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Reservist probed for 'racist activity' as police prepare for white pride rally

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Sorry Recceguy
recceguy said:
Because they followed all the proper procedures. They took petitions, they canvassed their MPs and MPPs, they crossed the T's and dotted the I's. they got support of Parliment and got it passed.

It's a ******* done deal!

Want a White History Month? Do the same damn thing. Just shut up and do it.

Is that about clear enough for you?

But it's more than just crossing /dotting i's and t's and it's a month that involves the United States as well.
The NCAAP had a purpose when they formed that is to educate and see to the better treatment of the African American dependents of slavery. Anyone that has read The Book Of Nergo's would understand why a month is required.
Imagine slave ships the loss of identity/ family etc it's something we will continue to teach if not as a reminder but as a lesson to the world.

It's for man's greed and need and quest for more power that can shatter lives. Use Hitler as an example if better understood.

The Caribbean is made up of people of all ethnics. They enjoy a good time and the celebration is not much different than that of New Orleans ( Do they still have a White king and queen and a Black king and queen?) but is unsegregated.  As far as I know any culture that lives in the Caribbean has the right to celebrate their own uniqueness. 

Granted since in Canada there are parts where culturally diversity it is should be understood you wont find these events that can be understood.
I attended the parade this year every kind of person could be found there So here is WHAT!
Why don't we just say A bunch of guys decided to give them a permit so they could see half naked chicks dancing and join in... 8) duh..wait there is also the CHIN picnic no objections.  :D

Black Pride= Is how a person of colour that is being suppressed for some reason or another restores confidence in their own abilities =Black Power..please sup in any ethnicity if you will

There are jesters that are used to symbolize this but they were used during a time when guns, ropes,chains and hoses were turned on peaceful people.

I didn't see hoses being turned on for the Ayrans. :-X

Black Panther and other groups= Empowering ones self because of injustices hence the term  By Any Means Necessary and they hold views that are seen as radical in nature but these views are usually shared by others that feel that they too have had some injustices done unto them.
These injustices are viewed as being so great some are willing to find a way to keep pushing the issue. By Any Mean Necessary or close to it (radical speakers etc).

Ahh to be 13 again  um NOT  :boring:

*Fist in the air* Fight the good fight my Brothers and Sisters  :cdn: Right on :cdn:  If you have a problem with that statement then your seriously twisted  ;)
Black Betty said:
*Fist in the air* Fight the good fight my Brothers and Sisters  :cdn: Right on :cdn:  If you have a problem with that statement then you're seriously twisted  ;)
I guess I'm seriuosly twisted then.  (PS: I fixed your grammatical error for you)
Black Betty said:
Black Panther and other groups= Empowering ones self because of injustices hence the term  By Any Means Necessary and they hold views that are seen as radical in nature but these views are usually shared by others that feel that they too have had some injustices done unto them.
These injustices are viewed as being so great some are willing to find a way to keep pushing the issue. By Any Mean Necessary or close to it (radical speakers etc).

*Fist in the air* Fight the good fight my Brothers and Sisters  :cdn: Right on :cdn:  If you have a problem with that statement then your seriously twisted  ;)

What do you mean by "any means necessary"? Are you advocating terrorism?
BB - then tell me what the difference is between the White Pride orgs and BPs?  Both feel they've been wronged at some point.

That's why race-based organizations (as opposed to culturally-based which, by their nature, work to educate others and are more inclusive than race-based) don't work.

So, to try and put the focus back on the Calgary event and maybe add a bit of levity, if the White Pride people that showed up are all about, well, white pride, why were they all wearing black?

Discuss.  ;D
Because bloodstains are easier to conceal on black clothing, and white shirts simply don't go well with a shiner and a fat lip? :argument:

Black Betty said:
*Fist in the air* Fight the good fight my Brothers and Sisters  :cdn: Right on :cdn:  If you have a problem with that statement then your seriously twisted  ;)

Great attitude to have for someone that's applying to be in the CF.  ::)
Strike said:
48 - You completely argued my point, which is that we celebrate our culture.  Those examples are ones that are historically "white."  Which goes to my belief that we don't need a "White Pride" parade because "white" is not a culture, it's a race.

Silly, silly man.  ;)


Explain to me how I argued your point.


Stephen Carter, a U.S. lawyer and author, posits in his book Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby, "The new grammar of race is constructed in a way that George Orwell would have appreciated, because its rules make some ideas impossible to express—unless, of course, one wants to be called a racist."

