I come back to this thread every so often, but of late it seems things are just as worse as ever.
"Up to 7 years"
"Loan sharking rates"
"making double payments" "I may just have to close my account so they can't take anymore money from me".
Is our government really treating Reservists this pitifully?
I wonder if there's even a point to my question that I had (why I came online here tonight)

. It's such a scam this whole Pension. It seems the intention was so great, but as the review indicates, there was some gross underestimation of what would be involved to crystallize this

. So sad.
On to my question:
I tried searching, but the keyword search engine in this old database is quite lacking, so it failed.
My question is. How detrimental is a break in service? Two types of breaks (to make it interesting).
I don't know if I should have started a new thread, but this does deal with the pension so I opted to put it in here.
A) Reservist, works 5yrs full-time, is now eligible to top up to a reg force pension (in principle of course, I am nowhere near knowing exactly how much loan-sharked interest I owe, NOR what my actual buy-back is). All I know is that I'm past 5yrs, and am eligible to top-up. So you're past the 5yr mark, then you have a break, grow your beard out, have fun ED&T-it-up., then start working again (or CT). What's the negative outcome? Do you just lose all that build-up & upon return are back to reserve payment levels, and done deal? Seemingly, not such a big deal right? You miss out on a couple months worth of top-up difference in payments, which you can make up quickly. Seems easy enough.
B) Reservist, releases entirely. Reapplies thru recruiting centre. Worst case scenario (1yr out of the system? Optimistically 3-5months) What would this mean in terms of ones Terms for Offer, Maintenance of Seniority in Rank-but mainly for ones Pension? If you're wondering why the scenario (a tangent). Twofold
i_come to find out Reserve CTs are no longer entitled to any HHT benefits/Movement of f&e, NADDA. Apparently it's on the grievance board, and already shot down. So, the Military wants to reward fresh recruits MORE, than their own Reservists who are now ready to make the leap and go Regs??? But instead screw them (yet again) out of some benefits?
ii_how poorly the experience with D Mil C is, I'm wondering if a CFRC would be better. At least then, you know you can walk down and talk to someone in person if need be. Given a contact person for when a simple question needs answering, or whatnot. Assuming said mbr has 5yrs Pensionable time (same for qualifying yrs and pensionable...Although, admittedly-I always forget what the difference is between the two anyway), what would it mean to release entirely and come back in?