent. Nothing official yet and little details are available right now; but more to follow. I heard this from our RSM so there is likely some substance to these rumours.

Edited to remove name.
MikeL said:
Theres been Reserve Combat Engineers in Afghanistan.

I believe the reason for this is that we're less common than R031s.  From what I heard from my sect cdr was that there's a shortage of engrs in the reg force so they call more heavily on the reserves than infanteers do because of our fewer numbers.
D&S platoon for the ISAF support base is all reserve cbt arms types on this roto.