At the risk of such a label, I will point out the emperor's obvious lack of clothing:
Black Betty
We Are All Created Equal
Until You Join The CF

By Any Means Necessary
*Fist in the air* Fight the good fight my Brothers and Sisters 
Of all the posters contributing to this thread, you Black Betty, are the one closest to any definition of racist.

Your fixation on seeing everything through the distorting lens of race, with:
- your stated self-entitlement to special ceremonies, excluding those outside your view of 'having been oppressed for hundreds of years';
- your ill-informed belief that joining the CF will somehow diminish your "equality";
- your support of a "fight" utilizing any radical means to impose your view over those of peaceful society.

Such beliefs are not in keeping with acceptable Canadian or CF standards.

Edit: typo.
Journeyman said:
Stephen Carter, a U.S. lawyer and author, posits in his book Reflections of an Affirmative Action Baby, "The new grammar of race is constructed in a way that George Orwell would have appreciated, because its rules make some ideas impossible to express—unless, of course, one wants to be called a racist."

At the risk of such a label, I will point out the emperor's obvious lack of clothing:Of all the posters contributing to this thread, you Black Betty, are the one closest to any definition of racist.

Your fixation on seeing everything through the distorting lens of race, with:
- your stated self-entitlement to special ceremonies, excluding those outside your view of 'having been oppressed for hundreds of years';
- your ill-informed belief that joining the CF will somehow diminish your "equality";
- your support of a "fight" utilizing any radical means to impose your view over those of peaceful society.

Such beliefs are not in keeping with acceptable Canadian of CF standards.

And I concur. If you think BB that the CF is a means for you to effect change, or express your somewhat skewed view of things, think again.
Racist...hahaha a bit of a B with an Itch but No I am NOT racist
My friend I am way to grown up way too much to be called a racist. I have white friends  ;)
see twisted... :camo:

Jim Seggie said:
What do you mean by "any means necessary"? Are you advocating terrorism?
By Any Means Necessary was a statement used by Malcolm X during the Civil Rights Movement. He basically  said if a person is confronted with battons, and guns and they feel their life is in danger. Then they should have the right to fight back with weapons as well.

No I am not advocating terrorism just quoting historical events.

And I concur. If you think BB that the CF is a means for you to effect change, or express your somewhat skewed view of things, think again.
I've read enough to know that everyone in the CF has their own problems. Life has it problems as for exacting change what is there one.  ???

our fixation on seeing everything through the distorting lens of race, with:
- your stated self-entitlement to special ceremonies, excluding those outside your view of 'having been oppressed for hundreds of years';

You lost me here since I know of lots of cultural events that celebrate their culture outside of Caribbean culture. and NO people of colour were not the only ones to face oppression in this world. Our civilization continues to find ways to oppress one group over another throughout the world.

- your ill-informed belief that joining the CF will somehow diminish your "equality";

Then you join the CF and individual becomes one with a group. Never finished ;)
As Malcolm X once said "A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own selfhood, it can never fulfill itself."
Humanity is not perfect. We strive for perfection.

your support of a "fight" utilizing any radical means to impose your view over those of peaceful society.

Thank the Lord for Black History month, PBS and the Canadian Forces for providing educational materials on the subject. I know why to much on this topic to be considered radical. Way to self aware to advocate for violence as a means to an ends.

History speaks for itself  I am only here to teach folks that do not seem to understand.
However, that does not mean that I have not been left at times or felt as though I was being excluded/singled out because of the colour of my skin. I have a heightened awareness regarding some things.

I have not attended any rally's of any kind in which one group is the main focus.

I educated myself from childhood about my culture because it was not taught in school. Although it has been mostly American History.

When Afro-centric schools were introduced at first I advocated. I saw the good in having children taught about their culture and giving them a sense of belonging when some could/may feel ostracized.
Then after learning why "segregation" was possible I changed my mind.

BB - then tell me what the difference is between the White Pride orgs and BPs?  Both feel they've been wronged at some point.

Not much really  ::) I guess both feel systematically suppressed, excluded and/or both. Black Panthers the organization itself almost really does not exist. Most people do not see from their point any longer. Since hoses are not being turned on people during peaceful protest, crosses are not burned outside of homes etc...

I was a child of the 70's with parents of the 60's. I have helped do my part in bringing Black education to schools around the country.

