I am holding back my temper right now. I called in yesterday. My file was received in March 2007. They are now processing files from March 2007 (other than releases etc). Good news you'd think - after 21 months, some progress.
Pension Services: "Oh, but you've transferred to the Public Service. So we've moved you to the Transfers pile. And your 'seniority' on that pile dates from when you moved to the Public Service - October '08. And we won't be getting to those files for another 12 months or so."
Me: "So, 12 months from now, the transfers people will send it to the buyback people, who will then send it back to the transfers people. So rather than keeping me in the buyback queue, letting me pay for it, then carry on with the transfer, you're imposing another delay because your processes don't make sense."
Pension Serivces: "It does look that way, yes."
So: I'm now being told that the wait will be 33+ months before I even know how much I owe or what benefits will accrue. (Not to mention that my leave entitlements in the Public Service are reduced becasue of their delays). No professional organization would operate in this way. Having tried to be polite and work through the system to no avail, I think it's about time for "Plan B".