I love this country I was born here I know no other home.  :cdn:

Right On http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh9tU8O1LfY
E.R. Campbell said:
Please, please, please do not try to interchange or even interconnect race with culture. They are quite different.

There is no “white” culture; nor is there a “black” culture. Cultures are, broadly, tied to time and space and language. Thus, the Roman culture, which did exist, is not the same as the modern Italian culture, which is also sufficiently distinct from, say, the neighbouring Slovenian (Balkan), French or Austrian (German) cultures as to stand on its own as a distinct culture. Equally, there is no African culture, per se: too many tribes, too many languages; too little written language; too many barriers to contact and so on.

Some cultures, that part of the Sinic culture we call Confucianism, for example, cross linguistic boundaries, but most do not.

In my (fairly long and varied (I’ve lived and worked in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia)) experience there is nothing in race (skin colour, eye shape, etc) to make anyone special: there are, proportionately, just as many black geniuses as white, just as many Japanese charlatans as English ones and just as many entrepreneurial Fijians as Americans.

But, culture is wholly and completely different. Some cultures are very 'advanced,' (and yes, I know that's a very subjective judgement but it is my considered judgement and I am prepared to defend it in reasoned debate) others, for a whole host of reasons, are ‘retarded’ – delayed in their development, perhaps unable to develop in the 21st century. We are all prisoners of our cultures – weak or strong – but not of our skin colour or eye shape.

So, please: culture matters; race does not.

Just going to add, that those of us who wear the uniform are part of an entirely different culture within Canada.  We, in the CF (and I would guess other world militaries) will tend to be much more collectivist in approach then our civilian counter-parts (whereas civilians in Canada would be far more individualist).
the 48th regulator said:

Explain to me how I argued your point.



Sorry for the delay.  I was out most of the day.

All of my examples were to say that, although those celebrations tend to be "white" heavy in participation (mostly due to where they originated), they are meant to celebrate culture, NOT race.  After all, the unofficial motto of St Patty's Day is, "Everyone is Irish today!" with no caveat saying that this only includes Caucasians.
Just checking in to see if the thread has progressed.

Nope. It's still ridiculous. ::)
Strike said:
After all, the unofficial motto of St Patty's Day is, "Everyone is Irish today!" with no caveat saying that this only includes Caucasians.

And, sadly, it is celebrated mostly by those who seem to think that being (or liable to be) arrested for public intoxication somehow celebrates their "Irishness."
Strike said:
Sorry for the delay.  I was out most of the day.

All of my examples were to say that, although those celebrations tend to be "white" heavy in participation (mostly due to where they originated), they are meant to celebrate culture, NOT race.  After all, the unofficial motto of St Patty's Day is, "Everyone is Irish today!" with no caveat saying that this only includes Caucasians.

Roger that,

My bad.  I shall step away from this thread.


the 48th regulator said:
Roger that,

My bad.  I shall step away from this thread.



The trick to reading my posts is to do so in a tone that is slightly exasperated and tired.  Easier to understand my thinking that way.  ;)
Strike said:
The trick to reading my posts is to do so in a tone that is slightly exasperated and tired.  Easier to understand my thinking that way.  ;)

I tell you though, You had me shaking my fist at my computer screen.  Shaking I tell you!



Black Betty said:
I am only here to teach folks that do not seem to understand.

I didn't respond to you the first times you posted because I can't understand half the things you are typing, and believe me that is not because I can't read. I could tell, somewhat, that you were not trying to advocate racism, but the way your words are jumbled together I've had to read the same stuff 3 or 4 times to decide that probably wasn't what you meant. But these "mightier than thou" statements have irritated me enough already.

I don't need you to teach me SFA about what I don't understand, and that you think your going to come in here with your "heightened awareness" and set us all straight is rather arrogant.

And the fact that you can't see that there's no difference in a white pride parade and black pride parade suggests you can't see through anything but tinted lenses.

We can all learn from one another, through debate and analysis, but no one is going to be "taught" anything. No one here is so uneducated, unexperienced, and narrow-scoped that they don't have a valid point of observation from their own chair.
To be fair BB- I find your posts disjointed and meandering. I know there is a point in them somewhere but it requires a Rosetta Stone to find it.
Container said:
To be fair BB- I find your posts disjointed and meandering. I know there is a point in them somewhere but it requires a Rosetta Stone to find it.

Agree. I'm outta here, the mods sould just slay this thread and be done with it :bla-bla:
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